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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    appears to be high metal vs. toynami 1/100 vinyl battle pods. they were at one pont on crazy sale at bbts ($9!!). i sold my dyrl ones off but still have at least one SDFM colored one (pods).
  2. nice...there is just somethign about g1 toys. i love em but won't collect them...i just have a few reissues. i might pick that p though. hmmm
  3. hi metal glaug would be sweet. cmon bandai!
  4. oops...totally let my nippon yasan order expire (got cancelled becasue forgot to pay). what are the chances this will be available on release? its not a hero valk so pretty good right? FWIW i would totally trade my MISB isamu yf-29 for this one.
  5. minmay is out of scale but probably the 2nd best sculpt after roy. i guess you could say she is wearing heels? still though. even though i'd get these i wish we could have better.
  6. looks like they are 4". given the size the articulation doesn't look bad. SHF and figma are 6" scale though, so it will not scale with those. closest line it scales with would be the new mini revoltechs...think those are 4" scale. if they were going small they should have just went 3.75" though to be honest (like classic 80's action figures and some modern stuff too) being that there are no other ones out there i'll get these if the price is not ridiculous. i do wish bandai or figma would give us 6" figures with decent sculpts though. these sculpts definitely look a bit reinterpreted. also i notice misa (lisa hayes) gets shafted again. how does the third corner of a love triangle semi central to the theme not get represented?
  7. i like the omnigonix version more...if only we had someone on this board that knew more about it!!! lol. a new estimate release date even?
  8. if those releaes i soooooo need them. i don't care if its toynami!
  9. of course it would because its not in the same market space....AT ALL. hastak devy is bing marketed towards kids....likley kids of original g1 fans. the parents buy it for the kids and also themselbes...or maybe just for themselves because hey...it actually does look like the devastator we grew up watching on tv. Also $140 is really easy to swallow compared to $500 especially when its a ton larger. yes, each individual bot could have been better and combind mode has several issues too but again $140 for an 18" devastator. also those voyager limbs while simple...seem larger than omst voayagers...almost in the old ultra class size so the price seems to make sense. i have herc with upgrades and my freind has giant...neither is closer to my mental image of devastator than this...and each is much much smaller...heck hastak's is DOUBLE the height of MT's giant.
  10. i like omni's design overall better, proportions etc. the only thing that BC did better was the size windows and the smaller roof chest. i have a feeling it is a false roof chest though fi that drawing is accurate.
  11. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    yay! cdj!!! finally madness attempt success!
  12. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    dammit 503 error!
  13. hmm, i wonder how mine are doing. i picked THIS release to "army build" back when it came out. I have 3. 2 have never left fighter mode. One was put in battroi mode with armor packs as ell and then transformed back to fighter. 2 remain on display in fighter mode. i wonder if they have spontaneously cracked without me noticing. i will take em out and check at some point. IF not, am i the luckiest CF owner?
  14. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    oh yeah...so 4PM there is 3AM EST apparently. hehe.
  15. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    so does this mean tuesday late night for us? what time does it usually happen? like 3AM or so (EST) or 3PM Japan time (7/1)?
  16. i wish bandai or arcadia would do some of those paint schemes. my wallet is screaming no but my heart says...cmon bandai/arcadia!
  17. there is no better solution out there yet, and its visuually very minimal. i also don't understand "gappy battroid"....in comparison to what?
  18. just a correction the M&M valks had no shoulder issues. see jenius/ anymoon's list http://anymoon.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Arcadia-VF-1J-30th-12.jpg
  19. i do think the mold could benefit from some diecast and chrome bits not i have no need for a chromed everywhere valk. i could see maybe diecast feet covered in black chrome. maybe going to metal for some of the "hardware" like the famous shoulders that love to crack on the older releases. maybe black chrome the antennae or some other bits ...i dunno maybe a special version or something.
  20. still liking this and mine is preparing to ship at ny but man the sheryl art they chose should have been better.
  21. someone tell mr. k. " no, just no" i bet it'd sell well for macross collectors in like the UAE (isn't that where fully chromed cars is the crap?) though. get some super parts and or super strike parts out already! oh and some different colored gbp armors would be sweet.
  22. yeah the takara will be better but here is the thing. i got to think any upgrades the 3rd party world does will be colored for the mass release. FWIW i think the takara one looks better in combined mode too (for one thing the hands and mixmaster is more G1 as the foot), but I am unsure if 3P will bother to do takara colored upgrades. I also think the hasbro color is more accurate to the t/toonoy colors we had growing up....whiel takara's does its best to ape the 1986 movie appearnace in color. i just preordered at amazon too but i'll rethink if the takara one isn't too too much more.
  23. do you mean a new reissue or a brand new redesign? are secondary prices slumping or increasing?
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