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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. wow that bump on the underside....wtf. i guess i'm extending my streak of NOT buying takara mps (trying to even remember which was the last one i bought....it was mp-42 cordon). i think takara needs a new approach ASAP. takara MPs are what got me back into toys so i'm loathe to give up on them but between mp-44s price/durability/backpack, mp-45's wierd feet/chibi alt mode, mp hound's fragility and now #bumpgate (thats what i'm calling it now)...its hard for me to be excited about this line at all anymore. i wanted to like this guy....his bot mode is bloated but still very G1 starscream to me - superior in many ways to mp3 and mp-11...mostly the lack of an overraised center section (with the head on it) is key. i can't get behind that alt mode though and i'm sure the price will not be friendly either.
  2. so lisa hayes coming into stock soon. haven't orderd yet. did i miss any preorder bonus? considering fokker (and is anyone gonna order that WITH the guitar? i feel like its dumb but might want it) and cheongsom minmei too. is there any incentive to actually preorder these figures from KC directly early? or should i just wait until just before release like i did hear with lisa? they do make you prepay if i remember right?
  3. i like it but why did they chanfe the back panel to have 2 panels and the dumb gate 023 marking? hopefully those are optional stiickers? or will they release a less dumbly deco'd version later. lol. no place for this but i want it assuming it comes with differetn plates for the bakc more similar to early photos and with no gate 23 marking.
  4. ss86 ... i wonder if they are hasui's work. since he isn't doing mp right now, maybe he did these. hot rod looks overall way better than the mp version. puts it to shame.
  5. correct, no safe shoulders release yet to date. i'm still waiting 11 years later. haha
  6. that thing looks awesome. i may have posted the plane mode before here? dont' remember. speaking of 3P TF guys doing transforming jetplanes.... https://tieba.baidu.com/p/6944697929 thats a CLEAN J-20 for a transforming toy. my only gripe is that i don't see what scale it is and i bet a certain military profits form this somehow....do want! also i'm totally gonna get this and that kavalinka. its what i always wanted some non TF transforming jets and scifi jets. i say non TF because as much as i like TF them alt modes got too much robokibble in jet mode wiht the seekers having the least so far .... and the upcoming maverick will bethe cleanest ever. hope the kavalinka is sort of clean underneath (looks teo be ok for a TF but not so clean compared to say macross). lol
  7. do it. probably the best mainline transformer i've handled in ages.... best $80 figure in this hobby maybe. if you watch the netflix series jetfire is a standout in that and of course he is super accurate to that as they seemingly used the toy cad modes as reference material. also interestingly enough his size in the series is large but not g1 skyfire large so if you were to place siege jetfire next to an MP scaled optimus prime...he's about the same proportion to that figure as he is to prime in the netflix series. so do we have an "MP WFC jetfire" already? lol. Also i forgot to mention - i got the shockwave labs blades....they look much better than expected and i totally recommend them if you see this as WFC jetfire vs. a greebled up g1 skyfire. haha
  8. very nice write up! personally i think assaultus looks good but the combined mode legs are too long in the thighs i feel. zeta's overall proportions look more right to me even if his fingers almost reach his knees....thats an issue with oversized hands a slightly too shoft thighs. i too like brawl's tranformation for the combined mode being more g1. makes it look more interesting than a tank standing up. i do think assulatus' chest shield is also a bit too small...not enough coverage. as for combiner scale...i'm in the whatever looks good to you boat. personally i have combiners of all sizes, rarely all combined and next to each other though so its not big deal in theory, but what i do like is that i will have assaultus and combiner wars devy compatible with each other size wise - although if you get wihtin 3 feet of them you can tell one is way more content/quality than the other. and they do have an iconic fight with each other. also i have zeta superion and eventually xtb's menasor (WTF is that trailer/frame?!) in roughly the same scale and evnetually cang's very non g1 predaking. will be in that size class too. i'll also have some smaller guys...GT's GB and TFM's havoc....both not too G1 (unless you only mean combined mode for GB). to be honest i'm more fussed with the individual bots to be in sort of the right size (which is why i can't do FT's stunticons). anyway i also look forward to what mmc does with the protectbots. GT has released 4/5 in their smaller no pants scale (where individual bots are about the right size)...but have been late with hotspot FOREVER. its stylized and cool but let's see what mmc does. lastly i hope mmc's ratchets are up to task and they won't need to ship replacements the next time. lol.
