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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. tony looks good...doesn't QUITE have the RDJ likeness down but its good. if we get that....are we getting a base? and a small hall of armors backdrop? haha
  2. those screw holes have always been there. chrome plate screws are way better than black ox for almost everything btw. if people are really that fussed over it you could unscrew it and put a black ox screw in or...paint the top.as for screw hole covers...that would be nice but frankly not having on in front of me right now i can't rememver if the holes are deep enough (to the head of the screw) where covers woudl stay in. maybe there is a market for that if so though.
  3. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    38 and yes i predominantly care about SDFM, DYRL, Zero, Plus, and a little bit forntier (though my collection says i like frontier way more than i do so i may dump some of thsoe dx chogokins). hi metal r line is definitely one of the lines i care about most as it has the enemy mecha (finally!!).
  4. nice blitzwing..didn't even know that was reissued in the collection line. i actually have a reissue perceptor from a few years back too. my g1 blaster from my youth is still in ok condition at my parents house...somehow. lol. nice haul
  5. wait...who makes that? any links or othe rmodels? are they direct KO? or KO oversize or original engineering?
  6. IMO Stick with MP (masterpiece) line and some select 3rd party stuff (which is done in masterpiece style). that'll get you good faithful versions of the characters u grew up with. most eveyrthing else is reimagined or follows some other TF fiction. well ther are g1 reissues but those are are lik "robot statues" in bot mode that you grew up with
  7. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    i've been relying on CDJ lately for bandai stuff....they've come through so far. its nice not having to wake up at 3 am to do this. hopefully this doesn't backfire on me one day.
  8. i wish i had more 1/48s. they just have so much presence. the v2 1/60 IMO is the "sturdier" of the two. it just feels better put together, tighter, and better engineered and better overall. i'llnver forge tthe first time i handled a 1/48 though. first modern VF..it as glorious. in a way it parallels transformers MP...mp-01 vs. mp-10. anyway that being said 1/48s...i don't have the space for a collection of those and 1/60 just has so many more releases so its my main colllection.
  9. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    i both HATE and like NY. realistically with web store an other exclusives its practically the only game in town (there are some less deireable options too sometimes). they completely raped me this time though. so i preorderd two of these early enough to get the stands. I ASSUME the extra shipping is due to additional boxes associated with the stands but am unsure as they have not confirmed whether or not I will get stands. i asked on thursday and its still not answered. They did however take the time to invoice me for more shipping....and its not the $4-10 most of you are seeing. Its an additional 2500 yen. So....in the end i'll be paying something like 5040 Yen to get this shipped to me....ECO REGISTERED. this isn't even EMS folks! i wrote them a scathing "i'm pissed off about this" type of notice in my existing open ticket item question about the stands...lets see if either the stands question or the complaint about costs gets answered. this additiaonl cost is totally on them. i also noted i will be paying attention to the shipping paperwork to see waht the actual shipment cost was. NY will continue to be my LAST RESORT. i am thankful they exist so i can get stuff but maybe its just better to wait for stuff to show up on EBAY in the future. all said and done i think each valk is gonna cost me over $130....i could have firggen got a yamato for that. ugh.
  10. i broke down an ordered him too didn't even know he was up for preorder. i do feel like the revoltech one is more accurate and is pretty nice but revoltech brand is on the way down past several years it seems and figuarts brand is on teh rise. ihave a revoltech one (still in box) so didn't feel the need for the SHF one but knowing that it sold out quickly now has me curious as to what i've missed.
  11. people saying the vf-1 market is saturated? i think that is wrong or else arcadia's failry recent releases (just a couple years) wouldn't be going for well well over msrp. also as far as pricing? i think this has everything to do with labor costs in china. after all is said and done....material prices have gone up but not so much. the molds (if they are still the original ones from yamato) are paid for but may need minor maintenance (As all molds do). the biggest cost going forward (other than say licensing) is labor...which in the past 10 years until now is anything from 3X to 8X what it used to be in tier 1 and 2 factory towns. assuming 8X, they now make almost 1/3 of what what similar labor would cost in the US. this is for sure reflected in their pricing....granted how much of the cost of production is labor is anyone's guess but its clear its a way bigger part than it used to be. anyway, bring on the preorders. i need some more fastpacks. let's hope they do get the license for separate release someday because for once...i have enough roys in the classic colors. i hope if they can only release bundles that some rarer paint scheme vf-1 accompany these fastpacks. lol. i could use a 1/48 schemed low vis or stealth...or even teh 1/60 low viz...i could use anohter. as far as a dx chogokin bandai vf-1 release. after seeing a clip from macross delta...i think its inevitble. we may see hi metal R versions first but i think it going to happen. whether or not it will have the classic more toyetic (imo cheaper looking) look for bandai's DX chogokin series or be more like the collector oriented yamatos and arcadias is yet to be seen. that being said...i'd probably get at least a couple if that happeend.
