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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. vf-1 for sure....i actually don't remember exactly how many i have but off the top of my head...let me count roy sdfm x 2 hikaru sdfm 1j hikaru sdfm 1j gbp x 2 hikaru sdfm 1d x 2 kakizaki sdfm max sdfm 1j super max sdfm 1a mirria sdfm 1j super commander type 1j cannon fodder sdfm cavaliers roy low viz roy dyrl strike arcadia dyrl roy arcadia dyrl hikaru hikaru dryl 1s strike max dyrl 1a kak dyrl 1a cannon fodder dyrl a few unassembled kits (4-5?) 1/48 roy dyrl stirke 1/48 1j stealth super/strike 1/48 mirria super 1/55 roy chunky monkey i guess i'll stop there with transformable ones only...32ish (its a lotfor me but not compared to some collections i see on here!!) with maybe some i've forgotten about? yet i need more to be released!! easily by a wide margin vf-1.
  2. i just read the article and i think its what i expected. basically, their costs are going up, but they insist on the best quality possible. people noticed that long paraphrased back and forth between him and the factory guys? it was mostly about how their standards for acceptance are very high. Also, we have to realize that being a japanese company, their designers are in japan and earn japanese salaries. the 3P TF comparison (they probably have roughly the same production volume) isn't totaly valid in terms of overhead costs (many are chinese designed and their salaries are lower), and overall quality (again notice the conversation). Also, i get the feeling the 3P engineers and designers are very much more trial/error on their for instance tolerance stacks etc becaus they can afford to have more iterations based on their proximity to the factory. arcadia, ikely have every sinigle thing spelled out on the print that will meet their calculations on what the tolerance stacks shoul dbe etc. Bandai likely does the same thing but the bandai comparison isn't totally fair either because of economies of scale and quality. look at any bandai valk and tell me the fit and finish is as good as arcadia....IMO they are not. arcadia aims for stuff that is difficult to achieve IMO (look at the cited scrap rates). look at the sharpness adn crispness of their lines. note the lack of passing blatant mistakes on like bandai's V1 VF-25 valkyrie's wings. sure yamato and arcadia have build wuality issues, but i don't think they are issues that would ahve been caught on a component or assembly level at the factory.
  3. thundercracker is a takara tomy mall exclusive...limited to 2000 or was it 4000 unites domestically in japan. sort of like a bandai tamashi nations exclusive...hlj etc wont' have it. nippon yasan may evetnaully stock (scalp it)....but asian retailers have the slightly wider asian/international release (and that is what the american retialers will get too IIFC...this is just like blue bluestreak)
  4. did you contact HLJ first? their CS is decent. I think they would have done something for you. are you sayint they stuck loose figures inside the box? i don't know, ti sounds odd. granted i hav had osme stuff arrive from them in not great ocndition box wise but its unusual.
  5. honestly, his face is pretty accurate IMO. luke just wasn't a very good looking guy at that stage in his life. lol. its a decent figure but i don't like what they di with the hip/thigh articulation. its very limited and seems unnatural when you pose it in certain ways. it is also too big to scale with the SHF Vader...the problem is vader is smaller than he should be if they are going for true 1/12 scale and Luke is too tall for 1/12 scale. comparing him with black series jedi luke...he looks TONS better and is oddly TALLER.
  6. its simply supply and demand. supply is low because macross is a niche market traditionally. frontier has brought it to a wider audience (and thus bigger production numbers i guess on the bandai dx chogokin line), but its still niche. also people tend to hold on to what they think the "best" version of a macross valk is. simply people don't let them go which makes secondary market supply low (especially outside japan). demand is high because well macross fans are voracious partly I guess because we have to try so hard to be a fan and follow the series and get the toys. partly the low supply makes the items even more desireable. lastly most of the stuff we like on here is at least mid level to mid high level for toy collectors. There are no $30 valks...well there are but those are relegated to a "lesser" shelf of toys. lol.
  7. i think its awesome. doesn't look as cool as the other SD voltron (the goraion unofficial one that toynami made official eventually) but it transforms and is somewhat posable.
