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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. great articulation, giant backpack, odd gappy double joint in the knee, gappy ankle tilts, messy chest hinges, messy shoulder area. keep telling myself that in color it will hide these shortcomings better. the two 3P offerings both look better but doube they have this levl of articulation.
  2. hmmm, thats not my experience but I haven't gotten any macross stuff from amazon jp yet. MP transformers....Amazon jp (first party) the best route for sure. i always forget to check them for macross stuff though.
  3. thanks! cap really does need something! haha. also yeah leia is up..got one of those. it looks really good so far. got the right feels (unlike the BS one).
  4. that swingbar design is almost (like 99% cheating) but just skates by for perfect transformation. its like a relay race baton. it never detached from teh main assembly (aka someone' s hand in a relay race analogy) so its "perfect transformation". lol. still want this bad!
  5. well the no elbow on V3 prime IS G1 toy accurate! lol. the colors (from cheebs of tfw) do make the messiness on teh shoulder/torso less noticeable as i thought but there is a lot i don't like about V3. with mp-10 my sole complaints beforehand were the slightly longer than needed arms and the very pointy feet (like i know they are supposed to be but its slightly too much), oh and the dead eyes. V3 has me complaining about the head, the shoulder/chest connection area, the overly thick torso (thanks electronics!) and now the elbow (that i can't unsee now). hound, yes that head tail is unsightly but not quite a deal breaker if i didn't have willis...but i do. lol.
  6. they gave the face mask the double crease which he only ever had once in one scene ever...from the movie....its a closeup too and its a huge scene but...i always figured it was an animation error because its never shown that way otherwise. reminds me of the horrible "older look" daca toys head that came out that some people love.
  7. from the looks of it FT > takara for hound.... although takara probably more poseable. also V3 prime is a mess is the shoulder connection area as well as the chest hinges. also the backpack wiht the electonics is quite large and makes prime lack is traditional back profile...plus its just too thick. i think BOTH MS and TE did it better aesthetically. we'll have to see what the articulation is like with those efforts though. still its a takara MP prime so it'll probably get bought...and i'll pikc up whichever 3P effort is better too. excited still....in that G1 still getting MP releases but don't like the direction of the line. V3 prime torso looks as messy as mp-36's....actuall worse if you can believe it. :-( i'm sure once full color pics are out it'll look better as teh business is most apparent in grey prototypes but....still. seems 3P is doing it "better" at this point.
  8. excited for the blowsperior/yellow and the bartley...i'm so glad i caved on the rey now after holding out. legioss always makes me excited....sentinel's take looks....different. not sure i like it, but as someone who eventually caved on the evolution toys version...i prefer that scultping to this one...although oddly i think the toynami's look is just as good as the evolutions toys and better than this. although....if sentinel can pull off a fun to handle legioss with nice joints and trnasformation... then i'll cave again and get the the expensive (i'm assuming) small legioss. action toys vinyle legioss looks good....but not transformation i assume....and pricey i assume.
  9. yeah it would be way better i fit was more accurate. cmon fext! you can do it! haha
  10. the boosters are cool but def. not super accurate to the art it seems...at least so far. i logged into the site and orders still say "unfulfilled" right now. Guess it won't be long now if people in Asia are getting theirs.
  11. well their Super Deformed stuff is pretty solid so i'm hoping this will be as good or better quality wise.
  12. not sure if its been posted here or not yet but, i found out the kitz concept 1/72 veritechs (this is a robotech thread right?) and fast packs are delayed until november 2018. apparently something wasn't to their standards and they had to retool something. " Please be advised that the available date is postponed to Nov 2018. It's because we are not satisfied with one of the moulds and we don't want to sacrifice the quality for the delivery time. Therefore, we decided to remake it. Please understand that our decision is based on our insistence that we only supply the highest quality to our customers. Should you need have any queries, please feel free to contact us. "
  13. i haven't been this excited for a DX chogokin ever. i'm hoping they still have some when i'm able to log on and place an order. if not i'll have to pray they have some release date units available.
