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Everything posted by pfunk
itll end up with a bad hip
well, personally I like robotech causse they had the guts to release something that didnt have a fan base at all and invested large suns of cash to do this. Granted for public(MW) appeal Big West shouldve done this, its really thier baby, but they allowed for this to happen cause of fear maybe( loss of revinue)? either way, it is what it is. I like the fact that HG exists, I wouldve never know about the greatness and talent that exhisted in macross in the 80's and probably never would. I really like MW over RT.com in the pure sence that they dont have to cater to a givin company. Now its 20+ years later and everyone hates HG cause they dont want to let thier "investment" go. Personally who cares. Just so you can get toys. We have the means to buy and see what we like (internet) and bring people together on a common base. Just make this known to the people that loved RT thier love for that show is bassed off someone elses talent and stories. Dont get hostle twards poeple cause the dont know any better, Thats like beating the crap outta your kid cause they arnt potti trained yet, that makes you worse than them. everyone has a choice, let them make it for themselves, sit back and watch. Get a little smarter.
Nice 12ga Graham, It looks almost like mine except for the mag extension and a few more custom parts ,I hacked off my long hair too. The ladies liked it in the 80's and early 90's, but not too much past then
That would be a very safe assumption, I would look into gundam parts. I have a few kits, if you want, i can get the sprues and model numbers so you can order them, say through HLJ.
I thought the same way about 1911's (but i allways liked heavier guns) till I picked up a kimber. I would recomend going to a range and pick on of thiese up and see how you like it. I guaranty youll like it. those colts are horible (sorry to anyone who owns one) my buddies colt needed the sites ground off andnew ones bolted on.
one gun isnt better than the rest, I like DE's and std 1911 styles I shoot big cal's, cause I feel the smaller ones are too snappy for me. I can hit the nuts off a nat with my kimber .45, but cant hit the blind side of a barn with my buddies Glock 9mm, Its all how it feels in your hand and how you like the type of recoil. Ive shot taurus, whitch I like, but it doesnt fit my hand good. I would take a sig over a beretta or taurus just for the handle style, not for any waranty, another underated gun is the Para Ordinace, I really like those too in the .40-.45 cal. Best advise to give, is rent a few at a range and see what feels and shoots best for you. Most people take my buddies colt anaconda and set it down after a shot or 2, bigger isnt allways better if you cant use it
anybody go to one of those "turkey hunts" (full auto military weapons), A guy I ussed to work with went to one in kentucky, It was the only place for a civilian to legally shoot a full auto (federally liesenced gun broker). He had a m-60. He told me of guys with chain guns. A guy I knjow is a sniper and hes supposed to take us out on the military range to shoot some m-60's and m-16's,,,cant wait
OH YEAH, I'd pay $1000 if they made a joke machine with armor
True, but guns are guns. I'm one of those gun owners who had the hard lessons about showing guns learned at an early age... some people just don't react well to pictures or even the mention of firearms. As far as that goes, everyone knows not to enter my house, frm freinds to family, they will get shot. my guns are locked and hidden. Thats funny, my buddy has a gun from his aunt that was ussed in self defence (robber), he died at the scene. A good thing for all to those who are looking at CCW's is to go to the police acadamy and take a deputy training cource and get deputized, not only does it allow for more carrying time, it teaches more safety. Also, my Uncle Mike owned a catering truck in the 80's, and his 357 saved his life (long story). Its not gun owners that kill people, a killer could use a toaster, a bat, you get the point
Im not into politics, more like stats, when texas had an open policy on CCW's, the crime rate dropped like in half
No way man! This movie is going to be awesome! I can't wait. Im with you man, I cant wait, the second one made me hate the story line of the 1st,,,,,
Im not sure on how many times he will remain in office, personally I think itll go 2 terms and he will "try" to get into comedy. I remamber a while ago watching an interview (rosie, maybe) and he stated his real love was comedy more than action and drama.
