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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. i been kind of out of the loop on these revivals. are they basically the same as the renewals with matte plastic instead of glossy? to be honest i prefer matte quite a bit but i dont' think i want to replace ALL my frontier valks lol. if they do the canon fodder i might replace those because .... you know triangles and stuff. they've been back in their boxes for most of a decade now (not sure when lol) and i feel like i i take them out i'm gonna discover some broken bits. ahha. ouf of all the canon fodder in macross to do a mini troop build (3 of them), i picked that one! lol. anyway, i've always loved the 171 design especially in battroid mode so i'll be keeping an eye out for 171 revivals but don't think i need a matte alto. we'll see if that changes. haha
  2. catching up here...i see fiorvanti (xtb overdrive) is getting the love he deserves. its a great bot but the one weak spot is the lower leg and foot design. it depends a bit on gravity to hold some of the armatures in place (so foot needs to be down so the load transfers up the armatures assuming they are straight to support the leg). my copy is hampered by some loose joint in his lower leg system (the one thats pinned and not a screw unfortunately) so its a bit of a pain sometimes to pose correctly. There is a guy selling a filler for the lower legs that will definitely solve the stability problem but i haven't got mine in yet. once that problem is fixed it will become one of my favorites i think.
  3. looking awesome tekering. there is zero chance of me doing that (i'd probably mess it up) so i'm just going to appreciate yours and i agree...sentinel shoulda done that already for the prices they were charging for these IMO.
  4. i thought it was a kitz osko because of the name then i looked at it. clearly yamarcadia mold looking. listed at 9.45" tall though...thats bigger than yamato/arcadia. its either OSKO or showz messed up the height measurement (which happens a lot).
  5. someone was looking at a chunky monkey when they decided on deco. the grey reminds me of one of bandai's reissues from early 2000s too i think. its not canon but it looks like a really nice deco. really do like that grey. just don't like kc's vf-1 design that much to get another one.
  6. You know I'm coming around in the deco. Doesn't look half bad to me now at all. looks kinda good. So... 2024...wallet can breathe. Hopefully this thing won't be too too expensive. I know it's smallish like the vf-1...so hopefully that helps.
  7. Man the pose+ alpha is huge. That's a mospeada collection centerpiece type of toy. It is relatively "reimagined".... A touch more so than sentinel's which are reimagined slightly too but seem to keep the feel of the original designs. The pose+ , at least in these prototype materials shots looks "updated" to me. I was one of those that held onto the evolution toys legioss even while collecting the sentinel's because I wanted a larger representation of that design and I think it's anime ish looks and proportions were nice. They did however lack detailing for a figure that size...these pose+ seems to have addressed that by doing some made up details, but aesthetically seems to work ok. I almost wanna track down a b2five ride armor now. Hmm...
  8. Do the heads appear a little bit too big to anyone else? I think that might be my biggest nagging thought about these. I really hope they continue and make resgults and glaugs too. We never got those in yanato 1/60 and if these guys are somewhat "close enough" so will any enemy mecha be too. Sadly HMR is th only "scale" where we have had decent enemy mecha toys (one of my main motivations to by any of those). It's to be determined how good KC's regults will be. I have a feeling 3zero vf-1s are about to eat KC's lunch at such a similar scale and better pricing. if I were kc I might have some more "shocking price" sales. I surely wouldn't want to be a retailer holding much KC vf-1inventory at this moment.
  9. So...its bigger than KC's 1/72 so can't play with them, and smaller than yamato/arcadia's 1/60? Guess it goes by itself or maybe its close enough so if they are in different modes (say battroid for 3zero and fighter for yamato) they can play? haha. i think we (a lot us) have a sickness. we need this design in every transformable version (i do the same thing with my TFs, like ...how many different optimus primes are enough....the answer is there is never enough!). I'm at least curious enough to give it a go on at least one. haha. this one to be honest looks pretty good even if the proportions are bulkier (similar to KC's giant thick intakes in some ways but not others). seems to prioritize battroid (batttleloid or whtaver R calls it) at expense of others. anyway bring it on. although i love the bandai dx...the yamato/arcadia are my favorite line of Vf-1(for a variety of reasons). can 3zero displace a 15 year old toy? btw i also think people may be underestimating how big a difference .7cm is at this size. if the yamato is a 6 feet tall person, the 3zero will only be 5' 9.5" person. we all know meeting a 6 footer in person feels pretty different than meeting someone who is 5' 9.5".
  10. frankly i'm still holding out for an arcadia release myself...PF or not. I have several of the DX valks and they are awesome but in some ways i still like the yamato/arcadia ones better. the presentation is lighter touch, more refined. Bandai seems to love things like oversized lettering on their tampos and just invents tampos on certain decos (angel birds anyone?). also i'll never rebuy the same volume of valks as i did during yamato 2.0-2.2/arcadia days so each valk adds value to the other ones, you know?. the super ostrich may the the last version i never got that i still want...granted sometimes angel birds is appealing to but i don't "need" it the way i need the super ostrich.
  11. been a long time since i had an order wtih amiami....whats their shipping like these days (if i don't need the quickness of EMS but dont' want the slowest option....say normal air parcel)? Last time ordered from them was probably pre-pandemic. their pricing seems better than hlj usually. i've been using amazon jp for lots of stuff past few years but thought to return to try some of these other options again.
