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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. 1/28 would be awesome if done right. Sadly I didn't pick up th b2 five ride armors that would scale. Sentinels 1/48 scale are pretty good and I've hardly had enough time to enjoy them and the tlead isn't even out yet..and we are getting a huge 1/28 legioss? I'm intrigued. Selfishly I've always wonderd what a legioss would look like with a smaller proportioned cockpit such that 1/60 scale would be roughly as large as a Yamato/Arcadia 1/60 VF-1.
  2. Showzstore is well known (especially in th Transformers and TF 3rd party community) and reliable. I think this is the first in hand photo I've seen. Glad you got yours early! I went with a US retailer this time as I was not in a rush and price was similar. Let us know how it is!
  3. They haven't t said that they are just giving up on the pilots though for those that ordered a regult with a pilot, right? I got mine second hand from a guy who ordered it and he said he'd send me the pilot when it came so long as I paid shipping .... If it's not coming to those who already ordered them and paid for them WITH THE PILOT, that is a new level of suckiness for KC. Truth be told I ALSO have a bbts preorder because I want more than one regult but if it's no pilot now from KC and same price I'm thinking it's a No, despite being the best regult to ever exist....based on principle.
  4. So is it because KC no longer gonna provide it for people that ordered them and paid/m for them already or is it that bbts didn't want to deal with getting them in from KC and shipping them out together? If it's the former that's messed up and will no longer support KC. If it's the latter I would urge everyone to cancel their bbts preorders.
  5. did anyone going through amazon japan get a weird message that it was out of stock after hitting the place order button? yet the order seemed to have gone through because it shows up in your list of orders?
  6. So are the people who ordered a battle pod with pilot going to eventually (as in soon though!) get the pilot ? I hope it doesn't depend on this Kickstarter like at all.
  7. i would love to have either. i can't believe i sold my only vf-11b thinking bandai would get to it soon (when they announced they were doing the yf-19). same for the vf-21...although at least bandai did get to that - just in a lot of ways the yamato was better though...oh well. here is hoping for a vf-11b or c.
  8. it was obviously britai's jacket for when he goes incognito as a regular soldier. lol.
  9. After seeing it. Go out and see it folks! Solid recommend from me it's just what th franchise need if only movie goers would give it a shot. Overwhelmingly positive reaction from both the kiddo and me.
  10. It's odd, I could have sworn I saw a scale chart where the vf-1 actually comes all the way up to the "eye" of the regult. If that's accurate, then the 3 zero seems to be best scaled to the KC regult. That being said I do think the 1/72 stuff does look more right. I think hmr scales best with the hmr regult rather than this one but everyone has their own "head canon" for what's "right" or 'wrong".
  11. i know its 1/72 but can you put it next to a 1/60 VF-1? haha. seeing if we can cheat a bit, since nobody making a 1/60.
  12. while i don't disagree with a lot of what you said - the important part for the brand is that a whole new generation of kids will KNOW transformers the brand - even if they associate it with childish humor. from there as those kids get older, it can get more serious...hopefully. or perhaps we forever stuck in the ROTJ conundrum where EWOKS are deemed needed and things were never the same. that being said without those Ewoks maybe SW as a franchise wouldn't have made it. Maybe the same can be said about TF. The netflix series, i liked the tone, but didn't like the character depictions (or voice talent), particularly optimus. jetfire was finally awesome though. we will see if this comedy centric action buddy movie will bring the brand forward soon enough. btw, i agree TF prime was a super high point in the franchise (despite not liking the designs that much....they were ok but almost have nostalgia for them arleady, lol). anyway, i remain optimistic.
  13. wow that TLEAD ilooks pretty damn good! who knew that MOSPEADA toys were what the doctor ordered for me this/next year. definite buy. also need an extra blue legioss now. where can you still get those? haha. not gonna lie though, that moshow ride armor...eh...cycline - despite being not super accurate looks really good to me. these 2 instantly have become my most wanted collectibles coming up.... i've been wandering the TF landscape for a few years and only popping in for the occasional DX chogokin valkyrie - these MOSPEADA toys are a super welcome change of pace. the TREAD is OMG good looking. don't get me wrong, i love my old toynami beta (the best thing they ever made?) and even the CMs one is kinda special to me, but this looks quite a bit better than both of those. don't let me down sentinel!
