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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. seems they are aware of the leg/hip issue as those are the right parts laid out there to be showing. hopefully whatever fix they put in place works. honestly....i think all they need to do is fix the ball half size and/or shape. its a VERY simple part. you could hard tool that (on a separate mold of course and at a cost of a few thousand bucks in china) in less than 2 weeks time. lets hope they did retool that and ALSO that we dont' get any old versions mixed in the build. if they have any quality systems at all that would be a very amateiur mistake to make.
  2. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    post release ona hero valk vf-1s hikaru....i'd sign up to be notified by NY. sometimes they get previously out of stock stuff back in. has happened many times with previusly hard to get bandai items. although when they get them in stock..some other retialers do too sometimes so when you get noitfied...check all the usual suspects.
  3. skywarp's new droids? yes that was botha TF and SW reference on a macross site's robotech merch thread. lol
  4. i understand that sentiment but...the fix looks easy so i'm not going to sweat that issue too much.
  5. wonder if the vf-0A will go on sale. i know about the issues but if the price is right...then again part of me wants to just focus on sdfm and dyrl...as far as macross.
  6. webbed/ribbed/hollow forearm and thighs...cant stand it. cover that crap up hastak. i'd rather you include one less accessory and use that money for another few pieces that would give us the traidtional "clamshell" type limb vs. open/webbed limbs. that kind of design killed leader jetfire for me. i can't believe it it even made its way over to mp wheeljack (granted it was very limitd in use thank god). please stop wtih that nonsense. k thnx
  7. its like reading a TFW board discussion here these days here. "QC" has nothing to do with plastic type or quality. that is something that is a design consideration. an engineering print will call out explicitly the type, grade, etc of plastic. any change to a specification on the print would require an engeinering change notice. the only exception is if one thing is specified on the print and another thing is actually used in real life and nobody checked to make sure there was conformance. the vf-0 issue seems to be a bad design as well. they've simply designed something that is too hard to actually make work over a statistically significant population. reading about their "yields" has me doubt their design prowess more than the factory's competence. as far as the VF-4, if nothing in the design/tooling has changed, i doubt we will suddenly see big vf-0 like problems.
  8. hlj shipping will likely be at least $10 cheaper for same EMS so the difference is ~$20. i'm more comfortable with hlj but have used NY a lot for bandai stuff without issue...but i idn't have issues with the toys
  9. i am selfishly (hoping) thinking the response to that (optimus primal) announcement is below their expectations and they have decided to cancel that and focus on real transformers from g1. lol
  10. well its not a bandai product....
  11. the iniformation of a SAP bundle....who still would want the stand alone if the SAP can be purchased separately? hmm...perhaps the SAP only comes with a different valk? i guess this is good news for those still wanting this. hope it gets better....
  12. don't see the point of the bape partnerships....this one and the previous green one...IMO...way to wear down a great mold for no reason. YOTH prime is a more attaractive deco even than these...granted this one isn't nearly as bad as the green one.
  13. yup i found that to be odd on my matchbox sdf-1 as a kid even.
  14. looks good. i'm in for a at least one. i mean TV SDF-1 doesn't seem like anyone else is gonna make those. yamato's was a dyrl and bandai's giant one is too
  15. so being that we are speculating on A based on what the big B has announced.....isn't it curious bandai is making a 1/35 vf-1 in their chogokin line but all the other dx chogokin are very close to 1/60? i would guess that arcadia paid out the butt to keep their bread and butter money printer (vf-1 mold reissues)....sdfm and or dyrl licenese in 1/60 scale. maybe that is hope, or maybe its a logical guess based on what brand B has announced.
  16. yeah one of my favorites too. i prefer it to ANY dyrl valk (even yes the strike valkyrie).
  17. is it me or does teh whi ean dblue color scheme remind anyone of the new x-wings' color scheme?
  18. everytime i see the battroid on teh vf-4 i want to cancel my preorder for the reissue. lol
  19. yeah i agree on that last bit. magnus isn't what he should be. this tracks looks pretty good but there are a number of things i don't like as well. i can't comment on star saber since i don't have it and was never a fan of the jp only series. not a fan of the upcoming ironhide either.
  20. its because torso looks long because it seems they prioritize teh fighter mode. also they don't slid ethe nosecone up like 1/60 v2 to balance that. the sliding nosecone feature does give the "priest collar" look as jenius calls it but i think thats acceptable as it looks better/more humanoid anyway. the 1/48 yamato had the same issue. in fact this new 1/35 looks more like the old 1/48 than it does the newer hi metal line or 1/72 kits in terms of proportions. IMO it looks great.
  21. i reboxed mine recently due o a move....are you sure your shoulders are transformed correctly? yes....it needs to rotate 180° fro mode to mode.
  22. oh i am totally getting this. i'd sell every non screen frontier valk to pay for it to if i had to. i REALLY hope it transforms but if not i might still be interested. looks great so far. lets hope they continue to refine. the sketches behind it are a total fail to show with this piece if i doesn't transform though. haha
  23. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    i understand the sentiment to abandon 1/60...believe me. i just moved and toys were like 70% of my boxes. lol. I don't think i can turnmy back on the dozens of vf-1 and other valks i have. i might start selling the lesser loved and in many cases unopened ones though.
  24. what am i going to do with my "puny" yamato one now? haha
  25. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    i think i'm in love with the hi metal line now. regult variants, more vf-1,...vf-0a, vf-4, vf-2ss, and MF-ing britai?!!?! they are seriously pushing for the 1/100 scale to be the one collectors abandon 1/60s for it seems. afterall...japanese homes are usually small and everyone more or less has limited budget so i guess 1/100 makes a lot of sense. bandai is going to make me so broke it seems though with all these releasse (hello giant vf-1 and gian sdf-1!)
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