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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. hmm being that i paid for the balance of the valk and the fastpack in the same paypal transaction (as i'm sure most that did the preorder did), wonder how it'll work.
  2. super gobots or something like that. i was lucky enough to have a few. the silver porsche "baron von joy" one had reallly good porshe mode. there was one called "defender" that was really cool to me back then too. the super gobots fraternized with my TFs. man that "matchbox motorcycle" looks good for the age.
  3. yup got my notice too. i wonder if the fast packs will ship at the same time.
  4. I agree with you both. This looks like a half hearted attempt or an even less sleek reimagining. I think they really need to start over. It's pretty bad...in my opinion. They really need to get the Sparta right for people to buy into this line. I don't want to crap all over their work but it's just bad atrhe moment and somehow less aesthetically pleasing than even the Old matchbox Toy. Maybe they new designer to get some fresh eyes on this..STAT.
  5. those were actually way better too.
  6. the KC kitz stuff is pretty nice mid level toy so...high level for an SD IMO. these robotech morphers i had like....must be almost 15 years ago? they are 5-10 buck toys at best, i think i have a special edition chromed one still sealed in tin box somewhere....again no where close toth ekitz concept level. jenius is married to a sheryl look alike? haha...i haven't watched the videos but i'm sure she gives jenius hopes and dreams. lol
  7. "87.9% Positive feedback " though so....yeah you are protected via paypal and through ebay but i've learned that too good to be true prices on ebay are usually sellers "going rogue"...could be wrong though.
  8. i kinda wonder what the TE-01 would look like with light silver (or maybe even mid to dark silver or metallic grey) thighs and hips plus a chrome grill and smoke stacks. i think that'd be my ideal deco but i'm getting this toonish release anyway...hope they will do other decos though.
  9. my comments as an observer....who has yet to buy them. so, ultra magnus' ankles in armored up form are always tilted? woudln't that make the back of the trailer look even more odd? haha. looks like some great play value (i hesitate to use the word because its still not $50 of value but whatever) for this toy. its a little too greebly vs the too plain mp line, but white optimus like bot that armors up into a very g1ish magnus is probably getting bought. i bet the minute i do that some unlicensed brand is gonna do an upgraded ko oversize and have the armored up mode finally be a correct mp height magnus (i hate and love mp magnus but hate more than love) and get rid of some greeble and give it some nicer paint apps too. haha. for shockwave....the "leader class" additions really don't add to the appeal for a g1 fan. the coolest use of the extra parts to me is that sled mode....reminds me of robotech bioroids or the gundam sleds (whatever they are called). the core bot is smaller than optimus and megatron right?
  10. 100+ 1/48s? thats awesome. when i started collecting macross again, the 1/48s were already about to phase out so I only ever got a few. would love to see some of those customs.
  11. they just put out a january update for their crowdfund "renegade" figure (unlicensed TF tetrajet). don't expect anything there until way way after CNY. apparently they are just starting things again relatively recently with a new factory (there is a whole thread of bad jjuju stuff on tfw2005 about what happened between them and the old factory/FP) . also lots of pledgers didn't pay up seemling....but retailers apparently saved the project pledging to buy enough quantity to save the project (5 guys max on that particular project). also they are basically doing the work for free in their free time at this point. its a little bit of a sob story and makes their existence seem rather tenuous TBH. i am curious how they landed the robotech license with such a small operation. hopefully all goes well because southern cross/masters robotech never had enough decent toys...
  12. they've got proportions and g1 feel down and the figures are solid. i have their mini magnus and it definitely feels more like magnus than mp magnus, despite havin the whole cab visible from the back. that blaster is 10X closer to the look and "feeling" of blaster than kfc's. i've been trying to unload my kfc blaster pure red (well not trying that hard lol) partially because the hips are "wrong" ( guess more normal and heroic?) and not a fan of mid thigh swivels. i really don't want to collect another line/scale of TF either but i had to have that magnus because mr. mp fat buttflap having no waist swivel magnus was a huge disapointment. and hey it might look ok next ot a hi metal r? hahaha
  13. are the shoulder armors poseable like a yamato/arcadia v2? can't wait to get this in!
