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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. mp 17+ cartoonifying prowl. meh. i mean if you are gonna continue to cartoonify things, you should start making an mp-10+....not that i'd want that (although i'd get it because optimus and mp-10 is great mold). the bright blue headlights and windows look horrid in the pictures. at least mp 14+ fixed the thigh coloration thing (while making the rest worse)...prowl was nigh on perfect IMO. i mean we all understood the blue in teh cartoons was in substitute of being able to draw clear glass with reflectinos right? also the last "+" was mp-12+...they tinted the windows blue...not made them almost super opaque bright blue like this. this is either a bad design choice or a bad photoshop in the official image.
  2. as glad as i am that bayverse gave a boost ot the TF brand 10+ years ago making many things possible....i'm REALLY REALLY happy they are rebooting. hopefully we get better designs and better stories...one thing...they better still retain peter cullen for optimus though
  3. anyone actually get that minmei speaker?
  4. seems my childhood TRU made the cut and isn't on the list. memories man...i love toy aisles back then and i'm sad for those losing their childhood TRU's.
  5. i SOOOO should have bought an extra set or two...displayed with the lions like that is so nice!!! i'm grateful i was able to get one at least though.
  6. wow they've gone downhill since the king of beasts version ... that thing was rock solid. thoes breakages look VERY identical btw.
  7. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    mine is also in that status since then
  8. hmm, not my favorite option (because i'd probalby have to paint them) but if that is best available...you have a link?
  9. honestly i hope bandai somehow gets the license and does them in dx chogokin treatment. i'd prefer arcadia's treatment but then they'd cost as much or more as the EVO toys ones and would slow down their macross releases. An HMR sized toy would be too close in size to the toynami and cm ones i own. i haven't picked up the toynamis in years but i wish someone would make or sell hand replacements so that i could handle them again (too scared otherwise) and pretend like they're good enough (the betas/tlead are good enough for me btw)...i didn't feel like the rest of the toys would fall apart (at least on my copies) otherwise until i read about yours recently. I'm sure Sentinel is capable too but their pricing is on the higher side as well.
  10. It's looks good and I like lights but it really does look like they ripped off the yamarcadia, added more label lines, a wash , and removed an ankle extension/joint. Okie it's really 95 percent an Arcadia copy in my estimation....hopefully they will prove me wrong... And It's a little small for my liking but I may bite if it's decent
  11. based on the 19 next to it...this is at least 1/48 as the 19 is a bigger valk...by far. so this wont replace my 1/60 collection but damn it'd be nice if this were some premium (better than DX and better than current arcadia) offering....sort of like a one off (but we know that won't happen...too easy to retool). i'd be happy with just this 1J and a 1S or too. (heck i still have a couple yammy 1/48 because i like the presence and this one has it too). i do wish we'd get that super big 1/35 with tons of extra detail vs. this new teaser. i guess we will see if either will come or just more vaporware. if i had ot pick i'd pick the bigger 1/35ish vs. this new 1/48ish. proportions seem better in battroid (and as i said before more detail).
  12. Man that is sweet ! I love the art style on those old 80s kits
  13. always wanted one of those, and a modern sparta but not sure how much coin i'd drop for one.
  14. wait i thought preorders from PF millia came and went? or did i imagine that. i ordered a regular one fo rmillia...haven't seen a max preorder yet. as for bandai 1/35...what does that have to do with it? different scales...i would think different licenses, no? i mean HMR overlaps both SDFM and DYRL stuff and is released in same calendar years as arcadia stuff, no? i don't htink i coudl afford to collect bandai 1/35 anyway, can't imagine what they would cost. i'd get myabe 1 or 2 at most, and it'd be the sdfm 1j hiarku and the 1s roy and of course FAST packs for roy's even though it was hikaru that used them.
  15. thanks tekering! btw i think i may have traded sharkticons with you in the past if you're who i'm thinking.
  16. AE is fine to preorder from most times assuming you know what you want. having thier customer service respond to you wiht just one attempt sometimes (most times) is almost impossible. that being said most of my experience with issues is years old. their new person aiko matsumoto is more responsive than who i've dealt with in the past (erika sato). she didn't quite fix the issue i had but she tried. luckily i was able to resolve it on my end (shipping issue, they shipped to an old address not the one requested it be shipped to).
  17. they look really good (the ride armors anyway, 1/72 legioss too small for me)...are there reviews of the original release somewhere (when era are we talking?). are they prepainted?
  18. serious mark up. and i agree...the arcadia webshop price is under consideration though assuming shipping isn't terribad (and assumign they ship to the states)
  19. how much total with shipping (to the states?)?
  20. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    the dark 1A with red thighs and gbp?
  21. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    are the defenders really gonna stick around that long? kinda feel stupid ordering a second one so early! if they do go on super clearacne maybe i'll get another...i only have one spartan though...i feel like that is s special machine (even if its not) because of the club carrying and the green color whereas the defender is more of a canon fodder machine. tomahawk is my favorite design for destroids and i have both a matchbox forbidden franchise version from childhood and a yamato...can't wait for the HMR! may get 2 of those as well.
  22. wait who usually carries arcadia's online shop exclusives? just arcadia?
  23. think i'm gonna wait for the premium finish one...i've got the yamato already. i really wish they'd do a tb one in the future though. i mean i don't want ot have to settle for the kids logic forbidden franchise's upscaled tweaked hasegawa hybrid version.
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