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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. i think its funny when people say TFA lacks original ideas. One of the whole points of the movie was to invoke nostalgia and bring the fans back with something familiar. han solo practically breaks the 4th wall joking about the reuse of plots and themes in the war/planning room. its totally intentional. i do think in 8....we will see what the writers really want to do with this 3rd trilogy much more so than episode 7. that said its the most fun i've had in the theater in years. i got chills watching this movie!
  2. oh man...those mini figs are awesome. just wish the base was either white black instead of grey
  3. i was hoping she was crushed in the garbage disposal like the original ANH rescue crew almost were. she was so beyond useless. brianne the beauty would be ashamed. lol.
  4. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    regults sold well because they are like storm troopers. you almost need to troop build them IMO. as for bad guys not selling i think thats true in general BUT i think that is changing. the glaug while 10x cooler than a regult....you only need one commander and y maybe backup inc ase you mess up the first copy. lol. i just ordered one this time. he will be leading a squad of 3-5 regults {(probably 3) or dueling one on one with the vf-1j.
  5. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    hmm, just checked my preorders just now...i may have preorderd too many regults. when it gets closer to release, if you are interested in one at my cost please PM me (not now but say Feb. or so). i'd cancel but its not allowed. thanks. anyway i'm excited that we will have those in just over a month or two's time!
  6. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    true they are. also in scale zentran wouldn't fit into a battlepod. it'd be like shaq in a fiat driver seat...so i doubt we will get in scale zentrans that actually spacewise fit in either the pods or qraus. brittais a big MFer so he'as a big as a vf-1 height wise. the other guys are more like 2/3 his size or less.
  7. feral rex is great...i have it but it IS pricey. i actually might get the KO OS version too. if that happens and i'm happy with it i MIGHT unload the original...might.
  8. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    so 1/6 pm at 4:00 pm is like tuesday night at 2AM (in the morning of wedneday) for us east coasters....west coasters its only 11 p,m thats totally manageable without any crazy sacrifice i think. i need a glaug in my life.
  9. the new ones? in stores this year? they all look straight. the bendy cannons always kept me from buying them...until this year. go to a store and look. they are all straight now. haven't seen a bent one in ages.
  10. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    #7...do people REALLY need a slightly different armored vf-1j? i mean that design was pretty much the same especially at this smaller scale the difference would be...even smaller? i do think poll is rigged though 2, 3, 7 are super easy recolors of already released stuff. the monster...#1...they already had planned before the poll. an SDFM (tv) Q-RAU does sound nice. The N- Ger making the list is nice too but so low...i think 7 should be removed and replaced with something else...like a vf-1d or super ostrich or a 1a brownie. at preorder prices i'd consider army building (welll 3-5 anyway) brownies
  11. the tiny hasbro black series diecast x wings have perfectly straight lasers....not much of it is diecast though. ..its perfectly straight. i think the bent ones were the disney ones a couple years back which were a little bigger IIRC.
  12. god i hate beast wars/era....wasted takara resources as far as i'm concerned. just let them release it fast and be done with that era. lol truck not monkey!
  13. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    i have never owned a glaug toy so this is 30+ years of expectations here being hopefully satisfied. it looks great! wish they had incljuded a kamjin or other zentran pilot though
  14. great photos...looks nice but the missing un spacy does look odd. I guess it'll look better with the super parts (leg armor) on there as those are printed with un spacy, right? i'm still getting this regardless. lol
  15. hmm well i have Figuarts Vader and he is short...like BS stormtrooper height. kylo being as tall as figuarts vader....sounds lik ea good thing though. i don't think Ren is the towering giant vader is supposed to be. Ren is probably abou the height of a trooper so that'd work for me. i have a few FO troopers but havent' deboxed them yet. i do mix figuarts and BS troopers from the OT. gives soem variation. works well enough for me. i am using mafex vader right now which has a godo seze.
  16. kids logic....an hk brand so i guess they HAD to use robotech. anything outside japan is HG's territory....or if its not legally they will claim it is and sue you. can't say it doens't; look good but can't say i want a 1/6 static fig hikaru either. give me an SH figuarts SDFM macross cast bandai! cmon already. or maybe figma....so long as jp brand for distribution in jp we can avoid giving HG money.
  17. dammit i missed out on figuarts kylo ren....again. i can' t even find teh black series one locally. kicking myself for not orderin gon amazon when it was 17.99. lol. oh well.
  18. it is inconsistent because of a few things 1. different designers, out of the mentioned figures in your post there are at least 3 lead designers 2. budget...budget (or rather margine requirement and targeted sales price) is inconsistent from release to release. 3. ramped up production...they are pushing more out and paying less attention. i also think hasbro asia has WAY more sway in the MP line than before..like a lot more. 4. lack of visionary management
  19. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    thats the old 1J wearing hikaru's super/strike set? dosen't seem as grey as the recent release or am i off?
  20. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    imagining having a glaug, some regults, AND valks and destroids in the same scale for the first time ever in toy form is REALLY exciting me. haha. yeah that NY payment thing is a bummer but i get that these are exclussives the shops have to put special orders in for so i'm okay so long as they can deliver.
  21. yup ever since i saw his red eyes i remembered how they handled that character in smallville....granted different people behind the scenes but when i think red eyes, law enforcement officer, dc universe, african american....i think that guy
  22. yeah lag packs will cover it most of the time but it'd still better if it were there.
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