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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. pretty good alt mode but yeah, i'll leave it to our resident expert to comment on its relative accuracy. the weathering job is...not good but i guess not horrible. would have picked soemthing other than coffee stain brown as the color to do the weathering with. this would look aces with a custom repaint...at least in jet mode. we haven't seen the underside bu i suspect its actually cleanish because of the lack of bulk to the robot. overall i like it. wroth $50...probably not - but i grew up with top gun X transfomers was in my brain since the 80s so there is that! preordered! it would be a shame if this doesn't get redeco'd into TF X Gi joe Sky striker btw. haha cmon hasbro!
  2. love seeing line art but i can see that the proportions are wildly inconsistent and why its so tough to go from 2D to 3Don this mospeada stuff. also after looking at it some more... the sentinel is even granting generous interpretation departures of the line art...more or less and updated design...in the spirit of the original but not trying to actually be the original design as far as i can tell. great thread guys
  3. wait where did you get those mini figures or is this photoshopped?
  4. dang already missed the preorder already? hopeuflly 2nd version still has the g1 80s style pacakging and the rod. if i get it i am tinting that thing real dark or really reflective because its nuts they are releasing as is like that.
  5. do you think we'll get the two seaters? if a 1D comes out I NEED it as much as this roy. the 1D, roy's 1S, and hikaru's 1J are like the trio that mean the most to me as an SDFM fan. sure completing vermillion would be nice as well as max and mirria's 1js and of course browies and brownie 1J but i don't want to repeat the 1/60 v2s and go for near completion.
  6. might be same person. loves to use the word "beautiful", if thats his tell. haha same logo as well. https://www.ebay.com/str/lunaparkjapanshop anyway i ordered because i missed out not getting one anywhere. was hopign ny wold mark up and relist...didnt happen. giviing this guy's website a try. paypal should have my back if in 6 months times nothing happens.
  7. OMG, now this IS PREMIUM finish. i think i'll admire from afar though. best valk ever from the looks of it.
  8. yeah that plane mode not only has teh bot underneath look.....it doeesn't know what plane it wants to be on top. bot mode is ok....i'll wait for a good 3P option.
  9. i like the new headsculpt....and the shade of yellow they used (inaccurate though it may be and i 'm sure our resident color expert would agree on the accuracy part). black arrows is better. The hands .... those are not tv hands but maybe they will have some fixed pose tv hands too? SO when the info comes out in 2 days.....and we know the preorder lunacy date....what a guy's best option? have every link refreshed? NY, AMZN jp, amiami, hlj, bignjapan, cdjapan, AE.... i wonder how much the initial markups will be after the firsrt .5 seconds of msrp.
  10. thanks tekering for sharing your experience with this thing. i was actually daydreaming that this would be the legioss that i coudl actually handle once in a while.... someday..... maybe that will exist. haha. the fighter mode on this thing is gorgeous....giant pilot figure notwithstanding. one of my evolution toys legioss whcih initlaly handled OK now can barely hold his gun arm up even as its only been sitting in a cabinet for well over a year with no handling basically and not much if any handling prior to that. i hope my sentinel legioss will fair better at least in that regard if i dare to change it out of fighter mode. alas its shipping to my workplace which i don't know when i get to return to (i'm in no rush to sit indoors most of the day with a crap ton of people however! lets go science, please let a vaccine be ready sooner than expected!) . i do think based on tekering's feedback so far that....sentinel did good with their design, but not so much the design engineering of the thing. it doesn't seem like engineer's got to push back on the designers to say..."hey, this hinge isn't going to work like you intended because of the thickness/strength/tolerances/etc.". i mean i get it in the 3P TF world where the factory IS the engineering team, but c'mon sentinel...you're a real company charging $250 for a 6ish inch toy....not an entity that makes IP infringing toys that needs to sort of move in the shadows and charge $140 for a 9 inch figure (of similar complexity). sort this stuff out! same goes to evolution toys (granted i hear they are small but still at the prices they charge for their simple but largish legioss, it should have been engineered better). oh i still think the head on this legioss looks to big in soldier mode. oh well...the decision on whether i will get all the main legioss will still hinge on what i think when i get to handle it in person.
  11. i'm off MW for a week or so and this happens! guess i got to pay atttention to see when POs are. it seems more than likely i'll have to pay aftermarket prices if its the usual bandai shenanigans...to the nth degree because roy. never did pick up the dyrl hikaru 1S....would still get it in a heartbeat if i could find it for $330 or less though (mind you that is almost double msrp but i hear they go for way more).
  12. that cyclonus figure looks more than 75% like a downsized eligos. lol. pretty sure some designer had eligos on his desk making that one. i welcome topgun x TF....there has never been a decent real to life-ish F14 for TFs has there? also what was ectotron a remold of? I never picked it up but i kinda want to.
  13. omg i played that. i remember reflex point final thing trying to get in the door...you just keep shooting the bars and they keep coming back and it takes forever. lol. rest of the game was fun...sort of. haha just played in browser and its crazy fast. no way i can actually play it. haha
  14. lol....i missed u are selling them? i'm pretty sure i don't even want to think what they'd cost me (i mean i can tell lots of time and effort went into this!) but yeah if money were of little concern i'd have PM'd you straight away. haha
  15. red comet, that looks pretty amazing. reminds me of the same style weathering yamato used to do but nicer if a bit heavier. congrats! i really want a focker release when they do get around to it. i think tracking down the hikaru dyrl vf-1s that i shouldnt have passed on is gonna be way spendy. gah. nevermind pandemic era shipping prices!
  16. i haven't handled my frontier era dx chogokins in a long time (they're back in their boxes and stored safely offsite from where i usually am). how are they holding up? wonder if it really needs those improvements. hmm
  17. we americans will change the way we do out dates when the world bails us out of WW3. until then 08/01/2020 is August 1st, 2020 when an american company is listing it's release dates. :-P in all seriousness its the most informative way because when you think of a date...you kinda know what year it is usually that you're talking about so year wouldn't come first....to get you to focus on the most pertinent information first...using the month tells you the most information about when something is happening relative to present year and then the actual day of the month is more specific if one is interested in that detail so it follows. the year is last just to reconfirm you're talking about the same damn year. it makes good sense!!!
  18. nice photo man, love that bot. never got around to getting him but he's nice looking!
  19. my guess is those are old photos. kuma had a preproduction sample that had all the changes. that photo looks to be completely the old mold.
  20. i'm not sure if its still true kuma, but IMO when warden was released it was the best build quality of any transformering transformers piece i've ever held. it just feels like a high end toy. that was years ago but i'm not sure its been surpassed by any transformers toy 3p or offical in terms of quality of feel. i sold mine off only to buy it again as well. i don't collect that scale and he doesn't really fit in with many guys but hes just really nice in hand. i never got the stilts...forget what they're called and have no idea where i'd find them these days. it does look aces though! the MMA piece is a shame...
  21. yeah wardog is a good piece. he isn't cartoon accurate proportions at all but thats fine. hes more chunky and mecha like....the shield...just leave int eh box other than to take a fwe cool pictures and when i pretend he isn't warpath. lpl.. i'd argue he doesn't really need it in alt mode that much either...i mean do we pick up our carbots and say hello to visible arms adn faces underneath? haha
  22. its not the old mold. i had that thing.....it was good for the time but this is more articulated for sure....jet mode is no better....probably worse.
  23. crap i totally forgot i had the DX chogokin suiper/strike pack coming to me. .....it shipped under "registered airmail" from Big in Japan. am i screwed?
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