Take a look in the sections on the main page and the Where to buy area, you will find some onfo thier. Thier is also a for sale section in thiese forums, that will also help
Thanks all, as for the wash, you use a thinned/watered down paint and with a brush (I use a detailing brush that I cut down) apply liberally in all the cracks and crevasis, let dry for some amount of time and use thinner that wont bother the base cote/plastic undernieth to smooth the lines/recesses out (I like to use thinner on a Q-tip and wipe excess with a paper towel) and you can go over again if you want darker/different results. I found the best thing to experiment with is something with a lot of panel lines. Try buying a cheap small scale aircraft kit with a lot of panel lines and experiment with basecoates then clear, then panel detail. the panel detail paint that you use shouldn't bother the clear cote at all. most use laquer clears with oil washes. practice and experiment, thats the best way to get a "style" going that you prefer
right now, I'm detailing out the 1/48 yamato's and fastpacks. You can see those on the toys section. Thanks to all, Next thing model wise I'm twisted between destroids and the bandai VF's.....kinda Robotech kinda thing, but I have all the transformable legioss's and the 1/12 transformable ride armors. I may do those next, since I plan to use some gundam hands and ball sockets (hey, this one can play softball) , but I have a monster coming and am going to be hard pressed to not touch it
Ok, how about this,
Mask the nose of the plane and re dip the nosecone with the canopy exposed, That should give you the results your looking for, A lot of masking though <_<
Yeah, I could do that, I ussed a ghost grey mixxed with a tiny bit of black and thinned it out to brush it on. I'll take more pics tommorow
thanks for the kudos, i should have added weathering and a bit more drybrushing.
Heres the box art from MW
I think a lot of people buy supplies on line, unfortunatly when I want something, I want it now. So the local hobby shop serves me well. I just ussed an Acryl paint for this wash and ussually people use that for the base and an oil base for a wash. Thats what I would recommend. I will probably do some panel weathering with the same type of paints, like around the boosters. toys are a loteasier to wash since most likely your not ussing a clear cote undernieth. All the stuff I ussed above is very cheap at the hobby store, just make sure you have some time on your hands, it takes a while and can become "boring" pretty fast.
I ussed a wash (black) and I took every piece apart ( I even detailed the inner areas) Next time Ill probably go with a forest green for the outter panel lines
I ussed Acryl semigloss wash, next time Im ussing oil based, much easier and faster cleanup,
to remove excess, I ussed testors brush cleaner (was the only thinner that didnt bother the factory paint or plastic at all)
Oh, and for the vernier thrusters, I ussed FlatBlack thinned about 1:1 so they still look metallic
I cant wait to start on the plane, I think I will use a dark grey for that though instead of black, All I need is the decals and an airbrush for the matt cote