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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. check out ther fb page, i think they are working on a display system. part of it is build out of the components you get from the HMR scaled release. i don't think all of it is though.
  2. i can't tell if they are gonna be all grey or white and grey? full set under 80 bucks. looks like a winner. almost wish i didn't buy 3 sets of the 1/100 because the 1/60 set seems s better value to me. haha. which set to get (if not getting both)? hmmm... too bad there in's ta 1/60 hangar/display system ahha
  3. Not sure either but 3P tf fans are familiar with the store, they are a fairly reliable source for many 3P TF items
  4. that kitz concept vf-1s is licensed. its a robotech license but still licensed....i don't think show z store is implying there is a ko of it right?
  5. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    man....the super ostrich design is meant to be put in gerwalk mode! really the best mode for the super o for some reason. pics looks great saburo.
  6. speaking of which...cap shields...anyone get one from these guys? https://www.ebay.com/itm/Custom-Captain-America-Infinity-wars-shield-1-12-s-h-figuarts-marvel-legends-shf/283128032022?hash=item41ebbeeb16:g:8FsAAOSw64tbhX0n is it the people on here like? looks good but yikes that is more than 50% cost of the base figure. also on the ebay front it seems KO SHf IW iron spidey is in the wild and KO SHF thanos has several listings. i've still got the real SHF thanos in my POL at bbts...i mean i know bbts was slow to get it and i've been dragging my feet on shipping him (as i don't have anything else in my POL yet) but these KOs are coming fast these days...wonder how the quality is.
  7. lots of things i like and lots of things i don't on the new legioss. i still think the proportions look odd in both modes. i do like the shorter rear feet/thrusters as compared to every other transforming legioss ever (maybe the gakken was as short proportinally?) . empty shoulders are a big minus. the head is also gigantic. its not supposed to be that big. the whole thing is blocky and stocky which i like...but its too much so. the legs are too short. the cockpit in fighter mode is too bulbous and the rear of it meats the fuselage in an odd way. i guess for me the deciding factor will be whether it handles well and feels good. i don't think anything since the large gakken can claim to have done that (CMs wasn't a nightmare to handle like toynami but it was too flimsy feeling and stuff didn't line up right in hand). i've not yet hanlded the evolution toys one but all reports say its pretty to look at but not so great in hand (but i'm getting those as anyway because presence is nice. zeta is in my private warehouse iota is orderde ..still need to chase down the eta somewhere if anyone has one to sell at reasonable price! haha) so i'm crossing my fingers on this sentinel one.
  8. to be honest i'm surprised how not well the vt-1 is doing. it even went on sale at NY (though that seems over and i am kicking myself so i probably won't pick up a second one but haven't rule dit out). maybe its the color mismatch and to be honest....the wrong color. yamato's was closer (still off but much better) and i really hope arcadia does a vt-1 reissue at a reasonable price because i never got around to the yamato one because...shoulders. one of the few yamato valks i wanted but never got.
  9. yeah starting with megatron they did animation version as first or main version, then mp-36+ will be a toy inspired version, opposite of how they did red alert etc. too bad there is no "best of" version anymore. yeah i don't want white thighs just like i don't want superman with blue hair... i could do with toy chrome though (especially if they went yellow eyes)....silver/grey would be best though. pretty much i'd like takara mp-10 coloration with grey thights replaced with silver or maybe metallic anthracite, also hasbro or YOTH style blue eyes, not TT "dead eyes".
  10. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    ok how'd you get so many FAST packs? and where from? haha.
  11. great articulation, giant backpack, odd gappy double joint in the knee, gappy ankle tilts, messy chest hinges, messy shoulder area. keep telling myself that in color it will hide these shortcomings better. the two 3P offerings both look better but doube they have this levl of articulation.
  12. hmmm, thats not my experience but I haven't gotten any macross stuff from amazon jp yet. MP transformers....Amazon jp (first party) the best route for sure. i always forget to check them for macross stuff though.
