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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. i know its a prototype still but the panels don't have that tight yamato/arcadia look to them (neither did the earlier yamato effort) we've come to expect from their post V2 Vf-1 projects. wonder if the fit will improve on production to the normal levels we're accustomed to now. either way i hope the joints are good...including the wing panel joints
  2. its a good price in this day and age for the strike parts. i REALLY wish i had jumped on more of them in the yamato days. they could be had for less than $30 or so on sale sometimes. i should have bought a set for every valk i had and every valk i wanted (not that all valks need SSP but the option to do it is so choice haha). lol. i don't know why arcadia refuses to reissue just the SSP as they have sold valks without SSP too.
  3. wow that outter box. FYI as far as teh stress marks i've found sometimes a hairdryer removes the cosmetic issues with stress marks. glad it didn't actually break on you but yeah i'd be more than a bit annoyed at that.
  4. hmm, doubt it. didn't someone get the super/strike parts here and show clear mold differences (different gate/runner locations etc). I'd assume if they went thru the trouble of reverse engineering the fast packs that the same process was used here. also note, if they did add the feature of a landing gear that turns...that can't be a factory second. lastly, was there even a roy vf-1s arcadia releasse coming up/very recently? i don't think so.
  5. color me interested, thats a nice costume. please be an engaging story - character driven please. i don't expect huge budget action scenes all the time but expect a few in a season, hopefully the storytelling keeps us interested.
  6. roy, lisa, breetai would be insta ordered. max only if mirria and vice versa. and if theres rick an dmax, there gotta be a ben! lol. quite the rabbit hole. i don' t need the bridge bunnies or claudia though. global would be nice. kamjin a maybe
  7. this is so beyond....beyond awesome. so macross but so original. i hope this will eventually be released as a toy or a kit. very very cool and i'm sad i didn' tsee this thread until today haha.
  8. yup, would love to have a decent set of civilian clothed mosepada/new generation figures. i wouldn't get all of them though but lunk, annie, rook and rand (the robotech names since well i think kitz concept would be the logical choice) would be instant buys....since i alway s think of scott in his armor anyway and i prefer lancer is his armor too...i might not get those guys
  9. hmm art style is very "flat"....not my preference but i'll give it a chance. these tv series really more about character building and plot anyway. don't expect to be blown away by visuals
  10. i'm about halfway thru what netflix has released in the US. the mechs and action scenes are pretty cool. theres way too much doting by the "camera" on the princess/mayor's .... chest. i mean they so huge enough don't gotta zoom in to see and leave like just leave only them in frame. its way juvenile. queenie is built overall better anyway lol. the whole hyperdrive thing silly as do most of the BRAI.
  11. i fear so too. and i fear we saw 90% of it already....still i will probably want to see this in theater.
  12. its a good thing i dont' have intimate knowledge of teh proportions of a western star 700 o ra petebilt. lol. honestl the alt mode looks ok to me but yeah its just an impressive figure. i wish it were smaller (matchin say mp-10 in height and thus mpm-04). i might actually get one and i haven't bought bayverse stuff in a long ass time because the initial excitement of omg transformers franchise wore out about 9 years ago. haha.
  13. i don't frequent the workshop because i usually prefer toys that are already made, but this looks AMAZING. i didn't even know a vf-9 exists until today. i'm so curious about this kit and will have to read the entire thread now as i might be tempted to buy/build one. kudos to xigfrid!
  14. First of all that is some nice CGI from that game, but I'm not such a huge fan of that itasha thing. its a little too in your face. the vf-171 maruyama custom is about as far as it should go i think, cool art but doesn't distract too much from the actual valk. even smaller like the monster from frontier with the sheryl would be my preference. that being said, that itasha scheme from that game...i'd at least consider buying it because its so different and well done. the 35th anniversary scheme...i'm not sure how they came up with it. theres too much lettering and at least one too many colors IMO.
  15. why do they have to make the anniversary schemes so.....ugly. i bought the rainbow tuxedo 30th one to "support arcadia" because they were brand new and i didn't want them to fold lik eyaamto...I then sold it a few years later. at least the 25th anny yamator 1/48th wasn't ugly (minus the lettering). i wish arcadia would have just done a 1/48 low visibility vf-1a scheme (heck make it a J or an S or a D if you want to make it different) in 1/60. a stealth or woodland camo would have been gobbled up...those 1/48 schemes were great. i own the stealth just because of the scheme! or do something new like a digital camo low viz. also although i'm not clamoring for it, an alaska base or minmay guard would have sold like hotcakes and i'd have bought it too. any of those would have been a nicer 35th anniversary tribute. should we as fans just give up on arcadia giving us interesting non hero valk vf-1 releases (there hasnt' been a non exploding shoulders reelease of VT-1) and just move on? i suppose i could build one of those yamato kits i have and give it someone to paint but it'd always be non factory paint so one would have to be more careful or just do one thats a mostly white scheme anyway (less paint). i'd much rather arcadia do a new scheme release though!
  16. after not wanting this iniitally i made a last second purchase last week at full retail price...when i saw one vendor had stock...now its almost on its way to me and i'm reading about breakages and other issues. lol. getting bandai'd (is that a thing? lol)a nd i hvaven't even gotten it yet. wondering if i should just part with it MISB at a slight loss...or hold on to it and hope it appreciates, or take my chances and open and play with it when it gets here. too old for this panic button BS haha.
  17. looks like some of the action is still like too "cut", like th escene in the russian trailer. i can't exactly tell how optimus puts ravage down like the dog he is. the cut is too quick and the CGI has blurring i htink.
  18. yeah i'm hoping this "prequel" actually becomes a separate continuity somehow like theres some action here that causes the universe to splinter and the old movies are erased and never happened and we get even more G1-like movies from now on. and yeah bumblee gets his facea nd traditional dorky look. haha may be too much to wish for. lol.
  19. i'm no line art expert but having the gakken as a kid and memories of the show as my primary reference....i never thought of them as flush to the chest section. to me they reminded me of FAST packs as arms and obviously those aren't flush. lol. checking the lineart...it is supposed to be flush and i get how that'd bother people. the thing that bothers me most about legioss arms is when the relevant swivel is ratcheted and you need to stop between ratches for the boosters (aka arms) to be straight in fighter mode. i forget which version did that (or was it all of them? lol) but it was annoying!
  20. looks pretty great except the arms don't seem to compress/tuck in correctly. didn't seem as noticeable on other releases (does that issue exist there..i've yet to open my copy of the zeta)? keep teling myself i don't need it but not sure i believe myself. the 3 main colors are enough! the 3 main ones are enough!
  21. they've been around forever. i haven't ordered from them since their new name but they are legit shop. i believe some guy named tony runs it IIRC.
  22. original creators involved....nice. loved the original show. hopefully this recaptures some of that magic.
  23. the car and the motorcycle mechs look cool but...its like they forced 3 modes. not everything needs a gerwalk mode haha. also the car's battroid mode is very humanoid wearing armor. actually reminds me of last knight optimus with those shoulder pauldrons
  24. i think zentran soldiers or mecha in scale with their 1/72 line would work well...if thats what they meant. and no we don't 60 cm tall zentraedi soldiers to scale with their 1/12 human figures line!
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