  9. anyone try this on metal joints like some of the dx chogokin ball joints? this product seems to have fans over in the TF side of things too but those are mostly plastic joints.
  10. this has its proportoin problems but i applaud kc is improving. the arm swivel is unque too and i thin would add a ton of poses look a lot better. the bandai dx can't even do that.
  11. So this just showed up in my white rabbit mailbox overnight. didn't konw this was out already (thanks to tekering's post on another forum i found out lol) and the email landed in some strange folder so i didn't even know until i searched my emails for white rabbit, lol. Anyway this is my first rodeo with white rabbit. All in, including shipping and the purchas e price i paid back when i ordered it comes to about ~$260 USD shipped from japan to new york. I picked DHL because i kow they have been pretty reliable during the covid times as i've gotten amazon japan stuff from dhl during this time. IF i picked fedex it would have been about $3 cheaper (and potentially a day faster) but i don't know how good fedex is from japn to USA right now. if everything goes well with this shipemnt i can see using them from future webshop exclusives or whatever bandai calls them. I know i had to prepay (aside from teh shipping which was $47 for DHL), but the overall price is not too bad right? anyone else go this route on this figure (aside from F360 that clued me in to white rabbit)?
  12. dorkside has been great for me. i use them because they are qucik, things are shipped well and i can defer tax payment on the items until i file taxes and report them as use tax. :-P
  13. not sure this post goes here but....has anyone had issues with Nippon Yasan being able to get SHFiguarts figures you preordered and had to prepay for? as far as NY and them getting bandai stuff...i konw there is some bad history....Yes i know all about the DX chogokin Vf-31A kairos saga years ago. i was one of the "lucky" ones and got it...almost a year after the release date! specifically this time they are 2 and 3 months late on some SHF Endgame stuff(final battle ironman and final battle ironspider). I didn't think there would be a supply issue on those? American retailers (i konw different distrubtion channels etc) have it in stock so i would have thought this would not be an issue. i've submitted a ticekt a couple days ago (After i remembered..."hey i never got these!") and haven't heard back.
  14. gonna guess you mean tt hongli falcon ...its t beast inspired. tunrs into a gian mechanical bird with jetbooster butt. kinda cool. made by a gundam 3p/ko maker. first tf product. release imminent
  15. hah, i can't really get behind Nicee (its a bit .....much for me. lol.'0 or thier mafic henshin girls, but the nicee while still unreleased seems to be nicely designed from an engineering standpoint - time will tell though and while i won't get it i'll be interested to see how well they executed. this tranforming sci fi jet mecha thing i'm totally into though. almost wish someone would produce decent fiction around it.
  16. Thanks for the reply. kingzilla is actually a release i might have been interested in like...when i run out of stuff i REALLY want to spend money on. how much was he? with how tf source works, things that go on sale tend to go on sale again later,,..myabe black friday. lol. he looks to be $160ish as of today wednesday. i mean the earthrise voyager looks....lackluster but reminded me this character and design exists (and if it were $20 on sale or something its a no brainer). lol. mpm jazz actually looks cool to me but i hear he is loosey goosey. one of the few movie designs i kinda like. if i were ever in a store and ht estudio series jazz was on sale i'd definitely get it. lol. koot, i can't stand the seam that runs vertically down his chest. i feel like that s dealbreaker. but hey if it were free i'd at least play/tf it before selling it. haha. since i don't care to complete the 3rd season cast in mp format i just pick and choose if i really like something (like i like cyclonus and i have ft's original release), i do hope locke will come out well though. out of the movie/season 3 guys i like him more than blur or rodimus. i'm rambling but now for something different.. and not sure it belongs here becausei'm not sure if this is going to be some alternate universe version of a TF character or not, but its from a 3P TF maker... https://www.facebook.com/122351655184869/posts/777174553035906/ now that is a cool sci fi jetformer assuming the underside is not hot trash (which wouldn't stop me from being interested in it though). i did see a painted photo where the colors were windblade like so maybe this is a bladeless mecha windblade. either way it looks really cool and i've not seen anyone post it here.