  8. they were going for glossy...didn't get it "wrong". i think they were doing everything they could to make a modern "chunky monkey" in terms of evoking a toy like feel yet being a collectible. those coming from a toy background usually like glossy....those coming from modeling background probably like matte. i'm actually ok with either though matte does seem to evoke more collector friendly stuff whereas glossy evokes the toy oritented stuff. its a fine balance. i think wit the type of plastic bandai uses...it looks good glossy and toyetic.
  9. the takara release did not have paint on most of it either. just shiny grey plastic. my biggest criticism of the MP-11 is that shiny translucent plastic....still, its still the best g1 starscream around...coronation gear on the takara is nice too.
  10. holy crap, didn't know you had that many!! how many roy do i have? dyrl, tv x2, low viz, arcadia dyrl....now i feel like i need more!!
  11. on that last part...yup. its quite tricky to get it right. i once worked at a place that made medical devices where we had to tampo logos on them. that machine was tricky to get running just right. every setup took a long while and wasted several parts and we constantly had to check parts to make sure the tampo was still working right.
  12. the roy colors 19p is sweet. arcadia should totally do that.
  13. for those of you that don't know your bruce lee well enough.... figma's yelling face is this...after he kills someone after stomping on them with both feet and twisting. it recalls this expression perfectly. bandai attemps something vaguely like this also the calm faces ...figma went with resting. bandai went with when bruce is making the noises. i prefer a "normal" bruce....lastly....but that one is really a tie. but.... DAMN those joints be UGLY on the bandai. figma's has more believable musculature and less obnoxious seams.
  14. meh i think the figma one is better than the figuarts from early pictures...the figuarts one just looks angrier and the hair is wrong. joints are also way more obvious. sh figuarts Cap murders figma cap though
  15. i think we are all also giving this "small" toy company a little too much "slack" though....this is not a new company. thye've BEEN making toys. most are midrange toys and some are pretty worthwhile. i do think this is their most complex toy to date from a design standpoint.... in today's toy market you have no name brand new small companies from china able to transforming toys that rival (and some say surpass) takara tomy's masterpiece lines. i'm SURE with enough comittment to the project evolution toys...and experienced (somewhat) toy maker should not have THAT much difficulty putting together a good product...that being said i am wishing them good luck as it'd be nice to have mac 2 toys. i threw my hat into the ring...hlj preorder done.
  16. wow why did they omit Daedalus and Prometheus? weird move
  17. honestly i don' tthink the VF-11's ankles etc could take more weight. it barely holds poses as it is (unless i did osmething wrong all those years back)
  18. i would love if the YF-30 became the VF-30 cannon fodder valk and we get an all new hero valk...something completely different. all the frontier designs feel derivative not only n transformation but stylistically (not including the reused vf-17 to vf-171 update). i do agree that a good story is necessary. frontier kinda felt like SDFM light redux but not nearly as good. i want to see a slightly more grown up series sort of in the same vane as say....BSG with more serious themes etc. but also keep it feeling very macross. remember the tweens and teens that saw frontier are now late teens and early 20 somethings.
  19. skulls and kites have always been tampo'd so i assume they willl again. that being said, perhaps arcadia "learned" the wrong lesson from the 30th anniversary tenjin 1j fiasco. its not that we don't like tampo and that tampo doesn't "selll" its that that scheme was just ugly (all due respect to the designer and artist). maybe they will learn from the mainstream folks preferring the vf-19 advance from bandai to the arcadia yf-19.....granted i think that example has just a touch too many (and not well thought out mind you) tampo....i think that and the extras (booster packs) and the pricepoint makes it a decisive win with most fans (though i far prefer the sculpt of the arcadia...my only gripe is the panel lines are TOO fine) and i'm sure sales show as such. let's hope arcadia retunrs to a proper level of tampo (the latter yamato days). so far in my book...yamato>bandai>arcadia when it comes to my preference for the amount that is tampo'd.
  20. nope that is a hasbro asia sanctioned release of "takara" product. in fact anything that comes with the coin...dead give away that it is a hasbro asia thing that takara lets them do. takara dont' do the coins at all. in fact there has been no japanese domestic market release of a masterpiece skywarp in the mp-11 mold.
  21. the colors may look cool but its not and ozma/roy character. i bet NY overestimated the demand.
  22. its just gorgeous. coming from somoene who owns the previous version (and i think its decent), this is a nice sight to see.
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