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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. i think they might actually be using the soundwave mold this time instead of the soundblaster mold if that matters to you.
  2. HMR actually. In hand it feels better engineered. everythign feels like it works more as it should....moreintuitively. as a pure display piece KC might win because of presence though. KC has some joints to loose and others too tight so that the posing of the figure works...but takes more effort.
  3. i'm surprised by the amount of love the "KC Finish" is getting. i love that they did a good job of getting the paint and espeically the tinytampos on there and its well applied. I DO think given the panel line width and depth it looks like the panel line are too big and wide so combined with the panel lining detailing...its "too much"...not by a lot mind you, Perhaps thats really the molding and not the finish but the panel lining paint work is what makes it stand out too much.... i much prefer the finish of the DX Chogokin and the arcadia is a bit too plain but i guess i prefer too plain to too busy. the KC finish while impressive looks overwrought in the end. anyway, i'm glad i have one and its a decent valk for the money.
  4. does anyone have a feeling the dx chogokin vf-1 series is either a passion project or a strategic move? looking at this thing in hand, there is no way this can be more profitable than their normal dx chogokin valkyries. everything about it screams "this cost more to make than a vf-31". sure the design is simpler, but design is a "one time" cost and not a running cost. yet they release this thing at an msrp of less than a typical dx chogokin. delta was super popular (at least in japan is my impressin) so they coul djust keep cranking those variants out for years and nobody would have blinked if they never made these. perhaps bandai just saw an opportunity to supplant arcadia using their economies of scale to produce a bigger better product at a cheaper cost? sure they will nickel and dime us for the add on parts...but they aren't strictly necessary.
  5. i've got the original release and i really like it but the joints on the hips could be tighter (not bad at all but makes me not want to fiddle as much with it for fear it will get looser). this deco....i like teh silver on top of the windows/chest but not the yellow (maybe i should take a silver paint pent to those flaps?). still looks really good. windows seem more blue than before too (unsure if i like that). anyway, you are right...its a steal and not getting a lot of attention....and i consider it an "updated or IDW" masterpiece class figure. i don't want to go down the IDW rabbit hole though as i don't like the alt modes that much. the prowl bot mode looks awesome though...almost picked that up a few times but ultimately didn't cave. if Gcreations ever finishes their more earth mode like drift....i might have to get that though.
  6. i'm so glad these things will probably exist! these new color options are great and i switched right away when i saw them. lol.
  7. my impression of this thing after handling it: The detailing is very nice, nicer than the base toy itself. Its definitely a bit unrefined but not bad for a rookie effort. After just handling the DXC last week though and having hanlded yamato/arcadia for 10+ years...this is not nearly as refined. It does look good if you like panel lining and all the details. the sculpting is very good and the molding quality is high (even if i don't like the feel of the materials). my complaint is that it handles poorly in battroid mode. there are some joints that seem way to tight and others that are too loose such that when you want to get it in a pose, it makes you rethink which joint to move first and how to move it so you don't move another joint out of position first. The built in hands are worse than yamatos 1/48 chicken hands partially due to the scale though. just use a fixed pose hand. they are decent i'm glad they stuck to the tv style for those. And yes installing the heat shield take a little bit of faith that the shield wont' snap in half during the bending required to get it in there. it happily springs right back...its as springy as plastic comes i guess. Overall, not bad but the HMR handles way better and is cheaper but smaller. its closest to the yamato in size but yamato does just about everything better unless you love the panel lining and detailing. I think i would be happier if this was a $75 toy, not a $95ish dollar one. i haven't tried the light up features yet but look forward to that and the fast pack. for me....this is a one off - i won't be collecting the line. i got it to have a nice looking panel lined/detailed display piece with lights...something nobody else has right now. oh and obviusly this thing is way way way way better than the toynami 1/100 stuff.
  8. Wait How did you do the hip ratchets? You had a gear system with more teeth on hand? BTW, how long did it take to get once they shipped from TFD? Reflective window film is a great idea ,aesthetically the darkness of the chest windows bugged me too.
  9. Dammit, why not the super ostrich? There still is yet to be one without suspect shoulders. The PF stuff is nice but OK with the one I have. It just makes me annoyed they weren't that way to begin with. Not gonna bother with any PF stuff unless it's the only way they release a VT-1. I mean...this 1/60 vf-1 line is no longer the premiere vf-1 anymore right? No way am I going to recollect everything Iin DXC at 1/48, but I'd like to just finish this up already! Lol
  10. seems the evolution toys dark legioss release date has been cahnged to end of march.....guess they didn't get it done before CNY closings. haha. or maybe they are making improvements. either way, we won't see these stateside from amazon jp until early april. aesthetically i wish these things were more detailed...i guess there are the stickers/decals that can be applied but really these should have been tampo'd on. MPC got the amount of detail applied right...