  13. thanks! cap really does need something! haha. also yeah leia is up..got one of those. it looks really good so far. got the right feels (unlike the BS one).
  14. that swingbar design is almost (like 99% cheating) but just skates by for perfect transformation. its like a relay race baton. it never detached from teh main assembly (aka someone' s hand in a relay race analogy) so its "perfect transformation". lol. still want this bad!
  15. well the no elbow on V3 prime IS G1 toy accurate! lol. the colors (from cheebs of tfw) do make the messiness on teh shoulder/torso less noticeable as i thought but there is a lot i don't like about V3. with mp-10 my sole complaints beforehand were the slightly longer than needed arms and the very pointy feet (like i know they are supposed to be but its slightly too much), oh and the dead eyes. V3 has me complaining about the head, the shoulder/chest connection area, the overly thick torso (thanks electronics!) and now the elbow (that i can't unsee now). hound, yes that head tail is unsightly but not quite a deal breaker if i didn't have willis...but i do. lol.
  16. they gave the face mask the double crease which he only ever had once in one scene ever...from the movie....its a closeup too and its a huge scene but...i always figured it was an animation error because its never shown that way otherwise. reminds me of the horrible "older look" daca toys head that came out that some people love.
  17. from the looks of it FT > takara for hound.... although takara probably more poseable. also V3 prime is a mess is the shoulder connection area as well as the chest hinges. also the backpack wiht the electonics is quite large and makes prime lack is traditional back profile...plus its just too thick. i think BOTH MS and TE did it better aesthetically. we'll have to see what the articulation is like with those efforts though. still its a takara MP prime so it'll probably get bought...and i'll pikc up whichever 3P effort is better too. excited still....in that G1 still getting MP releases but don't like the direction of the line. V3 prime torso looks as messy as mp-36's....actuall worse if you can believe it. :-( i'm sure once full color pics are out it'll look better as teh business is most apparent in grey prototypes but....still. seems 3P is doing it "better" at this point.
  18. excited for the blowsperior/yellow and the bartley...i'm so glad i caved on the rey now after holding out. legioss always makes me excited....sentinel's take looks....different. not sure i like it, but as someone who eventually caved on the evolution toys version...i prefer that scultping to this one...although oddly i think the toynami's look is just as good as the evolutions toys and better than this. although....if sentinel can pull off a fun to handle legioss with nice joints and trnasformation... then i'll cave again and get the the expensive (i'm assuming) small legioss. action toys vinyle legioss looks good....but not transformation i assume....and pricey i assume.
  19. yeah it would be way better i fit was more accurate. cmon fext! you can do it! haha
  20. the boosters are cool but def. not super accurate to the art it seems...at least so far. i logged into the site and orders still say "unfulfilled" right now. Guess it won't be long now if people in Asia are getting theirs.
  21. well their Super Deformed stuff is pretty solid so i'm hoping this will be as good or better quality wise.
  22. not sure if its been posted here or not yet but, i found out the kitz concept 1/72 veritechs (this is a robotech thread right?) and fast packs are delayed until november 2018. apparently something wasn't to their standards and they had to retool something. " Please be advised that the available date is postponed to Nov 2018. It's because we are not satisfied with one of the moulds and we don't want to sacrifice the quality for the delivery time. Therefore, we decided to remake it. Please understand that our decision is based on our insistence that we only supply the highest quality to our customers. Should you need have any queries, please feel free to contact us. "
  23. i haven't been this excited for a DX chogokin ever. i'm hoping they still have some when i'm able to log on and place an order. if not i'll have to pray they have some release date units available.
  24. wow haven't ever checked this thread before. these things look beautiful. also makes me wonder what a valkyrie would look like if it had tailplanes (i always wondered why they lacked them to be honest). also makes me wonder what a valkyrie would look like if it strictly adhered to the shape of f-14 as opposed to sort of being inspired by it and then doing its own thing.
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