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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. again
  2. booster more
  3. booster2
  4. boosters
  5. Yeah, Thats an army allright. So who do ya plan on going to war against, 10 Glaugs would get um, destroid, hehe <_<
  6. Yeah, Ive seen the site. its good, I never really cared a lot for SDC mecha, so I never really checked it out. Thats the one they had 2 airbrush out the other moon in the robotech series. I am getting a hover tank though,,,,,just had too, I do like robotech, but mounds and space junk
  7. I still wanna know WTF Amime those wierd lookin' mounds a from (calvery??, Genisis Climber???) Everyone knows it has nothing to do with ruins or 3 ships that crashed perfectly spaced or buried over cause they were nuclier,,,(anyhow, they buried chernobal with concrete and it still gives off deadly levels of radiation) so any RT excuse is far fetched, I just want to know what the hell the guy was drawing when he drew it, not what other people think he was thinking <_< spaceship ruins, thats a funny one though
  8. What were those "mounds" in mospeada?
  9. pfunk

    HLJ Crazy Sales

    Damn it, when are the 1/48's going for 70% off <_<
  10. dang, Whats everyone complaining about. all they "fixed" was the nose cone, flaps, arm stays up a tad better. Any hobbist can fix those problems very simply (if you want to call them problems). I say hell, sell your originals for $120 (NISB shipped), I'll buy em and be plenty happy for saving $50 (new + shipping). I bought 2 that way so far and got my brand new max and low vis (so called fixed) for $135 and $125 shipped. Just wait for the deals folks, Its worth it. Every so often, they come out for $99 + shipping on ebay, maybe the box gets a dent while shipping, but its whats inside that I like
  11. OH Yes, but I sold all my 1/55's I still want one though
  12. CAREFULL, WHEN YOU DO, PLASTIC BECOMES VERY BRITTLE SUBZERO, Eopps caps lock............exspecially ABS or any styrine
  13. Yeah me too.... the muppet master <_<
  14. That is a good idea, I bet the expansion rate of the glue is diferent then that of the plastic. I would freeze it, then warm up the stove to 200. as long as the surface temp doesnt reach over 300, it should be fine. Most unfilled plastics have a melting point of over 500 F
  15. Now that's a movie that could potentially be good. Christian Bale will make a good Dark Knight, IMHO. If its half as cheesy as the last couple, its still bad, they'll have to do a little more then directing to save the general opinion of the last few sequils, personally, I'll wait for the video.
  16. Yeah, it would be nice but for $400 no friggin way, Ill get a model 1st
  17. I think the sequils suck after batman returns, why pay $30 (popcorn and future wiffy included) for something that shoould be a TV show. Clooney is horrible actor. I think Vals a good actor, but I hate the take offs from 007. I allways see batman as the old TV show, the newwer Anime and batman movies with Keaton.....and pretty much 007 as Connery. Why do they do this, it never sells as good as the 1st/2nd now, in 10yrs we have a 4th ,agh, yuck
  18. lmao, how do you find this crap?
  19. Hey, if you're ignoring email, what should I do to place a custom order from ya'? I think he's going on vacation, Said he will be taking orders again October 5th i think's. I know I want to put some money in his wallet to get some rightous decals. BTW if your watching I need = 1/48 2) fastpack sets 1)low-vis 4)regular sets (BTW, whats the shelf life) <_<
  20. I had a jetfire when they 1st came out (good ol' santa, where's he at anyways) Then I got an SDF-1 and thanks to Glane21 its whole again now, holy crap is all i gotta say
  21. Yup, $79.99, Hey, does anyone have those pics of the Alpha, those were pretty nice and helps the newbies see what were discussing (and whoever else)
  22. OK, update, from 0 toooooooooo 1/48 = 5 1/48 FP = 2 damn did I go on a spending spree <_<
  23. judging by the time you have into it (or will), itll be the most expensive part of your collection. AGH man I said in an earlier post to test a part of it (acetone is nail polish remover). If that doesnt dissolveit, nothing will that wont do damage to the plastic. I would try a light sanding to get the bulky parts off being careful not to sand the parts, when its thin enough, it MIGHT be able to be flaked off. One thing you might try is the glue manufacturer to see what dissolves thier product and what type of material your working with (ABS,PVC,ect,,,,,)
  24. Don't worry, at the request of several MW members I will be making a Low Vis version as well. It will have booster versions of the Squadrons from my optional Squadron Set, too. Are you taking orders for the 1/48 valks?, I needs some decals
  25. Heck yeah, It took me about 2 straight hours to do a wash on one fastpack, gotta finish now. Who do I get ahold of to get some decals? I wont be applying any clearcote untill I buy my airbrush (Ireally dont want to do it with a spray can) So I'll be living with a fragile 1/48 till then
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