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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. oooh...red stripes on antennae are back.. woot!
  2. can't say i ever liked hot rod's car mode? i thought it looked dumb when i was a kid and still do. the mp-09 and mp-29...both look "ok" to me since i think it looks dumb anyway. man i've a lot of pent up hate for that character. lol. i am definitly buying one so i can have both autobots and decepticons torture him. lol. man...should i get 2 shockwaves? i'm hesitating because what if they release a toy deco (maybe via hasbro?) later? hmmm.... also anyone see the new diabattles color? the bright one looks dorky and i never had it as a kid so easy to pass up...this one...loooks cool https://d2xngy2dw7hums.cloudfront.net/media/photos/products/2015/10/07/211859_30781474_thumbnail.jpg i also hope they will do a V2 of this guy
  3. hmmm..the stand backpack is a little too big but shocky is supposed to have a big packpack anyway so its not a stretch ...at least not a big one. the muzzle as backpack doesn't look right to me...for one...the color...secondly the shape. i thought QW's solution was fairly good tohugh it is partsforming unlike this apparently. still...purple partsformed backpack vs. grey perfect transformation....i thin kpurple wins for me. oh well. still love the mp line but not a fan of the current direction of the design aesthetics since magnus.
  4. so i'll probably get one of these if the price isn't too outrageous. dollar to yen remains strong so perhaps it will work out for me. if not...not biggie....there is no nostalgic connection for me and this design. its just a cool fighter. not even sure i'd transform it ever if i got it. the battroid isn't too much of a reward. haha
  5. as happy as i am about the vf-4 being reissued, i'm wondering if the fb2012 colors will be done and.....more importantly for me.... when are they going to reissue super and strike parts for the VF-1!?!
  6. on masterpiece shockwave....no one is going to comment on the backpack that has to parts form from that stand? yes the grey baackpack probably doesn't partsform (or it may?) but i don't have a problem with that. the bad part is the non integral stand (at least i hope the stand isn't integrated with the gun mode!!) is a slip on cover over the real backpack...because the rael backpack is the muzzle (which is too long). also the panels on the outer lower legs...dull grey plastic? cmon, that was solid metal on teh G1 toy and also on...quakewave. they could at least give us a nice brushed silver paint look (or shinier preferably). Those are my complaints so far. otherwise it looks good. they got the torso more right than FT (legs of course are more accurate but somehow...look off too in some ways?) but ist still too small compared ot animation model or G1 toy. anyway it'll be preorderd when it shows up on hlj or similar. wonder if a toy deco will come out eventually. i hda the g1 toy so that was my main reference...i always thought of the cartoon using the lighter colors so that it could be seen easier and no other reason. EDIT_...the g1 toy did not have metal panels where i mentioned..but metal thighs and toes...still....i wish for that feature. glossy grey or silver paint will do though!
  7. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    yeah phasma sold out quick. i was cart jacked at hobby search i think it was on her but got her on CDJ. FWIW this regult was not that hard to get if you were up for it....i literally could have ordered from all of the following: amiami (i bought 3 from here), hobby search (was available when checked, even added to cart to test but then removed), plus CDJapan. i literally could have had 9. anyway, had i not stopped after 3 to get phasma i'm sure would have had time to check at NY and others too. anyway, fear not those that missed it....the armored 1J which is way more popular and it popped up at release...also HLJ hasn't even put up their preorder allotment yet and they get more at release as well. check NY, and hlj around release time....thats how i got my armored 1j.
  8. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    Although i did preorder the strike vf-1s hikaru....i am hoping this will be a more SDFM line vs. only DYRL. the regult being the TV SDFM regult is a god sign. so is the glaug (though the glaug appeared i nboth). i've got no problem wiht the armored 1j having dyrl leaning tendencies even though i still think of it as the SDFM version. i really hope we get TV style Q-rau's too. can't wai tfor that glaug and some more valks and destroids...this line has so much potential. i'd never ditch my 1/60s but this is a nice little diversion.
  9. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    amiami site hangning up on me....load dmmit!!! went thru!!! booyah!!
  10. yeah to be fair takara's is not as swoopy as the g1 toy nor anime either. quakewave was trying to avoid the G1 toy skinny leg day missed syndrome but over compensated and also dropped some of the swoopyniess. a bigger problem for me was the torso was too narrow and not deep enough. still, on its own....pick up a quakewave and you can't tell me its not a great toy. from certain angles it still looks awesome....straight on in a static pose was never its strength.
  11. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    i think i could get down with 3 regults at that price maybe...but if they announce varaints i'll probablayu just get 1 or 2....
