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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    dammit, i stop following this thread for a couple of days and completley missed that preorder day was last night?! wtf. seems like tons of people got 1 or 2 of the armored valk. is tha tthe only one that went up for preorder? any of the other ones have preorder dates yet. i pretty much want this whole line. someone PM me next time lol
  2. color me excited! a fairly big name to boot. hopefully this gets off the ground. even if it doesn't turn out to be what we always wanted i think it will still be good and fun and over the top without the michael bay style designs bad.
  3. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    please lets hope there is no preorder madeness! i mean bandai makes TONS of popular stuff without preorder madness. let's hope this is one of them. i relaly feel like i "need" everything in this line.
  4. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    when that comes out i can FINALLY do a hikaru vs. kamjin scene/shot. i think that was one of the coolest "duels" in sdfm. right up there with breetai vs. the vermillion....which reminds me...when we gonnna get some 1/100 zentrans?
  5. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    god i need that glaug. personally i wish someone would d a 1/60 one (heck a well done vinyl will do!!), but this small size could be good for a mini diaroma as they have shown (well that is a full size one). i think i'm gonna jump "all in" on this line. the naked 1j posted above (think i saw it on cybergundam too?) looks as if its leg assembly isn't full tabbed in. the nosecone as per usual (other than yamarcadia v2) is too low as well. still...if bandai is doign to give us a nice line with enemy mecha...i'm happy.
  6. lol that is kinda infuriating and hilarious at the same time. i cannot understand why they aren't doing the grey goggles for the life of me. it just looks WRONG fo the gbp 1j to not have it. i'm happy i have the original grey google gbp bundle but still annoyed they are going to make me modify it. not that yamato hasn't had its share of coloring adn deco debacles but so far yamato >> arcadia.
  7. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    agree, its not like the old hi metal was bad but that new fighter is just....nice. the panel lines are deeper, scuplting is way more sharp.
  8. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    gotta say i like this a lot. i think i will pick it up. yamato's gbp is one of my fav all time toys. bandai's proportions are off in some areas i think but still looks very good and is possibly more dynamic and seems to be easier to handle an dmore toyetic (total guess on that last part). The odd oversized head (which to be fair does mimc certain scenes) which on a naked valk looks too big, looks great onthe gbp. all for under $100usd before shipping? sign me up. may have to get doubles. i really hope they don't mess up the regults in this line and also hope they will doa glaug down the line...yamato/arcadia is still my favorite line of toys but bandai has my attention with these little guys. oh and BIG points for grey visor and removable missiles.
  9. btw hlj and hobbysearch have the 1/48 x-wing moving edition in stock. go go go
  10. unless my memory is broken G1 arcee in the movie/cartoons did have wheels and tires...
  11. while i somewhat agree, there is no excuse for charging nearly $180 for VF-1 reissues (no fast packs) where they've more than made the money back years ago. Where Yamato went wrong is they thought people loved M7 enough to pay $300 MSRP for a valk without being "built to order". Those larger M7 valks were the ones always on DEEP discount. Granted the less popular color schemes of the VF-1 did too (poor kakizaki gets not love) but by that point the money was already made on that mold. There is a reason takara tomy can release mp-10 in every color of the rainbow and sell out every run...its a popular character and design. Yamato clearly behaved liked they could do the same with any valk when its basically only true for the VF-1 (and arguably the vf-0 and yf-19 and its no coincidence these were the ones arcadia worked on). so in conclusion, low demand valks should be high priced and built to order. high demand valks should be priced competitively and reissued and released every so often as a cash cow.
  12. even though i'm not sure about this release i will be quite annoyed if they don't get decent elbow articulation and a bicep swivel in there. yamato's double jointed elbow should be standard by now especially at this pricing level
  13. have kinda always wanted this in toy form. built the model kit as a teen. this thing doesn't have the giant strike pack though. for the price...it really should include it. also this looks a touch simpler, less refined and less involved than yamato and arcadias valks. not sure how popular Macross II is but to justify the price i am assuming it is popular somehow.
  14. you said that it feels like bandai made it. does it basically feel like a dx chogokin valkyrie except...its an orguss?
  15. thanks! looks good. scale and style is a little off but it still works.
  16. god i kinda hate that i want that hikaru/rick figure with and without helmet. wonder how he scales (too big?) with the chibi minmay i have (she is in a dyrl costume but still would be nice)
  17. it looks like the armarauders thing mixed with a tomcat....kinda don't like the look at all. gerwalks need bird legs IMO.
  18. about mp-01. i will never ever ever forget it. its been basically a decade since it came out and it truly stands out at as a landmark piece. i still have my mp-04 (though the trailer is kinda messed up) and while its not displayed right now its still awesome. mp-01 speaks to a time when the true "collector's market" for 80s robots was still relatively small and untested. while i admit it was the binaltechs that whet my appetite, i can pretty much credit mp-01 and of course the 1/48 vF-1s with rekindling my love of transforming robots. i'm sure it did the same for lots on here. FWIW, i have an mp-01L MISB and despite what i could probably get for him, i'm keeping him.
  19. i think mp collectors who won't get apollyon fall into a few categories 1. the official or GTFO crowd 2. kfc/xtb haters (somewhat justified i suppose) 3. those still clinging to the old mp-01 scale and mp-05 4. those that don't like megatron 5. super nit picky collectors (omg sink marks on chest!! etc) i can't see a reason to NOT get him especially at his price point assuming that bicep swivel issue is fixed (which it appears to be as tcracker has shown in his sample...btw congrats tcracker, who posts here btw, for getting an early copy for review!). he comes with a bunch of goodies too. i have one on order and may preorder another one or two.
  20. heh..that orguss style armor on a vf-1a would be cool. haha. i need to stop coming in this thread though. its looking so tempting. dollar is weakening slightly now too making the price...less attractive even. gah.
  21. bbts will not be $20 for shipping, plus already have POL going with them susually for one thing or another. the average cost per item to ship something from them for me (with my POLs) is about $4-5 at most. that being said, i've also preordered at a place that offers free shipping (bbts is basically my "reliable" backup) and isn't known for causing people to sign up for credit monitoring... TFS is truly a last resort for me due to their history (multiple instances) of issues with people CC and personal info
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