  14. wow haven't ever checked this thread before. these things look beautiful. also makes me wonder what a valkyrie would look like if it had tailplanes (i always wondered why they lacked them to be honest). also makes me wonder what a valkyrie would look like if it strictly adhered to the shape of f-14 as opposed to sort of being inspired by it and then doing its own thing.
  15. after seeing more pics and video....i avoided this page for most of today. lol. i can't see how a macross (SDFM) fan won't order this. i mean everyone has their reasons for what they do but i....need this in my life. lol. don't know how i'm gonna get one with the PO madness but if anybody does it and changes their mind later....LET ME KNOW. i won't pay a crazy markup but i might be willing to pay a little lol...especially i fyou can ship straight to me from retailer. regardless i guess i'll be trying f5 sometime overnight or early morning.
  16. On siege magnus i like that there is a white "prime" inside...its cool he is actually different from the actual new voyager siege optimus prime it seems (seems wholy different actually..i can';t tell if there is shared tooling but doubt it based on the cab alt modes looking so different). i'm hoping they redo the MP with this concept (and of course his traditioanl earth alt mode) and give him a waist swivel (seems siege magnus lacks one too). it would be the V3 MP magnus we need. (mp-2 was magnus too!) i generally don't buy main line TF anymore but i may pick up siege magnus because he's a really nice lookign magnus in bot mode.
  17. maybe i been out of dx game a while (sat most of delta out) ...but "Then comes Super Parts for $100 - $150. And then Strike Parts for another $100 - $150. And then Armored Parts for $200 - $250." I don't think they costed that much....if i had to hazard a guess based purely on memory...most armor/super packs (other than heavy armored) didn't break $85 or so...some were much less. $150 definitely seems an aftermarket price on those. IIRC, some were as little as like $45-55 for the more basic ones. maybe delta era prices really were way higher? The simple super/strike packs on a Vf-1 though better not be $100 each though at retail. *sign* i rarther miss the yamato days hhaaha
  18. i'm still taking this in. yamato's V2 is 10 years old. a solid decade of dominance and a solid decade where almost all premium macross valks have followed the 1/60 scale. Even most DX chogokins are 1/60 ish. U guess this is 1/48 because a 1/48 VF-1 is roughly the size of a say DX chogokin VF-31 or so...so i'd expect the same price points etc. i mean i would have preferred the larger 1/35ish scale super premium fig so i could get just one. haha...also i'm sure it would have had more premium features. this thing though...appears to have solved the waist issue plaguing VF-1 since the chunky monkey days...we all saw the waist swivel in the show (heck actually they ab crunch too but thats just too much to ask a plan fusealage to bend) and it's never been able to in toy form. basically the nosecone area under teh cockpit swivels. that must mean the "t bar" (i'll call it) that carries the legs must in fact have a rotation joint too or else the legs would not rotate with the nose cone. i actually have worked out in my head how this could work (conceptually its not difficult at all how this could work) years ago and i'm happy someone is actually doing it! lets hope this release is a high quality one...otherwise i'm gonna be wishing for a bigger more premium SOC VF-1 soon after. haha. Arcadia's VF-1 dominance is likely up and its likely they knew it was coming...hence they keep rereleasing hero valks with a few bucks worth of tampo more and jacking up the price to eek every last cent out of that 10+ year old investment they made when they were still yamato. sadly i doubt bandai will release the entire lineup of valks the way yamato did (still waiting on HMR to even come close to catching up there but at least hmr gave us zentran mecha and destroids)...from obscure 2 second birds like the cavaliers to specials like the VT-1 super ostrich (which i never tracked down the yamato one....that and the vf-1s max dyrl are the only ones i wanted that i never tracked down). For now...gimme that 1J! to me its still the most iconic valk (even more than roy's skull one). i do hope roy's vf-1S will follow with super and strike packs of course!