  14. Wow big week in this thread! Tlead for sentinel is a must get for me...at least the blue one. I will probably get all of them haha. The moshow stuff looks kinda really good but I already got a full crew with sentinel and in a common figure size. Wonder if moshow will make the core 4 bikes? If they can and they releases are good...I might bite.
  15. 3z revell deco/named veritechs (so strange to type that out) would be great, yes even their roy wannabe vexar, but orbot and axoid would be priority! Loved those kits as a kid even if I didn't paint them, the boxart photos lived in my head for so long. I would put them right next to this not Jetfire coming out. Speaking of which someone need to do a label set to complete his look.
  16. man these recent photos make it look soooo good. this is a collection centerpiece man. i know some on MW don't love it but i do. when i finally get to set up a display room (or half a room most likely) in a few years, i'm gonna make room for this. hopefully i can get one or two of these.
  17. late to the party here...marking myself safe in VT-1 fingate. at least for my first one. now i have a second one i was gonna keep misb for a while but with fingate i gotta dig that one up and check too. btw whoever designed that plastic clam shell.....man they needed to leave more clearance. literally if i were to press down on the product box and if it were to flex down a tiny bit in the right spot - i am pretty sure i could break that fin super easy. there is next to zero clearance to the plastic and not much from the plastic to the box. Thankfully the brown "shipper box" is kinda rigid, and my vendor (at least one so far) wrapped the brown box in bubble wrap and then put that into an actual heavy corrugated shipping box. anyway its a crap packaging design. I doubt an actual packaging engineer looked at it before being sent off for manufacturer. now that i passed VT-1 test (so far)....i gotta gear up for YF-21 antennagate test next week!
  18. wow thanks jvmacross! great comparo. seems like a mixed bag. engineering wise in terms of tolerances, fit, and molding yamato/arcadia still seems to be the king (at least tied with the bandai). aesthetics i think is personal preference. beefy arms i like. sticking below legs in fighter mode...i think it was a compromise that willingly made which i don't think i'd have made that tradeoff. some might disagree with it but i don't think it was a "mistake" it came out that way to 3Z. obviously the 3Z wins in terms of articulation. in any case, i think there are a few other things that are dumb changes from the DX too, but i still need one of these in my hands to see how i feel about it. i am kind of doubting i'll want I want more than 1 though now. we'll see.
  19. oh there was a separate thread?! haha. i htink part of the reason i like this is because the gunmetal/darkish color kinda reminds me of the old arii box art fro the vf-1J. that thing was definitely not "white" or "off white" that we always see valks in. did i ever say i LOVE those old school box arts!? love them so much
  20. if that is the case i gotta know when and i will make it happen for myself. haha
  21. man i dont' visit here as often as i used to but the scan from figure king has me hotly anticipating this. i didn't think i'd like this initial deco so much but in the flesh as photographed for that magazine it looks quite awesome in these colors. all 3 modes look quite good too. its been so long since the i held a new to me arcarida mold . hopefully they work everything out and release this year.
  22. color me surprised nobody in here seems interested in the 50th (/of chogokin, not macross glad we aren't that old yet) anniversary version. i think it looks kinda cool. way better than arcadia or yamato's old offerings for macross anniveraries. looks like this is only going to be in physical stores? we actually have a store here in nyc it seems. wonder if they will carry it. seems like USA not greyed out like europe and latam.
  23. remind me...who do we like for web exclusives. i remember anime export used to carry those somehow right? i know hlj, amazon jp doesnt usually....
  24. so is it confirmed fugu=valkyrie factory or are we thinking "most likely"? yeah its a bummer the arm armors aren't tv style. i've never had a valkyrie factory ko valk but i do have a couple of there super/strike parts sets. i hope this thing at least can look ok even if it transforms poorly. the KC one is just....it just misses the mark aesthetically and hanldes very fiddly. also a yamato mold based design is preferable to a KC one, again assuming it mostly functions and looks good.
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