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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. that has to be the most exciting thing for g1 fans ever in terms of video games. if this is xbone only i may have to get one...or if its 360 i'll have to dust tha toff and find a new power adapter. lol
  2. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    i've used them before and been to there shop in nyc before too. they are overpriced but at least they are friendly. no way i'm paying $120 for an $80 msrp toy though this time around. i will gamble that there will be some at release.
  3. the arcadia is bottom for first right for last? 2nd is obviously opposte of first since thats what yo usaid. by answering this i am disagreeing with my previous stance....i don't notnice arcadia "pink" in person....in natural light (which is what this is?) was i right?
  4. i'm pretty sure natural lighting will show it white. then again, even the previous "pink" valks look fine is all but CFL lighting.
  5. so i'm way out of the loop...is CW devy already out or are these pictures coming from insiders etc? or is he out in china? i also saw an sdcc special version (chromed purple drum was one of the differences while on my phone the other day) which i'm not interested in but is this one of those metroplex deals where the sdcc one comes out first and then th emass release?
  6. whats that green rasengan looking thing? lol
  7. let's hope they reissue super/stirke parts and a super ostrich too. :-P
  8. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    i want every toy in this line but i will be lucky if i can even get a preorder in for any of them. :-( i guess there is always ebay on release if NY doesn't get anymore in.
  9. my first transformer wasn't marketed as one...it was a "diakron" (diaclone) lp500s supretuning. it wans't until i watcehd the cartoon a yaer or two later that i realized he was a red sunstreaker. the first TF branded TF i had was a g1 starscream.
  10. god this things costs a lot. i was actually thinkint it'd be around $225 not $300+. still i'm in on the rest of the SHF avengers so i'm getting it. so is this an exclusive or will it be availble fo wide preorder on 5/29? and by wide i mean harder to get lol. should i just go with NY to be safe?
  11. wonder if its bigger or smaller than the sentinel one....which was good but small and light.
  12. this thing is just looking better and better. kinda wonder if i should keep my old unknown soldier vf-0a. Would it be a nice contrast as the "canon fodder" variant vs. Shin's "custom" 0A or will they look too different together. i've already decide te old 0S is getting replaced though...i'll probably have that up in the sales thread as soon as i get around to finding the darn instructions for it. lol
  13. thats a lot of blue for shin's valk. they seem to be interpreting the darker greys as blues. i like the painted proto scheme people are preordering based off of more than the current one. from mmm
  14. i love and hate them. love them for the all glass look and protection. hate that they are space inefficient for out types of collections. i want W I D E cabinets. you can display so much more that way (and no i don't like the dual detolf mod as the metal bars in the middle annoy the every living heck out of me).
  15. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    wait...this is sdfm max never had a Queadluun in that...only dyrl ....if i'm recalling correctly. We need a TV Q, not the dyrl one! the frontier robot spirits q-rau is close enough for the dyrl one. :-P
  16. this thing simply looks awesome IMO
  17. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    doesnt work for me.
  18. dang it looks good...but dat price. is it me or is it even higher than the 0d? cmon preorder discounts...please be more substantial! should i just skip and wait for the 0S? also who knows if this will be close the final colors, the 0D's first colored photos were not even close. i guess at this point i'm a fan of the valks more than the anime (for zero) so as long as it looks great i want it. hmm 20% discount. looks like it will be about $300 usd with shipping. wonder how much hlj's will be.
  19. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    missed again....gah.
  20. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    dammit..totally forgot it was already the 7th last night in japan. why is it so hard to give bandai money for things i want.
  21. i like the small box as well and it does hav a permium feel to it anyway...the shiny lettering etc. i was surprised but pleased. i only wish the vader figure was as much bigger than the trooper as the box was to the trooper's box.
  22. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    i hope they are all web exclusives so we could actually order them easily. lol yup its been posted. i wish somoene would do a background like that (deep space with explosions etc) in the format of toystages/toyhax.com. aka for detolf shelves.
  23. yup...double jointed elbow always helps a lot! also the legs look very yamato v1 vf-1. its like they didn't even try to match the look of the vf-2's legs. hoping they improve a lot before release.
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