  19. Waist swivel!!!! Been waiting 30 years for that
  20. punch /counterpunch was alwasy a neat idea and pretty cool...i agree a 3P version with a budget would be nice...mp scale please! lol. as for that new prime and sideswipe those seem to be very obviously designed with future retools into earth modes....i can't see why else they look so much like warth modes and like nothing from cybertron ever. lol. still thats teh best looking chug g1 esque voayger prime....EVER? more G1y than potp even.
  21. i get the feeling evolution is a bunch of designers or artists (they get the looks mostly right) and leave actual engineering to the factories they contract to build their stuff. these kinds of mistakes look like no mechanical design engineer had much input in the design or even redesign phase...maddening for us engineers.
  22. so tfcon happened and i haven' t been on tfw yet but my FB and IG feeds blew up this weekend and i almost feel as if i don't need tfw as much lol. my thoughts -Buster Skywing looks great as he had earlier - good to see this moving along. not sure its for me - i stopped buying "classics" scaled stuff around the time of MMC's femmebots but he isn't so jetfire/skyfire like that i can't see him as a newer SMALLER character. haha. its still too busy overall but i like someone is doing a cool take on this and i love flying things that turn into robots. -MMC's onslaught looks pretty nice except for lack of proper hip skirts etc. probably the best looking onslaught (comparing to zeta's and unique toys' and even TW's CW scaled one) but his combiner mode form looks like too G1 toy and i think it won't looks great in combined mode. sort of replaying feral rex's weak points. so to me still not good MP bruticus exists or on the horizon (zeta's combined form looks decent but the individual bots...ugh...especially onslaught) -speaking of tW -Congrats to MAAS toys - your seekers looks pretty nice, hope they turn out well. if they do rainseeker or cybertron only seeker colors i may get a few if they do turn out well. -theres lots of beasty stuff for which i know crap about - ancestrod or whatever looks cool...not sure who he is but its a cool lion that turns into a bot (way cooler than the optimus lion thing from PE years ago) -no one gonna comment on how small/undersized giga's grimlocks lower legs looks? at least the arms aren't too long like FT's (which i have and have looked past that flaw). -MMC IDW- dang you guys making lots of stuff i guess from IDW but some of those designs.....sorry they're wacked and i'm sure its someone at IDW's fault. just not for me. -FT's warparth....looks more cartoon obviously than Badcube's (who weren't going for that obviously) but something....seems off? speaking of FT, i think the hot rod looks good. i might get him just to have a better looking hot rod for someone to kill in any photos i might take of him. lol. (i once did a short photo series where mp-10b decapitates mp rodimus and puts his head on the tip of a sword lol). -how come on magic square or TE MP optimus at the show? (unless i missed it?) -XTB's stunticons continue to ooze g1 stunticon vibes even if two were held together literally with rubber bands it seeems ahha. hopefullly each release is as good or better than the first. i'll be finishing that set hopefullly. -Zeta's aerialbots...not much to say but it looks like if you like the first couple the last 3 seem consistent in style to the first 2 which is mostly a good thing ( i know the plane modes aren't super accurate and the bot modes are totally toon either but they are still mostly good). i might pick up the zeta aerialbots during ebay flash sales or other sales. bang for buck looks good plus if i have stunticons they need aerialbots to fight. haha did i miss anything cool? haha
  23. so are they gonna do the de-ageing thing for the whole movie (like they did with RDJ before)? or is widow gonna look 6-7 (who knows when they'll shoot?) older than the events from after this movie suppossedly takes place? i mean scarjo looks good for her age no doubt but we are going back at least 6 years....probably more like 6-10 so generous make up isn't gonna be enough.
  24. i remember those sentinel figures. i really kinda wanted them but coudln't get past those hip joints. the cuts and sculpting also make them look less human and more...robot/android. cool but not exactly what i wanted. i wish SHF, mafex, revoltech, or figma would do the whole set of 5 at least and also some galactor characters. also lol every shot of jun here has visible undies. i bet those artists felt things they didn't understand watching the show as a kid and fully understood before drawing those works. haha
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