  11. stateside people should be getting this soon....mine shows "out for delivery" (to my office but i'm not in today).
  12. so after handling this thing just for a few minutes yesterday for the first time....bravo bandai. very happy they went with a somewhat matte/satin finish as opposed to their normal too glossy DXC plastic finish. Just looks more sophisticated and military (on the other hand I like my TF's usually to be glossy, especially autobots because real painted cars and trucks have glossy/metallic/pearlescent finishes!). The tampo amount is good too (arcadia could learn a thing or 10 there) maybe slightly erring on too much vs. too little, but i'm not going to complain. This is also in my opinion the first time the DXC line's panel gaps/general tolerances seem to be in the same class as the best from yamato/arcadia. the "sharpness" of the old is apparent. also, the molded in lines on the body are just the right depth and width etc. for the scale as well whereas arcadia tended to go a tiny bit too shallow/narrow with theirs). I'll need more time with it but this might just be the best valk ever made (i'm partial to vf-1 so there is that). very happy so far. shout out to @sumyumgoy for hooking me up after i missed the initial PO! thanks man!
  13. it is very cool but he should pose legend size toys with it IMO. prime can't fit in a spaceship whose width he is taller than. haha.
  14. hmmm... i don't think they are even at the "ready to take to factory" stage yet, and i also seem to detect that many of these small companies "do the design" or hire someone to do it, but skip some of the technical aspects of the design engineering part of it and and expect "the factory" to "figure it out". if each component is fully spec'd the only issue can be noncompliance with spec. anyway, it seems they aren't at that point yet as i don't think they have a good design yet.
  15. hmm being that i paid for the balance of the valk and the fastpack in the same paypal transaction (as i'm sure most that did the preorder did), wonder how it'll work.
  16. super gobots or something like that. i was lucky enough to have a few. the silver porsche "baron von joy" one had reallly good porshe mode. there was one called "defender" that was really cool to me back then too. the super gobots fraternized with my TFs. man that "matchbox motorcycle" looks good for the age.
  17. yup got my notice too. i wonder if the fast packs will ship at the same time.
  18. I agree with you both. This looks like a half hearted attempt or an even less sleek reimagining. I think they really need to start over. It's pretty bad...in my opinion. They really need to get the Sparta right for people to buy into this line. I don't want to crap all over their work but it's just bad atrhe moment and somehow less aesthetically pleasing than even the Old matchbox Toy. Maybe they new designer to get some fresh eyes on this..STAT.
  19. those were actually way better too.
  20. the KC kitz stuff is pretty nice mid level toy so...high level for an SD IMO. these robotech morphers i had like....must be almost 15 years ago? they are 5-10 buck toys at best, i think i have a special edition chromed one still sealed in tin box somewhere....again no where close toth ekitz concept level. jenius is married to a sheryl look alike? haha...i haven't watched the videos but i'm sure she gives jenius hopes and dreams. lol
  21. "87.9% Positive feedback " though so....yeah you are protected via paypal and through ebay but i've learned that too good to be true prices on ebay are usually sellers "going rogue"...could be wrong though.
  22. i kinda wonder what the TE-01 would look like with light silver (or maybe even mid to dark silver or metallic grey) thighs and hips plus a chrome grill and smoke stacks. i think that'd be my ideal deco but i'm getting this toonish release anyway...hope they will do other decos though.
  23. my comments as an observer....who has yet to buy them. so, ultra magnus' ankles in armored up form are always tilted? woudln't that make the back of the trailer look even more odd? haha. looks like some great play value (i hesitate to use the word because its still not $50 of value but whatever) for this toy. its a little too greebly vs the too plain mp line, but white optimus like bot that armors up into a very g1ish magnus is probably getting bought. i bet the minute i do that some unlicensed brand is gonna do an upgraded ko oversize and have the armored up mode finally be a correct mp height magnus (i hate and love mp magnus but hate more than love) and get rid of some greeble and give it some nicer paint apps too. haha. for shockwave....the "leader class" additions really don't add to the appeal for a g1 fan. the coolest use of the extra parts to me is that sled mode....reminds me of robotech bioroids or the gundam sleds (whatever they are called). the core bot is smaller than optimus and megatron right?
  24. 100+ 1/48s? thats awesome. when i started collecting macross again, the 1/48s were already about to phase out so I only ever got a few. would love to see some of those customs.
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