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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. wow glad i waited now, i did have that on preorder. guess i'll sit back and see how bad these issue are, becuase of the oens shown (including FT's early render) its by far my favorite of the 3 designs (badcube, IM, and FT).
  2. kuma did say it (the new robotech branded release) was decent but he tends to like a lot of stuff so....
  3. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    holy crap....
  4. looks good. its a shame to cover up a vf-0s valk though...so pretty under there! probably just put the 0a under there.
  5. lat i heard mightwon was legends sized? haha. guess they saw an opening to do another MP. i have apollyon and still think it looks better from the waist up (especially thea head) but i will likely get DX9's. maketoys takes a bit more comic/anime/fanart inspiration which is cool but not sure i like it as much (legs are too thick for one, helmet is too small, forehead is toosmall etc). maketoys do make well put together pieces though (so does dx9 though their aesthetics tend to be off...this is their most g1 looking release IMO). ***EDIT** on second thought...dx9's legs aren't great either. shin isn't curved. at least maketoys has that.
  6. anyone know how tall it is yet? i think both CMs and toynami's efforts were a bit too small. i don't want them gakken 1/35 large but sizewise it'd be nice if the robot mode was almost v2 vf-1 height..or at least 85-90% as tall.
  7. from the top view you can see empty space under the head. this leads me to believe the head does not sit atop another platform but rathar atop some articulated arm/bar etc...releasing a figure these days with no head articulation would be utterly ridiculous so i got to believe this thing can at least look side to side and maybe even up and down a little...which yes by he current placement of head would be impossible as you'd run into the top covers for the intakes...therefore...i posit there is an arm there...and when you pull up on the head it will then allow you to rotate it and aslo tilt it.
  8. have to say that does look really good. wonder how the other modes look and how big this is. maybe i can finally let go of my toynami and CMs stuff. any takers? lol pretty excited for this. i hope their price point makes sense (unlike the original retail for CMs toy's legioss prices or the recent evolution toys vf-2s retial price)
  9. yes but they did have over 10 years to improve on "MP" 20t h anniversary voltron and just released a 30th anny version last year that was essentially a slightly improved 20th anniversary. I was amazed they stepped up to actually try to improve on volton with the EX design. its unforunate timing for them but they are really in a different price point/range at $400 vs. $250 anyway. Now if its a a legit $400 product...nobody knows yet. i'd feel more screwed if i was mad toys inifity gokin. they finally go the voltron license...upgraded their 3P effort for voltraon accuracy and now if they are even still coming out with theirs....will have to compete at a similar price point to bandia's SOC.
  10. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    there is no way this will be a 2 pack that punishes those that already bought max right? i don't put it beneath bandai to do that btw
  11. thinking about this the other day... toynami's new version (the $400 one, not the reissue 30th/20th anny one) seems to be the most ambitious madtoys' version .... we got a preview with teh unlicensed one and i'm sure the licensed one if it comes to fruition will be just as good. this is a pretty simple modern "chogokin" style, great but not ambitious bandia - what are they going to do with teh SOC version? the picture looks like it won't stray too far from voltrons of the past. whats going to make it "better" than the madtoys one (Which may or may not come to pass now IMO)? is it less ambitious about making good lions than toynamis new one? oddly enough....i'm leaning towards the toynami at the second for favorite....guess i'll have to wait and see how it all plays out. let's hope bandai can surprise us with some innovatve engineering and qulaiaty.
  12. honestly I DO understand the fanstoys love but i get the criticism too. let's look at their releases quakewave - undisputed shockwave champ until the takara one came out like 3 years later and even so, some prefer quakewave for the IN HAND FEEL and the more detailed aesthetics. dibots- scoria's hips, not sure its a QC issue...more like underdesigned. they also didn't understand the need (at the time) for it to be able to hold a kung fu pose. i mean...it holds any normal two footed pose you could want. each dibot since...better and better but not without hiccups. what remains constant is it feels great in hand and the aesthetics fit nearly seamlessly into the hasui era MP line. present day we have stomp and i doubt i'd want any MORE from an MP sludge. -tesla - this one....i like but i have to say its one of the worst releases. the face sculpt IS bad although i can deal with that. i don't lik ethey halaf assed the tank mode (which is kinda a big deal...but hey at least it has one), but again the in hand feel and solid aesthetics (face aside) won me over in the end. -the insecticons - kibbly backs but great overall. forager....is fragile and i do think a warning from them is insufficient....i think they said "good enough" and gave up on that...worst release to date even though guess waht....he feels good in hand and looks the part...noticing a pattern here! -spotter - IMO best bot mode and camera mode (though less accurate to g1 camera) of the 3 3rd party reflectors. i don't like the transformation and parts forming but everything works, looks great with the other MP decepticons and also...feels good in hand. so....yeah. looks good, feels good. some have issues...others don't. they are the first 3p MP and have a solid record. as far as other 3P MP goes i think XTB is knocking it ouf of the park aesthetically and are turning the corner on feel (andras was awesome). MMC's aesthetic is a bit less consistent (though still very good), but phinx's lower body looks wooden somehow....also they don't have that many mp figures out so hard to judge. backraft is coming soon and looks great (but does it look better than XTB;s?)..i prefer it to the takara except takara has a neat ladder trick (it vanishes!). DX9...they make mp scaled figure but kind of do their own thing...it overall doesn't work for me that well. their devastation looking blitzwing has a terrible tank mode for one. KFC's actuaolly looks the best (better than FT at the moment though FT may revise) as it stays true to teh g1 aesthetic and looks great in 2 modes and passable n the other.
  13. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    so awesome. so glad i'm all in on this line
  14. yeah i think this is meant for younger viewers....like if the original fans had kids at age 30-35, those fans could watch with their young kids and both could get soemthing out of it. its clearly not mostly intended for older fans.
  15. hmm, i saw roy i think. the far away show of him showea great resemblance in the hair shape too. missed milia but i'm only a few episodes in.
  16. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    i've only ever ahd that problem on dx chogokins (several of their releases were notorious for this and it cuaseed issues with their paint adhesion, but they've since corrected that issue man y many releases ago) but i've never opened my vf-1a dyrl version.
  17. i hope those are optional stickers ont eh knee pads....they look bad. yes i know toy adn tooy had those but those look ba adn stick out too much on that mold.
  18. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    btw...does anyone have confirmation of cockpit...opens or not? also is it solid palstic or very darkly heavily tinted clear?
  19. do you own all the non weathering ones by now?
  20. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    well they don't look bad but i'm baffled by the color scheme choice and the arm armors being dyrl style (then again those are tooled up already)...then again i think the whole HMR line has been an amalgamation of SDFM and DYRL....well the strike vf-1s hikaru was kinda ALL dyrl but the 1J GBP and the Roy are kinda...mixed.
  21. super ostrich virgin road angel bird vf-1s max HPD regult got pretty much most of what i want other than those.
  22. seriously why the purple windows? everything else looks good. i'd hav preferred no flame deco though
  23. sh figuarts is getting pretty good on the likeness for harley and thew new obi wan....was just about to pull the trigger on the episode 1 version but episdoe 2 version if more how i picture prequel obiwan....meanwhile stone cold and the rock could use some work i think.
  24. generally they are both harder and have better corrosion resistance etc. black zinc plating would be just as good though as "chrome" with respect to corrosion but not as good at wear resistance. anyway it doesn't matter so much for toys kept in good environs but here is a quick guide http://www.instockfasteners.com/Tools/guidetofastenerplating.asp
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