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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. thanks tekering! btw i think i may have traded sharkticons with you in the past if you're who i'm thinking.
  2. AE is fine to preorder from most times assuming you know what you want. having thier customer service respond to you wiht just one attempt sometimes (most times) is almost impossible. that being said most of my experience with issues is years old. their new person aiko matsumoto is more responsive than who i've dealt with in the past (erika sato). she didn't quite fix the issue i had but she tried. luckily i was able to resolve it on my end (shipping issue, they shipped to an old address not the one requested it be shipped to).
  3. they look really good (the ride armors anyway, 1/72 legioss too small for me)...are there reviews of the original release somewhere (when era are we talking?). are they prepainted?
  4. serious mark up. and i agree...the arcadia webshop price is under consideration though assuming shipping isn't terribad (and assumign they ship to the states)
  5. how much total with shipping (to the states?)?
  6. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    the dark 1A with red thighs and gbp?
  7. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    are the defenders really gonna stick around that long? kinda feel stupid ordering a second one so early! if they do go on super clearacne maybe i'll get another...i only have one spartan though...i feel like that is s special machine (even if its not) because of the club carrying and the green color whereas the defender is more of a canon fodder machine. tomahawk is my favorite design for destroids and i have both a matchbox forbidden franchise version from childhood and a yamato...can't wait for the HMR! may get 2 of those as well.
  8. wait who usually carries arcadia's online shop exclusives? just arcadia?
  9. think i'm gonna wait for the premium finish one...i've got the yamato already. i really wish they'd do a tb one in the future though. i mean i don't want ot have to settle for the kids logic forbidden franchise's upscaled tweaked hasegawa hybrid version.
  10. wonder if the sentinel can stand without the included stand propping it up. hope so. minimally make the stand out of clear plastic FFS. not everyone standing the figure up to a black background to take pictures. or maybe leave it super visible and we see where "stick" gets his name. lol.
  11. :-( this is some michael bay level childhood memory rapeage
  12. good to know!
  13. so this is probably old news but the evo toys legioss preorders seem to be completely sold out?! dang, my wait and see approach might be backfiring. haha
  14. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    wait..is it this? https://hlj.com/product/BANN16163 hlj says it not out yet. also looks different. am i missing somehting here? haha
  15. i know amazon jp ships without plug in it FWIW and they do ship to US
  16. Oh i like this topic Favorites 1. Yamato/Arcadia 1/60 VF-1 - of course i love these. still the best overall valkyries after all these years (9 years!!). my favorite waivers between low vis roy, or hikaru vf-1d usually. 2. Yamato 1/3000 SDF-1: i'm pretty sure i could get over $1000 for this if i unloaded this....and i'm not doing that. as much as i wish it were a TV version, the DYRL version is better looking and i love it. 3. The chunky fricken monkey: played with a cousin's as a kid (i only had jetfire!) and fell in love with it. his was a kakizaki i think. when i becamse an adult i bought the i think 2002 reissue VF-1s super (infortunately it says hikaru instead of roy on it because the super wasn't used until after roy died). i love it because its where it all started for me. least favorite: 1. fire valkyrie...1/65 bandai. i got it as a gift...did not like it...years later i sold it off. i just don't like M7 colors/designs as much. 2. vf-171 dx chogokin cannon fodder....i love and hate thee. paranoid it wil break...best looking 171 though. i have 3 and as of last check nothign broken but inever tranformed 2 of them. 3. SV-151 - another love hate story...love the design...but it just feels floppy in hand.
  17. ok so not sure if anyone noticed on hlf's site but this things is 24cm tall...thats almost 9.5 inches. FINALLY a legioss toy that won't be a shrimp..the 1/48 anad 1/55 toynami and CM's toys...were tiny and well not ideal lol. last time a decent size legioss toy was made it was gakken. at this size though, i doubt they will made a tlead. lets hope this doesn't dissapoint anymore than the pictures do to some of you ( i think it looks decent).
  18. quick question for those that have them and opened it. are the valks at all oily? i remember some of the early frontier era valks were oily (though it wasn't consistent chornologically etc) due to bandai and or its factory not removing mold release grease completely. some error like that would also lead to paint not sticking well and it sucks to handle an oily valk too. the only other thing i could think of as to why that tampo is coming off is that it simply wasn't cured yet when they applied the film....even more bone headed a move. hopefully its just a small percentage with this issue.
  19. expensive plastic vs. cheap plastic....its all still pretty cheap, especially if you are not dealing in huge quantities where material cost differences really are pronounced. material cost is way smaller than any other investment here so i don't think that is a barrier to entry here. they will just spec the same or similar to yamarcadia. still who knows if they will try to squeeze the last several pennies out and opt to cheap out where they shouldn't?
  20. gee guess I (well arcadia's twitter really) opened up a can of worms that seems likely to backfire (unless JP fanbase already widely knows). I think arcadia should get out in front of this and reissue SSP and some fan favorites near their original prices (adjust for inflation of course) assuming they can do so and make money (ie, if they ain't super bloated as a company...they already own the molds, know how to make them, own the licenses...why can't they if they can't? it should be a cash cow). FWIW, as a point of reference....i don't remember the JPY prices but including shipping i am pretty sure i go the M&M sets combined from overseas for under $300 USD. Also, i picked up SSP on sale at one point for ~$30 (not including shipping).
  21. so whats next for arcadia is warning us about KOs/bootlegs... so i guess i always thought yamato/arcadia stuff was too hard to make profitably as a bootlegger (i mean the way some things are molded, the sharpness of the details which are very hard to fill in molding process tells me you'll get logs of rejects)....i guess that is no longer the case http://arcadia.ac/user_data/notice5.php i kind of wonder if this warning will actually backfire for them. i mean we macross collectors typically are used to paying high dollar amounts for our stuff but i could see how certain people in our hobby might opt for the cheaper way out. Also secondary market prices make it "ripe" for ko makers to come in and undersell people. i hope these ko makers don't succeed because tht will undoubtedly lower the "value" or the real ones when some of use go to sell and move on from certain pieces in our collections...
  22. so is it confirmed one way or the other if this is a new mold or not?
  23. so i have to admit it does look a little cooler with all those markings....not $100 cooler though, and heck no i'm not going to rebuy everything in premium finish because it won't now match (not like it matches with yamato dyrl anyway although i do think this scheme looks better in the more pure white vs. off white). this should be the way it was released the first time or at least the first time as arcadia.
  24. dang i never even got around to opening my revoltech mk 1...if its good enough i guess i can pass on the SHF one. the mk II differs form the mk 3 by teh rivets it seems. i guess i can always but by SHF IM2 mk2 in place ofa a silver mk II. hmmm....shf is gonna make me "catch them all" with their IM and SW stuff. lol
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