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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. that arcee looks great in kumas photos. they gave her some truly psycho faces. probably an idw thing. i wonder why mmc seems to like issuing the black "redeco" before the main colors recently. they did the same with hellion. is it to get some business for the people that just can't wait to get their hands on the mold? i guess it sells better as a lead in rather than an actual redeco. anyway, looks great. on the fence if i actually want to get the S3 autobots as there isn' t a good kup (don't care for FT's) out i like and to be honest i love seasons 1 and 2 way way more than i like season 3. for the cast i already have giant fat no waist swivel magnus (mp-22) and mp hot rod (which ft's hoodlum seems like it will beat but do i care about hotrod very much? ntrly) . i think openplay's springer is still the springer to beat honestly (maybe mmc or xtb can change my mind but i doubt it), FT's upcoming blur looks great. this arcee is best of the bunch i think. ft's rouge is prettier but thats about all it has on mmc's. toyworld/zetas half assed (literally in car mode) is not a consideration at all. to S3 or not to S3? hmmm
  2. i dunno who did the art. i just know i generally liked arii box art...had a few kits as a kid. the vf-1s fokker battroid and teh vf-1j fighter and gerwalk boxart are also faves. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models/arii/ar-315-30box.jpg http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models/arii/ar318-36-box.jpg http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models/arii/ar322-44-box.jpg anyway i'm just excited we are getting a new 1/72 Vf-1 this year (robotech licensing be damned) AND a new 1/48 (new standard?). could a new 1/60 be far behind? and yes these valks sometimes look fat but i think its just perspective...done in a strange way.
  3. haha yeah the boxart aint my fav....lets see how the toy inside is! as far as old boxart to imitate....the best IMO is from the arii model kits...wish they ahd gone this route. like the one below.
  4. its hard to be a macross fan and not get excited for a new vf-1j and vf-1s i think. its like a new mp optimus coming out for transformers fans and yes like the rx-78-2 for gundam
  5. i too have too many thundercrackers...my mp-11 mold is a usa hasbro version that was repainted before takara's hasbro asia arm made an official one, but yeah lightning and mp-7 still reside in my closets. i'm not sure what igear was thinking with the grey thights though as their prototyps were colored correctly. I was even thinking if i should get the maketoys one. then i look at this picture and can't help but think the mp-7's color and deco is so majestic. **sigh** then again we buy countless vf-1s that are essentially repaints wiht different heads so i guess its all good. haha
  6. Yup, what we like is what we like and it can change too. lol. Apologies if I came on too stron with my opinions and language...but yeah its perfectly valid to love what i consider over the top designs that have gone too far and yes the old ones can be "boring" to some but not to me. lol. Anyway, i think i expressed my dislike of the flame toys stuff because i felt like people who like that aesthetic....already have a huge selection of other anime/gundam robots so i just wondered wny it had to "encroach" on Transformers. yeah thats super biased and probably not fair. lol. To each his own and yes i'm sure that Star Saber is super aweome to some...and more power to them i guess.
  7. i don't even like th movie designs and i like that thing. its like so monster meats mech its awesome. might have to go in on that weijiang. i hear some places are running out of the first preorder.....and atking second batch orders for march. its gonna be super successful because its 10X better looking than the leader class mold its based on. i really can't say i like the movie aesthetic most times but i really want the UT challenger and weijang hide shadow (and no i don't need the set b diaroma BS)...but they are pretty big and well space,, don't knwo if i can resist.
  8. there was tengen though. haha my first home version of afterburner was from them and their black unlicensed carts. lol. yes flame toys is 3rd party. and yes i kinda hate the flame toys aesthetic for transformers and the fact they don't transform. FWIW, it "looks like gundam" isn't an indication of looking like an rx-78-2....it looks like modern gundams with their over zeaslous addition of wings, extranneous looking BS, stupid over hip thrusting, shrunken torso huge weapons and calves look. the rx-78-2 was a beautiful design. there are a lot of decent gundam designs...most recent ones look like they just add BS on top of lazy design IMO and that is what this star saber looks like...BS..IMHO.
  9. yup that is why they said "respectively". :-P looking forward to this. wish it would all come 12/12 but i guess a month a half delay for fast pack is better than post CNY. i forget is it only the fast pack that has LED or does the main valk have it as well?
  10. taht thundercracker is igear lightning isn't it? the vf-0 is much closer in size. f-15 and f-14 are someohwat close in size. the vf-1 like and f-16 size.
  11. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    same...i missed the pay by X date email....didn't know they moved up the release date too. oh well...its availble on cdj still but for more money than NY of course. not sure i still want it enough anymore....hmmm.
  12. i only have mpp-10 from them as sort of an outsized homage to prime because well....prime...i met get the weijiang megs to go with him because well it's nice to hav a sparring partner, but i can't collect a whole other scale of mp transformers especially since they don't do every one, just a few. i know a couple other companies supplement KO OS MP (robot hero is one and tanaka is another) but its just not complete enough and to be honest they take up way more room haha.