s'okay. no hard feelings i guess i should maybe just refrain from complimenting or just do it in a manner that won't be interperated the wrong way. my bad. didn't mean to come off as being negative. That is sick (extremely awesome)
creepy.... scary SPOOKY <_<
That doesn't sound like a bad initiation compared to some southern ones... "squel like a pig, boy!" Is it worse than an over-packed muzzle loader? He He, My freinds call me a hillbilly in denial, considering the larger part of last year i had a truck bed in the back yard and I put V8 engines where they were never intended to go <_< Over packed muzzleloader, I would have to say yeah Ive shot loaders before, and I go by more is better. I never got a bruise, but when I ran those slugs through, felt like i got in a bar fight. I did a nasty trick to my freind at the firing range, I put 2 regular 2.5" slugs in and followed with a 3" mag, he allmost fell over (225lb guy) and just handed it back to me with a thanks. Oh yeah, harpoons, when I was in highschool, we took my buddies dads (ocean fisherman) harpoon gun and launched it through the drywall of his apartment, made a pretty good hole when we had to pull it back through the nieghbors wall,,,yup everyone was mad. That thing scared the crap outta me
Hell, come on over to michigan (windsor tunnel), between me and a few of my freinds, we have almost all the guns on your list. Ill let ya fire a few rounds and my buddies will too. Thiers a slight initiation, you have to fire a 3" magnum slug through my 12guage
Current haves; Kimber Custom SS Eclipse .45acp 4.5" bushingless barrel Synthetic remington 12ga 870 pump 3.5" mag "ouch" Wish list; Anaconda DE .50 (the price on the ammo has finally gone down) (no not the gold plated) Ruger .308 (not sure what model yet) Ruger M-14 varmit,, i likes bushmaster too
Since you asked: Brooklyn Red Leg 91WhiskeyM6.....I come to these boards cause Ive made friends here....friends that prefer Macross over Robotech or Southern Cross (yes...its true ). I won't even go into those weirdos like Cyc that prefer Mospeada over Southern Cross........ AHH,,,you so crazy I PITY THE FOOL WHO LIKES ROBOTECH AND HIS MAMMA OH YEAH FOOL,, I LIKE ROBOTECH,,, I PITY ME
Underwear, Socks, Shirts. and Pants, and maybe some tools
I know thiers a DVD for Macross plus, thier selling it in the stores, They are for region 1 and you can play it Japaniese with english subtitles digital dolby or you can play english in std dolby 5.1
wow, lotta atitude here, 1st off, boycotting does very little when most people arnt willing to do that in that they might miss out on a product. 2nd off, come on, if any of us were running a company, the last thing you would do is just give up a liesence that allows only you to produce a certain product that has a demand, PERIOD, living for yourself and being part of a corporation are 2 different things. its nice to make a change, but they had thier chance in the early 80's to do that, oh well, thats how it goes. some people are born ugly too, doesnt mean we shoot them because it hurts your eyes <_<
HOLD YOUR FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK, Its like this. Masterpeice= Fair quality at a decent price. (meaning on ebay or various websites, you can get them for fairly cheap ($30-50) and fastpacks are fairly cheap at those sites also)They arnt waiting to break, the fit between the parts isnt the greatest. Im willing to bet large sums of cash that thier is more broken 1/48 yamatos then MPC's (broken as in broken parts, not how the fit is) Yamato's are a far superior toy to them (1/48), but they also reflect it in the price. So in otherwords, you get more for what you pay for, I have both and like them both, each for different reasons. A lot of people compare, and I think that the word Masterpiece has left a bad taste in some peoples mouth. But read the reviews and look at the pictures and decide how much your wallet can stand
wow, you edited before me
Oh yeah, I've seen Leheads site, its all good. basically Im looking for unedited english dubs (unlike clash of the.......) and how the macross series and movies sequence to eachother A little digging gave me this SDF Macross (original TV series - 1982) Macross: Do You Remember Love? (movie - 1984) Macross Flashback 2012 (music video - 1987) Macross II (OVA & movie - 1992) Macross Plus (OVA & movie - 1994) Macross 7 (series, movie, OVA - 1994) Macross Zero (OVA - 2002) I just have to find the "better" dubs if I can of each (the ones that got released)
OK, Please ease my wery mind, A)Macross (super dimensional fortress) (original TV series) 1)Robotech (the macross saga) a)edited english dubbed slightly changed script and content (Protoculture,ect) B) Macross Do You Remember Love (Movie sumarizing the original Macross TV series) 1) Clash of the Bionoids (heavily edited for visual content released in GB) 2) Macross The Movie (English dubbed of the original DYRL) C) Macross II (japaniese only? no engish dub) (4parts?) D) Macross Plus (Japaniese and English Dub on DVD) Ok guys, Lemme have it, Are thiese in order and are they true, I've been doing research and such to Find the facts. Maybe a topic like this should be "pinned" Thanks