  14. so in fact they are doing more than just saving a few bucks! haha. speaking of prices...i still remember chunky monkey jetfire was $36 at kaybee toys when i was a kid so when the origins of valkyrie line from bandai came out like what...16-17 years ago now for roughly $100, i was like....dang....and those didn't include the fast packs either! haha
  15. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    thats a lot of junior girl scouts (brownies). also one of those is not like the others
  16. you'd be surprised what can get done if a company either has a good relationship with the factory or owns it. sometimes a final groom of tooling does wonders for tolerances etc and may only take a few hours to do and a couple days to qualify the change. i don't know KC's setup but its theoretically possible. interesting its been 5 days and we haven't seen any reviews and i wonder what it is they want to fix. perhaps it is something not super consequential or else the internet woudl be complaining about it already. haha
  17. wing fillers for $10...worth it totally. i just don't like their fb post about them claiming someone else designed them and now they are making them available. everyone knows the old prototype pictures show either solid wings or more likely (knowing what any engineer knows about molding and wall thicknesses etc.) wings that have filler pieces in them already (it would never have been designed for injection mold with such an irregular thickness in a flat area compared to rest of part that a one piece design aka no fillers would require) . thats my last rant on that item before i cave and complete my meteor (which will consists of the base figure, aftermaket shin vents, aftermarket intake details and these wing fillers). i just wish they'd admit what they did instead of making up this story. smh
  18. G1 prime without trailer is a travesty, especially if they are trying for the nostalgia with the boxes etc. the small size of the box will ruin that feeling instantly and remind you in hasbro is just trying to save a few bucks and its 2019 and not 1984. the G1 prime box was fairly big part of the fun was the big neautiful box and the trailer was fun too as a kid! its sad when you want to buy something from hasbro but can't but you can go online and fine knockoff G1s with the pretty g1 hasbro box and all shipped from overseas cheaper than they want for this. to support the franchise i'll probably get it but man....its a bitter pill.
  19. btw...the vf-1j ain't in delta is it? But yeah, people assume the worst. Yes, they are catering to people who might find her cute but she IS part of the franchise and relevant in that matter. I don't think its "sexist" at all...maybe a bit silly but yeah. it is what it is.
  20. they actually went fairly lineart accurate with the head size on the valks....haven't ever seen that aside from model kits. looks great overall. i wish the 1/48 upcoming from bandai had the LED gimmicks. the panel lining is a bit strong but better than previous protos. the 1/12 figures...yeah i need that rick and roy and dammit i shouda waited on chinese dress minmei...got the regular one....guess i can double dip. misa looks ok. max's hair is off. dunno why rick has the gun. training montage he wasn't wearing his flight suit.
  21. hmm well 12/12/18 is over in hong kong....anyone get a release or shipping notice?
  22. TWE means no preorder madness though...just markup for those outside japan by those retailers in japan that will sell them to foreign customers. So $35usd may become...way too much (for what you're getting) once the markup and shipping are taken into account. i'll still probably try for one set. I rarely used the missiles on the yamato valks but its nice knowing they were there, although the reactiom missiles came with the super/strike parts only...at lesat the box and regular missiles were standard.
  23. i see one is the missile set....for roughly $35ish USD....they should have just included this and made the base price like a tiny bit higher. of that 3.9k yen what percentage goes to pacakging, shipping, marketing the extra item/box etc. its just annoying. not sure where you see the other preorder? Also, why does the product page https://tamashii.jp/special/macross/vf-1j/ say "dx chogokin Alto limited Edition?" in the browser tab title? lol hikaru >> Alto.
  24. looks like a badcube transformation. lol
  25. paint is fine, the thickness of it just has to be designed in...unless you are talking about surfaces that require friction to work.
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