  13. quietus seems SOOOO close. i don't make it a point to collect S3 bots but i do already have andras and sovereign and no takara cyclonus on the horizon ( i don't own eligos either)....if there are any left during the next ebay flash sale i may use it on him. i've yet to pick up the MT skycrow and lightnig though (Which are more core to the characters i collect....bu ti already got meteor and am not convinced its my definitive seeker despite great proportions and articulation). decisions...and yes the white thighs do kind bother me a little bit as do the overly contrasting forearms and knees...but again its soooo close.
  14. for those of you who been eying the ET toys zeta legioss (the red one)....get thee to amazon japan...the shpping to the states is like $11. i paid basically full price for mine but letting you all know its like 18550 yen right now (19700 with shipping) so about 90 bucks off right now from seller "Akihabara X アキバのエックス 通販部(土日祝日も毎日出荷!宅配買取受付もやっております
  15. personally i'm really hoping the siege line kicks in a whole new Neo G1 interest aside from MP. mainline stuff thats G1 heavy in flavor has proven to be good for the brand i think so hopefully we're moving from being a "generations" or classics type release to the mainline stuff actually going that way and i think thats pretty much whats happening now and the combiner warys thru power of the primes trilogy was a testbed for that. Siege being a mainline again...takes it a step further being even closer to G1. i mean look at shockwave minus the add on arm nonsense, look at prime, sideswipe...also a white cab magnus with armor (granted his alt mode is a mess)! its very exciting...not sure how much i'll be partaking but if this neo g1 aesthetic stays around for a few years at least....it'd make me happy.
  16. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    i think i'm good with the first one we're getting. max/mirrya....i don't need them in vf-4 and also their schemes don't look as nice on the vf-4 for some reason IMO. the fokker type i need even less....he never flew one.
  17. hmm, i did not receive an email about also having the fast pack on order, even though i answered their email at the time and said i was committed to buying one at the time. was there a separate preorder deposit/payment for that?. also, is it me or do the legs have to angle up to clip into the backpack in fighter mode. battroid looks very similar to yamato design complete with "priest collar" although its less obvious. hoping all led gimmicks remain intact.
  18. new account. not linked so far as i know. don't need a prime membership with amazon jp to ship here.
  19. kumas photos look great as always....he mght actually be improving a bit too! having owned steelcore (Still have him if anyoen wants!)....i can't get remotely excited about his yellow redeco/remold. the short legs and awkward hip area....i can't get past in person personally. he is solid otherwise.
  20. so cordon if you ordered him from Amazon Japan (yes this item was able to ship to usa like most mp TF) it was around $95 shipped to the USA. Still too much but "doable" too much (like say $90 was for maketoys downbeat) vs. "ummm....hell no too much" of $140 ish thru american retailer channels. btw i'd encourage everyone to use amazon jp for mp tf. Its the only way I coudl justify this guys, sunstreaker, and previusly megatron because these prices on mp tf these days are nuts. speaking of mp tf. mp-10b is a steal right now on hlj for those that missed him. re: taiwan vs. china and why its an issue for some......for anyone interested....its touchy. you wouldn't call an ethnically chinese mandarin speaking person in say singapore, malaysia, or usa or canada chinese...unless you JUST were speaking to his or her ethnicity. the majority of taiwanese are descended from chinese immigrants mostly from the fujian province (which is why taiwanese aka minnan hua is so similar to hokken and teo cheow)... although there was obviously a mass migration from the rest of china fleeing the communists during the chinese civil war in the 30s and 40s, the majority of families are descended from people who have been there longer than the USA has even existed (yet you don't call english descended americans Englishmen)...since the 1600s-1700s and the history of who ruled there...is complicated and wikipedia can explain it to you lol. the CCP has never ruled there though despite what they say. anyway in case anyone was interested...tahts why peopel get touchy about taiwan vs. china
  21. Bandai gonna nickel and dime the crap out of this. Huh? Reminds me if his their She Sage mode naruto didn't come with the extra robe, scroll etc....just a sage face....because they'd later sell a more complete Sage mode naruto ...or how their Nano weapons for ironman werent all included just so they could do another release.... Anyway...the optional hands set and missiles set...should have been included in the base toy. Let's. Get it out if the way, it's BS it's not included. strike pack better come with option for super... There were supers in dyrl after all. tv style super pack....wont complain there isn't a strike cannon there as strike never showed up in TV show.
  22. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    looks good. i don't think i need non major valks in a scale bigger than this anymore. Vf-4 so pretty in fighter mode. depending on the price and availability i may get more than one. i never went for the yamato or arcadia becuase i coudln't get past the ugly battroid design for the price. at hmr prices 2/3 modes is enough. and one of those modes is gorgeous. also commenting on the nose cone crotch. its the angle and also the color. things look bigger in lighter colors. yamato/arcadia's still looks much better overall but i'm pickin gthis up instead of hunting down an arcadia reissue ...color scheme is nicer too.
  23. the bigger boots do give it that classic look i felt was "missing" from sentinel's ride armors (it was never intended to look that way though). something between the sentinels smaller boots and the classic boots would be "best" but there aren't any ready made options out there. anyway, good idea tekering. now lets see it all painted up!
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