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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. Me 2 man,,, but somehow I am not in a hurry
  2. I dont think they are related
  3. I think that would look killer,I like the the color and it might look great on the car too
  4. Mospeada legioss gun missing the tail stock. Looks to be the smaller gakken variety. Not worth but maybe a couple bucks
  5. Awesome, love the scale of the lights, it looks perfect
  6. Crom laughs at your remakes
  7. lol, there are things out there that still have theories and are not proven so I try not to debunk everything I see, just true known things. Theories sometimes bother me as they can limit thinking,, in other words I'm not ALL engineer,, my focus is still in design.things that I like about the original series is the engine technology and especially how M0 dealt with that....
  8. I like that scene better now,,, to Gubaba it has more "awesomeness" I wouldn't go far as your definition I knew what you were talking about hence the " " if you haven't guessed I'm an engineer type,, I knew those things in grade school when Robotech was released,,,,,,,,,,,,, that's not weird is it?
  9. I need to set up torrent on my computer, can anyone recommend the best one and ones to stay away from, pm me if you could I appreciate it
  10. Did Yamato have the guys at HG design this thing?
  11. I just think its funny he has his own forum of a$$ kissers. Looks like he is trying to keep a fan base anyway.
  12. Well, to reiterate. like physics for example when Guld gets crushed in M+,,, or like when you die in the matrix, you die for real,,,,,, cept for the blood and broken bones parts, id prefer it all mental. I think the Macross series does a pretty good example of using those laws. And did you call Alto a high school girl To make a point,,, it kinda cheesed me off when Hikaru jumps into space with just a helmet
  13. I agree with the make it more real thinking, it helps people relate and understand when you interject physics along with current times thinking.. which translates into sales
  14. 17's are a good balance between performance and cornering vs rotating mass, some use the combinations like 18 and 19 or 18 and 17. Drag racing you want 15s and 16 - 17 up front anything beyond 19s are playing on looks alone
  15. Anyone have the old school Capt Harlock or Galaxy Express 999. Amazon has Galaxy express in which I remember some things from when I was a kid,,, mostly Captain stuff which I thought was cool. Picking up Galaxy Express possibly on DVD
  16. ugh, got the SDF-1 model
  17. Plus two, his designs are outdated fast. I like the rallies and low profile tires that fill the wheel wells, I had a set of 17" TT II's love that style
  18. Yup, we are.I didnt even know what her name was, I had to google it if that gives me any kind of points
  19. LOL, kids are watching the first movie in the series right now,,, this thread made me think of it,, I think I got 4 movies for 10 bucks
  20. an iPhone, JK I think the best reviews come from the HTC phones as far as freezing up and durability
  21. Awesome work guys,,,, but this thread needs more Glaug. Has anyone started theirs yet?
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