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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. UH, in that case, I hope your a lady JK BTW anywho, I mostly model auto's and racing cars (yes, big nascar fan, and yes, I am a hillbilly) I've been getting into macross and gundam quite a bit lately, I allways customize a kit, The only kit I didnt customize was a 1/100 Arii strike valk
  2. well 2 things, who was themean person who glued the toy, with super glue, it doesnt chemically change the material (or shouldnt) if its modeling cement, your screwed (or any glue that "melts" the plastic. For super glue, you can use nail polish remover, but 1st check to see on an unvisable area if it harms the plastic itself (i think it wont on ABS and a few others) and slowly but shurly work it into the joint. 2nd sounds like boobie-Pat is counting on you breaking it allready <_<
  3. Hey cheng, I did a wash on the fastpacks and I ussed a diluted acryl paint from model master and it seemed to clean up pretty good after a couple minutes, my biggest problem is I had to work fast, because it would dry soo quickly, What type of under coat did you use before applying the oil based. i just ussed the acryl on the bare plastic and the parts I had to use thinner on (even painted parts) I ussed a testors std thinner diluted down and it didnt effect the prepainted parts (which was what I was worried about) Will the oil base effect the paint from yamato if you directly apply the wash without an under coat?? Tnks, Pat
  4. Ah frick, that looks awesome, where did you find Bartley's, I bought a Blowspeiror transformable and a stick type transformable (for the seat and exhaust), I was going to use the front portion and modify it for the bartley (off the blowsperior) and run the rest from the stick type, but I'm hell bent on modifying the legs to look thinner, do they make a transformable bartley typr kit?
  5. pfunk


    OH MY GOD, started putting a wash on the fast packs and holy cow it looks awesome. Im going to do 1/2 of it (one side) and show comparison pictures. Should be in a couple of days, thiers a lot to do, more than what I expected. I even took everything apart to do it. BTW if you take them apart, be very carefull around the vernier thrusters, I dont know how they assemble thiese things mass production, gotta be a PITA
  6. Never even saw a 1/60 and dont care too, Ill stick to my yammie 1/48's, MPC 1/55's (including alphas and whatever they want to release), my 1/35 Alphas, and my Gakken LG ride armor. In all actuality I really like the Models (bandai, imai, and arii) cause you can add as much detail as you see fit. Plus those MPC boxes are going to look awsome in the next house in MY basement (no fience allowed).,she can have the living room <_<
  7. pfunk


    I know, I was just razzing ya. They will make more Has anyone modified them (wash, ect...) becides WMCheng
  8. pfunk


    So YOUR the guy killing the supply <_< , how about shipping a couple my way
  9. pfunk


    You are glad you passed them? Iam Glad I did not. Poor you! no doubt, I keep finding more details the more i check them out thiese things are friggin best thing since sliced butter
  10. I was friggin reading it when this happened,,,whoow is right, i just switched pages and bam 5more posts
  11. Hey, soulDistortion! Believe it or not I made this custom last night, and lo and behold... twins! :Dat Thats awsome, almost looks liquid, is it still wet? nice work
  12. count me in,,,,screw it, I'm on overtime,,,does anyone have a few pics of those parts on it?
  13. pfunk


    Thats a great idea, that way it wont perminantly attach. I'm really debating getting another set and painting them up for the low-vis. I would try to match the colors the same as the plane, I think that would look killer
  14. thiers quite a few that are on sale at HLJ, I've ordered about 5 so far (like $8 each shipped if you buy only one)
  15. I dont have any experience with the HCM just the HCM (HiComical....) I really like my MPC's, probably from the deal I got on them. I like the fastpacks also (even though I have 1/48's, I still like the MPC's) B)
  16. pfunk


    Just recieved my fastpacks yesterday (1/48 of course) and even the ol' lady was like whoo. I cant wait to take some paint to em I was thinking of drybrushing the nozzles flat black and doing a wash on the rest of the parts (Cheng style). Is anyone having trouble with the single micro-missles holding in?, Mine seem to fall out quite easily. I still think I'm going to stick with one set,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,OK, maybe 2
  17. holy cow, are you drunk man I cant follow
  18. I dont think this is hyjacking, but on the fastpacks in later Macross sequils, why in the hell do they have speakers, sorry to opionionate, but i think that is retarded (mentally challenged) sorry to the plus and seven fans, I do like some of the mecha designs though (nightmare and firevalk), just dont like the speaker concept. BTW with the missle differences in the DYRL and TV, will we see this, and also I havent recieved the 1/48 FP yet, are the arm units as detailed (missles) as the boosters??
  19. s_i_t_h_l_o_r_d, you need to find a girl and spend more time out of your home and away from valks. damn i am so jealous Not being married has its plusses... and I got enough cashflow for the girl as well and "no" not the kind you pick up in the corner Well, ya damn near got every Alpha on ebay (exspecially green <_< ) got any you wanna sell. anywho i only have 2 1/48's (but i have all the transformable 1/48 legioss models )
  20. I think he made it from that eraser, HELL of a job for carving. did you have a piece of straw hanging out of your mouth while working the buck knife
  21. Agreed, I might do a wash, but thats it When I wash my newly gotten 1/48VF-1S
  22. Thats the way of gettinjg my fiance into macross
  23. pfunk

    Whats worth getting?

    Yeah, but its 3x's more expensive apples to oranges yeah a $80,000 vipers awsome but wouldnt ya rather have a $250,000 lamborghini diablo (of course)
  24. That looks gorgious, ahgh, I would be so tempted to put another wash on a little darker,,,,musnt touch
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