  17. As a kid I was sort of "done with" transformers toys by the time season 3 came out and none of the toys looked good to me (except magnus but i mean he was really a diaclone thrust into the 2rd season bot lineup). i vaguely remember scorponock looked cool although never having seen him in the toon at that age i'm not sure why...so never knew much about the original scorponock toy other than i'm not getting that because its too expensive and i wont be ble to convince my parents ist educational. had no idea abou tfastrack. i did have metroplex though so i knew about sixgun and scamper. that being said i just got the new scorponock but wont be playing ith it for a while...probably going into storage for a rainy day sometime after i move out to the burbs. haha. maybe i sould pikc up fasttrack to go with him since they belong together it seems. lol
  18. interesting the red kneew smoved up to the thighs. also the incorrectly applied speaker sticker (everyone did it that way though) from g1 makes it int the deco. is it niver than MS voice ripple? looks just as nice if not better TBH. also where are people seeing $25 for boost? lol thats crazy and its not a must have but at $25 i'd have to...
  19. FWIW if anyone is interested in titan omega or commander class jetfire....they are getting reissued for original retail prices (too lazo to find out where but i know at least bbts hasit up and they are calling them reissues.) commander class siege jetfire is IMO one of the gem of the modern rfc mainline transformers. oh this week's tuesday announcement is some redeco of one of the "fastrack" (who i have no idea who he is, hasn't shown up in netflix's series yet) called Black roritchi. no idea who that is other than its a japnese g1 thing and he goes with scorponock/black zarak?
  20. other than the articulation, i can't say i like where this is going. the cad renders actually looked better. he has teh opposite problem from meteor. giant head instead of a pin head. mp-11 got the head size right IMO. even mp-3 was acceptable sort of. not sure why there is another smalle rwing behind the wing. it looks like it folds over as their is a hinge looking htin on the leading edge of eh actual wing. is it actuallyt he tail planes? if so they are too large. actually on secodn look that isn'ta hinge but something for those tailplaines i'm guessing to tuck behind? call me old fashioned but i like all that in the lower legs somewhere even if its visible. this sunbow accuracy obsession leads to worse lookign figures. yes it looks more like the toon model but i guess thats ot what i want. haha. heck i prefer soemthing even more toy like i guess . this artwork ain't bad. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/59/Starscream_%28Transformers%29.jpg not that we'll get something like that ever even if they do a plus toy variant but doesn't that look refreshing cmpared to slavish toon look?
  21. that is what i did and while gabriel is an awesome g1 omega....after having watched siege - if you want THAT omega he looks different enough...also if one is building a siege/ER collection gabriel looks off because of the very g1 look that lacks much detail. titan omega if he is still available anywhere (honestly brick and mortar might be easier at this stage?) looks pretty cool too though i don't like his hips. also he looks cool in the show so there is that.
  22. thanks! i do however think that looks "too" blue. it was more bright white with a hint of blue in the show. also "Clear" 3D printed parts are usually frosty. was hoping for some either pale blue injection molded plastic (like an acrylic maybe?) or something metallic white with transparent blue. that being said i don't have a way to make that happen so i may get that one for now. lol. hopefully someone else will make something (is dr. wu you still making stuff? those skybreaker swords were the right blue if a i remember).
  23. binged his recently. WAY better than the Combiner wars trilogy...like a bajillion. not that it was a high bar to pass. enjoyed it a lot even though its nothing special as far as story telling or animation. Its cool to see G1ish sorta kinda designs animated in modern (albeit budget) CGI. skyfi.....jetfire has never looked better (except as the g1 toy lol). he stole every scene he was in. starscream was great too. prime....just isn't prime without cullens voice or that calm and powerful leadeership style. best thing TF related i've seen since tf prime...which was better - but i like g1ish designs way better than the budget cgi toonish bayverse inspired desings of tf prime (there wer of course gems). i have hope that earthrise will be good or better. based on teh toyline for kingdom though....i fear the ending of the trilogy will be something i really really dont like. *sigh* now....someone makea jetfire blade already! lol
  24. had no idwea the robot hero ones were improved. the seeker mold is large enough in jet mode for me though! haha. good job on the paint. so nice. was the thundercracker already toy colored or you went from light blue to that?
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