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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. I can't help but think a lot of rush fans would beat you to death for saying such a thing Then again... I was mad impressed with the primus cover of floyd's "have a cigar" had to laugh at how many people diferentiate between old metalica and the "new and improved" metallica And dejr8bud met testament... I always wondered how much meeting bands meant to people and influenced their listening. If I had a bottle of tequila for every time I passed out on a couch surrounded by musicians... One of my best friends used to harras manson back when he worked at the mall food court. I laugh at him now as he went the REM style band at the time without much success and manson got signed across the street geeze... lets think about bands I've gotten smashed with... I mother earth final decent fury in the slaughterhouse sponge toadies thursday's child the greatful dead [i didn't know I had an in till the girl I was seeing asked if I wanted to see her uncle "phil" play in tampa] ... more that I forget as I used to party to hard... Kinda funny when you get better treatment than the hot groupies just cause you have the drugs they want HA HA, I LOVE Rush, but still Dave is tops. Seaking of partying with bands, Do you guys know of Saliva (top 40ish) recently, Cell 185 (I work with the guitarist and ussed to work with the singer (alldesigners). they opened for them in the Flint area. I shouldve gone, talk about groupies. All the guys are married and I'm on my way to that institution, so look and dont touch is the key. I wish I could go back to the high school garage band I was in, so much sex, drugs, and rock and roll , all free tooo I dont know if I would say new and improved Metallica, I couldnt get through the CD. Once they get thier crap together, I'll bet they produce some nice stuff,,,after all, they have Suicidal Tendancies Bassist
  2. Im a closet toy person, I ask for tools and underwear, I dont think I've bought clothes since 1991.
  3. Awe man, no testament in thier, gotta love Dave Lombardo,,,he is the best drummer in the world hands down
  4. Everything from death metal to rap excluding country (I do like Johnny Cash and some other OLD country singers, but I wish the Dixie Chicks would get hit by a large train, or get into something they are probably better in,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,like porn or something) Metallica (of course) most top 40
  5. look at this destroid http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...&category=11483 Kinda pricy
  6. AWESOME WORK, What scale is the Q-rau, it looks enormous
  7. http://www.fas.org/index.html thats a good site for military info, they have all those planes listed that were ever in service, including trainers and such
  8. Heres a site I found on tom cruise's height, says he's 5'7", kinda hard to believe, but Kidman (nicole) is 5'9". kinda funny that its an advertisement for growth hormones http://www.growtall.com/height-tom-cruise.htm Agentone-I was just kidding BTW about you being 6-2
  9. When wearing platform shoes... (as Chris Farley said in Tommy Boy: "Him's just a widdle guy!" ) nice sig from Mad Max, thats one of my favorite movies,,,,,my buddie ussed to call my S10 v8, "the last of the v8's" Whats he 5'4"
  10. I've been eye-to-eye with the man, 5'9 or 5'10. I think your 6'2" also and you cant tell me diferent....................
  11. Uh yeah, exactly
  12. http://www.scms.ca/hbarnd.html Says 6'2" http://www.bodybuilders.com/arnold.htm again http://www.algonet.se/~ricste/big.html and again I think hes 6'2" Tom Cruise is like 5'6"
  13. I don't know man, look at your Austrian Oak pics, dude's biceps were MASSIVE back then, freakishly so, and I thought he was big when he did Conan, sheesh!. Nice Butt,,,,,,,,,,yeah, he must work out <_< research time, come on YAHOOOOoooooooooOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. pfunk

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    PLEASE MAKE IT 1/48 or I'll never have one.................................only Graham knows
  15. Arnold was soo much bigger than the rock in his MR universe days.. True lies awesome, I cant believe you havent seen End of days thats one of his best movies IMO. And for her posted above, I'll wait to get married and run for govner <_< Im going a little OT with this, but did anyone see Ted Nugent and those people on his ranch,,,LOVED the vegitarian. BTW did you guys notice I SUCK at spelling
  16. Thats funny TIHS! GO ARNOLD!!! GO CALI!!! Hey I dont even live thier, but someone payed me to say that, Its my hidden agenda. Good lord man, Dont leave the house and go into the "real" world. Thats what makes the internet great, Freedom of speech, Thats why I live in America man. I dont see any problem with this thread, my avatar on the other hand <_< . ---------gets off soapbox------- -------heres one person in a croud of hundreds clap,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Goes home and cries himself to sleep <_<
  17. Judging by the pictures, I would say just the arms (missles and slight mods to the forward edge) the legs look the same, you can still see the large vernier thrusters in the TV pick, IMO they should be smaller, but oh well, I wont buy a J with the FP anyway, Im buying him by his lonesome
  18. They arnt that diferent at all
  19. You should post that as a new topic, thats some valuable info
  20. I LIKE IT, no complaints here man
  21. Excelent work, Now go back to that hobby store and kick his...............after you show him the model. Personally I would take my business elseware, A person owning a hobby store should be informative and professional, also try to get you to try new things and processes. That will bring you in more and you wallet. Thats a bad way to do business IMO. keep up the good work and I for one will be looking forward to seeing your projects, thanks for the pics
  22. That is looking excelent. I just got another 1/12 kit, So I am going to try to do the transformable, I might hire ya to take a lot more pics of your art you did awesome, I cant wait to get my airbrush, good work, kudos
  23. I'm pretty sure they dont sell a coating that you can cote the glass with, but UV glass isnt that expensive. As far as them producing toys with UV stabalized and Highheat ABS is pretty slim. The cost of the material is exactly double and it doesnt flow the same in the tool (likes thicker parts) plus adding anything to the base material will decrease the strength of it and its other charictoristics. It sucks, but thats life. One way is to paint the model, not clear it.
  24. Knowing the composition of Styrenes (ABS and others) the base plastic is very UV unstable, for example on cars they use addatives in the plastic to make it UV stable and heat resistant, obviosly toys are not. Like said earlier any UV source of light will cause yelowing and in some cases the upper surface (skin) will flake and craze. Even lightbulbs will eventually turn it yellow, so a protective layer (like a cabinet stated above) will be the ONLY protection. Playing with them wont hurt them as the oils in your skin wont penitrate into the plastic. Another thing to keep them away from is petrolium products, that WILL penitrate the outer layer of the plastic and cause problems.
  25. Thats what it sounds like to me 2, Im sure it would work good as long as you scratch up the surface. I think I have a few cans in the basement, Ill have to try it
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