  12. lets hope they dont make a crappy V1 from teh delta's hero valk and then follow up ith a decent v2 less than 2 years later. get it right from the start bandai!!
  13. wait....whats the difference with teh one they released earlier this year? i'm not orguss expert (never seen the anime)...the one they released earlier thi syear was beautiful but i coudln't justify the price.
  14. i think i will buy hot rod just to have other transformers posed torturing or killing him for his idiocy and future emoness as rodiumus. lol
  15. i am proclaiming the age of quakewave to be over. while its yet to be seen which is the better toy in hand (i suspect quakey will still feel better), takara's accurate proportions (large bulbous torso, both wide and deep) and swoopy legs (though the feet themselves are way too thin IMO) and tampo'd cons signs will win the day. my quakewave's will be "clone" troopers in Shockwave's army in my own personal fiction lol. i do hope they go with a clearish chest ala the G1 toy and quakewave though. also i wonder if toon colors will be done or toy colors. also.....shackwave (radio shack version)...wonder if it willb e done....its not like a diaclone where it was a takara thing anyway.... hot rod looks way better than the silhouette. i might have to get him though i hate his character. i'm of the opposite opinion if it doesn't hinder the toy in any other way. the current direction with masterpiece TF though....it own't have lights or sound. i do think it'd be awesome if the eye was both painted and lit up....expeically if it flashed like when shockwave talks.
  16. please let it not be a yf-30. lets move away from the frontier/mac 30 aesthetic into something new!!!
  17. is it me or mp hotrod's proportions look really horrible? oh and he should be as tall as say ironhide or grapple ...the S3 bots were all tallish. i'd be ok if he was track's height though....then again if it looks as crappy as the silhouette i won't be getting it anyway.
  18. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    mon-wednesday are japanese ppublic holidays.... think so its gonna be a few days most likely. cdj just sent out a msg about being down mon-wed. of next week because of that.
  19. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    i'm glad i was up early this morning (well before 7 for me is early lol)! snagged an armored 1j at hlj. woot. i might get another cdj.
  20. depends. i'd say the vf-1 version 2.1 (new crotch mecahnism is much more handling friendly for beginners) are fairly immune to breaking from skilled handling. yes there are thin sections that can break but they are thin and pointy because they are supposed to be. :-) in contrast..mp-09 for instance...doesn't have 1 version released without major durability issues. then again quality and eurability are not the same thing. i do agree overall that takara and hasbro design their MP releases for more ham fisted handling. mp-09's issues (and mp-0's greenscream) with durability not withstanding. however if we go back to quality....mp lambor's paintjob, mp soundwave's initial release paint issues, spru mark on the face, mp-22's all too visible sprue marks on his arms etc....these types of issues aren't found in arcadia and yamato releases ....for the most part. having the leg come off on the vf-0a....i do think that is a design and or quality issue though...thankfully it can be relatively easily remedied it seems.
  21. the skull is iconic. they'd best not leave it off. must be tampo'd like every other roy valkyrie to date. no sticker BS.
  22. well yeah and its cool, i'd have paid double (they are all out of this design it seems not just optimus) but its just a curious choice is all.
  23. cool shirt. interesting they don't use the original box art from the US release in 1984... which is this http://tfwiki.net/mediawiki/images2/1/1e/G1_OptimusPrime_boxart.jpg they use the japanese optimus vs. megatron box set art. i actually think my reissue (got it in japan in 1987 i think?) uses this modified artwork too. i wish they'd use the original box art.
  24. that article linked there (xfrigid's post) is talking about the mold itself being 3D printed. call me...skeptical. that kind of mold won't last more than 10s of or maybe at most 100s of shots and certainly cannot achieve finished parts with the same kind of polish, finish, accuracy and detail traditional steel injection molds can. its good for prototypes and maybe some limited production (think 10-100) maybe with varying quality throughout the run (this is a nightmare when you actually have to assemble those pieces after they come out of molding!!), but then you need to print a new mold after that and who can guarantee results from that mold will be the same as the previous? 3D printing as well as 3D printing the actual molds like any technology has its advantages and drawbacks. the drawbacks to use that in this application (arcadia toys) far far far outweigh the benefits. as far as 3D printing actual product, yeah it can be done but it will lead to more expensive lower volume product such as limited volume stuff at festivals etc.
  25. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    i'd be lying if i said my interest was the same level as before but i still want this line to come to fruition...especially enemy mecha. i've got the strike 1S on order but I missed the armored 1J. Any of you with waning interest wanna sell your armored 1J Himetals to me once you get em? haha. i need some regults and glaugs and destroids in my life. cmon bandai!!!
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