  12. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    nope you see brownies in space without fastpacks all the time in SDFM
  13. takara tomy webstore exclusive i think MP inferno would be awesome. let's hope confirmation comes out soon. i wonder if they will actually do it and beat 3P's 2nd and 3rd efforts to market. MMC and XTb can't be happy about this. i'm guessing maketoys already made their money on theris. i think the more important hasbro asia gets (whose cusotmers cross shop with 3P way more often than japan domestic market) in terms of its voice in the release of MPs ( i bet takara sells more through hasbro asia than JDM market now), the more direction action against upcomonig 3P products takara will take. we've never seen anything like this kind of teaser from takara....and it also helps (i would think) sales of mp14+ (do not want btw). what is weird is that silhouette doesn't seem to be to scale...inferno looks too small there...then again TT has been playing it fast and loose with robot mode scale ever since magnus (too big). tracks was a touch taller than he should have been though not an issue. ironhide...too tall again. shockwave...too short and small.
  14. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    man i'd love a TV Q-Rau in this scale....heck most of those are instant buys if they com eout
  15. i think heat is bad in general for these things as well as thermal cycles. thermal cycles is just bad....these things are made with unlike materials that have differnt cefficients of thermal expansion...so some mateirals shrink and grow more than other they are mated too...not a good thing. also in heat...rubbery materials dry out in heat as well. i would tend not to store things in hot attic. a cool garage is or basement is probably way better. i know socal houses don't usually have basements but they do have garages.
  16. if this is what it takes to get more super and strike parts.....i do like the bright white missiles...like the tv releases. it won't match the old dyrl releases though...then gain if i have tos ein battoid or vice versa....it dones't relaly matter. only really need those missiles for fighter mode. i wonder if the reticence to release strike parts before was the deicsion on what color to release them? the old ones woudldn't have matched the new arcadia white...and releaseing arcadia white ones aren't an ieal match for owners of older yamato dyrl. oh well. i'm still regretting selling my fastpacks off (even though they sold at market basically)...
  17. i'm a geneation X, male...as are most of us here on this site. i've got no problem with female leads BUT i do have a problem with established characters getting a gender or race makeover just because studios are trying very hard to reach new demographics. like female ghostbusters? DO SOMETHING ORIGINAL! rey? jyn erso? fine...its a new story, new lead, its a female...no big deal, but if they do lik ea back ot the future reboot and marty mecause..marilyn mcfly...yeah thats not gonna fly. female thor? ok with me....because there is a story that makes sense behind that. its just the replace the old character iwth a feamle version i have beef with. i suppose its the "originalist" in me. prime is always a red flatnose truck not a monkey!!
  18. ironhide is impressive in hand but the issues you see in photos still remain. hollowed out back section, hip flaps, tire butt cheeks. still the overall feel is very accurate to ironhide and in certain poses and angles those things are almost neglible. i don't have a 3P ratchet to compare to but this is the best ironhide to date IMO. you have to really like the cartoon model ironhide though...he is sort of dumpy looking just like the toon. anyway, not my favorite mold but better IMO that say ultra magnus (although everyone else seems to like that one) and tracks/roadrage (i like tracks better because of soruce material but ironhide IS teh better MP toy of the two).
  19. i really hope they reissue stand alone super strike parts....i don't know if i want more strike parts bad enough to pay the price of a combo pack (which will be likely be less than the current aftermeket prices on super stirk parts btw but assume that will change soon)
  20. totally disagree.
  21. holy hell that is small! lol. i was hoping the cruiser mode would be almost the size of the little "Makuros" SD SDF-1. lol anyway stil looking forward to it.
  22. not just lazy....cheap too. is the off white bare plastic? they got rid of some paint decos to make it more cartoony and well cheaper to make...did they give us solid plastic instead of clear plastic headlghts? the only improvement for cartoon uber alles folks is the white thighs. easy pass.
  23. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    i hope so. its not released yet. its unreasonable for them not to. we will see how this goes.
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