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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. with all the announcements from bandai....i kind of wonder if arcadia has been tossed to the side by BW. then again there is no overlap. the closest there is is the vf-19 and yf-19 in similar scales. i really hope we get to see at least 2 or more companies doing macross perfect transformation valks...i mean i like bandai DX's but arcadia's stuff just seems more adult collector refined overall...so i'd hate to see that go away.
  2. after looking at the pictures....its a nice fighter mode (like most frontier valks had), but the battroid mode only looks good from straight on....where you can't see they just bend the wing area back 90 degrees just like the frontier valk era designs....i'm disappointed. its just a gussied up frontierM30 era valk IMO.
  3. so if this is variable, i'm gonna get it and its going to be the centerpiece of my display. the listing reported somewhere said "battroid" though so i'm....not going to get my hopes up yet. and no...as big as a vf-1 fan as i am i am not going to recollect dozens of valks in this size. also...please bandai stop using those crappy self loosening ball joints in your designs.. at 40cm size....that will suck doubly... kthnx bye
  4. man i take a couple days to do real life stuff and all these new things are announced....So, i'm not in love with the deco but super happy to see a new general shape/aesthetic to valks. even the vf-31 looks "frontier derivative" to me. bring this on..hopefully there will be canon fodder variants or something.
  5. rod's yf-29 coudl so be a decpticon....or maybe a "classics" updated cyclonus (wiht a new head and a little more purple it'd work).
  6. nice....now wonder what it'd look like with rebel alliance symbol replacing the un spacy kite
  7. proportions are way off in the storm attacker mode but this is the first transforming TV (SDFM) SDF-1 since the takatoku/matchbox one right? i wish they'd go ahead and make it big though...l/3000 lol. i do think that if this doesn't get yamat....i mean arcadia off its ass and do one....nothing will. anyway i'm paying attention now and will likey hop on if it isn't horrible.
  8. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    funny on the 1J they use the chunky monkey inspired chest stripe shape and on the 1S (both hikaru and focker) they are using the correct chest stripe shape. also call me crazy but i like the greyish color they are using too. looks kinda retro and i mean they are in deep space so its gona look darkish...also i'm always reminded of this artwork when i see darker than white slightly grey valks
  9. well the price is right especially if shops do the normal preorder discount. now i have to get around the fact that i don't lik eht battroid mode. lol. the fighter mode is so nice though.
  10. box art might be of the old proto shown, no? have they said it won't be tampo'd?
  11. virgin road is a 1-d....a 2 seater. so not just the head different with the 1j.
  12. i have a set of those...i think they are slightly too similar to the dyrl ones in color. just my opinion or eyes maybe.
  13. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    man these regults have slowly become the release i'm looking forward to most (that i currently have preordered anyway).
  14. hmmm, i'm pretty sure the vf-1 arcadia reissues (not the 1j clown deco one) sold out fairly quickly. they are going for quite premium in the after market it seems too. i am regretting selling my fast pack sets though as i thought arcadia would have reissued them by now (the reason i sold them). if arcadia does reissue though i will be super happy. they should do both tv and sdfm versions. they should throw in a strike cannon with the tv version too even if its not canon. also i think the coloring should be slightly different for the tv vs dyrl.
  15. thats kinda cool. whats the app. would love to play with some of my photos like that.
  16. there is a downsize mp-01....its about 8.5" or so maybe? it was called pp-01 from igear. its not a straight downsizing as that would haven't been a great idea. much of it is re-engineered and its not a bad toy but it gets looser over time and use. also...its very light. they were my classics/3p prime and magnus for a while. for 6"...i think the best g1 "style" prime is classics prime (or henkei) or its many ko versions. be aware these "chug" molds have huge arm kibble and and totally non g1 like transformation. for something even less G1....yes first edition tf prime optimus prime might be the best voyager optimus toy ever....evasion prime ain't bad...its got a g1 alt mode....but its movie aesthetics in bot omde turn me off. its a great toy though. oh and of course mp-10 is the best prime toy ever....its about 9.5" tall though.
  17. i kinda hate them....they twist at the joint and can send a fastpacked valk tumbling....i had to glue the twist joint so it wouldn't do that. i'd rathar use a bandai stand with an EXO adaptor in that size. the new large arcadia stands are sturdy as hell....but look awkward on a small vf-1 but seem ok for the vf-0d i'm using it for.
  18. so i preorder the shf x chogokin hulkbuser on NY forever ago.....now they are saying that i need to pay for it now because bandai has changed a policy? its not coming out for another few months. isn't this kinda...horseshit? lol. they took preorders saying no need to pay until it comes out, now....they are asking for payment because "bandai changed its policy". its not like they won't be able to sell them....did NY do this to everybody? if i had another source for them that wasn't outrageous i'd let the order get cancelled.
  19. man love those opening episodes. teh vf-1d is probably still oen of my top 3 favorite valks. the freefall saving minmay scene is iconic and referenced in frontier as well. i believe i've seen similar scenes in non macross anime/movies as well.
  20. i got it yesterady...spent about 15 minutes with it so far. seems fun. g1 designs in cell shaded 3d rock
  21. i'm bitter there are no subs....again. when will i get to own a decent copy of this with subs....i mean they subbed the frontier movies...why not this?
  22. does the turtles being shown first at NYCC mean bluefin will get to dsitribute them here in america or are we bandai preordering a 3AM like with star wars and marvel? i am hoping the former obviously....
  23. yeah his feet are too narrow compared with his lower leg. they should be almost the same width (both in toon and toy). its being overlooked because shockwave and he at least retained his side profiel swoopiness in his lower legs which 3P failed at (even the new cloudblast fails there...looking angular rathar than swoopy). hot rod looks kinda body builder ish...who skipped leg day. i think they were trying to give him a more athletic looking silhouette..sort of like how they looked a little bit to "the tick" when they did mp-10....they went a bit too far IMO but it doesn't look bad. i guess if i were a hot rodimus fan i'd be more picky.
  24. dang they were $20ish on hlj when they were released...i knew i should have bought more than one...like 10 or something haha. i just can't afford that many yeti stands as cool as they are. i think they will reissue the stand at some point...no license is required and demand i apparently there if they are selling for that much. stands and fast packs....always stock up when possible apparently.
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