  12. the one at the show doesn't seem to have panel lines on the chest and shoulders as dark (and looking bad) as the earlier photos. hopefully its like that vs. the earlier photo. Also this build does look thicker and chunkier overall. Look at the legs too. This isnt a svelte yamato//arcadia copycat. it doesn't look bad. i might give it a chance.
  13. Wow so much new stuff. Anyone think either of these (moderoid or HMR) will be better than the megahouse froma few years back? They seem to be quite a bit smaller but bigger isn't always better i guess. EDIT oops saw some comparison pics hmr vs. megahouse from the previous page. man they both look great especially in bot mode. The megahouse seems to be more balanced....like the other modes (mode 2 espeically) look better than the hmr though. the moderoid looks interesting too, but is the smallest of the lot and also is more compromised in the other modes. still all of them look so good! i never was a fan of the anime but always liked this mecha design.
  14. This looks like it's not line art accurate but for a dx chogokin I'd trade that accuracy for better function and stability. Hope it comes out soon ish finally. I sold my Yamato anticipating this....YEARS ago when they finally did the 19.
  15. This is so beautiful. Keep up the great work. If they ever relaunched a line of modern chunkies they should look like this!!
  16. This better come out and I better be able to get one. Haha. Clearing the purchase calendar for this as I'm sure it won't be cheap (but way cheaper than if arcadia made it that's for sure) ...after 40 years (well I'm American so 37 or so) I AM SO READY!!!!!
  17. Dang...the new matte ish finish is tempting me...i have 2 of the renewals...one with fast pack and one without (well i have the heavy armor for him but never used it). Hoping the yen stays weak. This Dx with supers is gonna cost me less than the R word releases god of flame lol. What kinda world is this!? Lol. Think i am in.
  18. hoping they have fixed the updated mold issues by the time this releases. I can't stop myself from wanting this. like many, g1 jetfire was the path towards macross love for me. i wonder if KC, a licensed robotech toy maker can do this....could threezero (who are doing a 1/72 veritech soon right?)? i bet they won't if they don'tn want to lose all their TF licenses though. lol. damnit, why couldn't takara x bandai by a DX chogokin in jetfire deco? yes there is custom painted dx chogokin option but with that usually comes a delicate paint application and a slightly undesirable feel in hand. its a very bad price since the improvements last time were a step back and since V1 its been a mix of good and bad tolerances etc. ugh....i want to love this and buy it but i feel like its a need to buy it because a better factory made option won't come along anytime soon. i'll be OK double and triple dipping if 3zero and bandai follow suit. lol.
  19. Well its better than the exclusive 2 pack wfc one but thise gigantic hinges still look awful. That being said, this is the retool that shoulda come during wfc with prowl and its alt mode is better. Im not forking over evem more money on this subpar mold though.
  20. re crasher:SO MUCH THIS. I mean i want a 956 based mold. You could repaint it as the machine robo white porsche robo version even if you need a repaint. If its just dragstrip or mirage again....i'm gonna be disappointed. The only others that interest me are.: Leader-class Prime Skyquake. Having the original tfp toy i was always a fan of h is character design. Let's hope this is still cool. Leader-class Armada Megatron. I skipped out on the recent 3pMP vesrion of this guy but a leader class toy would be an easier sell to me...if its not a pile o crap haha.
  21. its correct that g1 toy grimlock was proportionally not as huge as the 3pMP releases. We can thank takara and mp-08 for that direction. also the FT and GP dibots/gigasuars were released in the "hybrid style" MP days and everyone was kinda following takara's lead. i think newage does reflect the toon model proportions and the ex reflects the toy deco mostly. that being said, its the sculpting is i guess the part of the toy that has always carried over but did't to the newage. For instance, look at the robot outside lower legs or the forearms on the newage you posted. they are flat whereas the g1 toy has features molded in...and i think i like that. see this photo of the dibot grimlock (the less toy centric of the mp releases even) from sixo's blogspot . note the sculpting present there. dx9's wat in pocket dinobots have less but still some more sculpted detailing.
  22. totally agree. ymir is gonna have cool deco choices but the sculpt itself is too thin, smooth, and yeah rounded. we are seeing the same thing. to be fair he DOES look a lot like the character model which is thin in the arms, and smooth etc. his color scheme looks like studio ox though...note where the red is for evidence. dinobot toys have always modeled themselves somewhat after the original toys because the original toys were so very popular. the MP ones available all have toy details (from hastak to FT to Gigapower) in some form or another. that was before MP leaned in on "2D to 3D" full toon nonsense though. the DX9 set has a toon color deco but its sculpted much in a way that recalls the MP efforts adn therefore the g1 toys. much like the predacons....most dinobot sets take inspiration more from toy than toon. i'm sure a lot of the full toon guys will like ymir though.
  23. yup if you care about the train mode proportions, length and model train scale takara is the only game in town. if you care more about the bot modes then zeta....errr....i mean moon studios has you covered. i don't care much about raiden so i'm just watching from the sidelines.
  24. totally agree, it doesn't come across as a Max valk to me either (closer to Michael for macross F), kinda hence my hesitancy to PO at first. still including the extra parts and a WWM release for $250 is hard to beat if they don't F up the release. the cockpit color doesn't bother me actually. looks like kappa is cheapest but upfront payment...TCP gonna get a lot of my macross business i guess.
  25. I want a blue diaclone version with some more toy detsils and flava. Mmc has finished trsilbreaker himself for me years ago...this guys silhouette reminds me of a slightly slimmer terragis anyway...but im sure utll be more toonified...hipefully not to p infernos extent.
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