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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. www.best1hobby.com has everything that you could ever want in 1/48
  2. Your friggin kidding me, Im afraid to look <_<
  3. Hey Wrylac, Just noticed your sig, kinda answered my question,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,did you just make that for little ole me I have one question (well, maybe 3), hopefully you guys wil ignore this one too Judging by the latest ruling on the HG BW case (that wrylac has in his sig), thats it, isnt it? Whats done is done right? No matter how many petitions are signed and letters sent, nothing will happen,,,,,,,,,unless BW knocks on HG's door and comes up with an offer.
  4. Are thier any court cases on the internet between HG and BW, or are they trying to reach a point to sell Macross toys in the HG teritory. In otherwords, where are people getting thier information from?
  5. Trust me, as owner of both, go for the Bandai re-ish. It oozes quality from the plastic to the craftsmanship. The sculpt while not good is at least more proportional to the lineart than the MPC. All the MPC has for it is some accessories, a light up head gimmick and a few more panel lines. vinnie personally, i like the MPC's proportions to the bandai's, but the quality, herhum, isnt the greatest, but not bad. Bandai is way too chunky hence the nickname chunkeymonkey, but its a tank. I got my MPC's for $45 average and Bandais for 50+shipping, now thier cheaper
  6. did they stop selling those (juniormints)?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1/2 pint containers
  7. Yes. And it's true too, sadly. Public skoolz rawk! HELL YEAH BABY WORLD POWER OVER ALL Were such a bunch a dummies (10 yr old Americans)
  8. 1 grain over, no wonder your ears ring, as if the .44 mag didnt have enough in it
  9. Well... I'd take Elton John, Barney, and the Teletubies over Macross 7. So yeah. Now Im debating wiether or not I want to see it It will burn your soul... now this really makes me think (taken from for sale section) For Sale: Macross 7, the entire DVD series. Every episode, all the bonus stuff, and the movie. All on eight DVDs spread over two box sets. I bought this brand new several weeks ago, watched it, decided I didn't like it and am now trying to recoup some of my money. damn
  10. Let me know if you find two LOL! I should be asking you that. You Yanks can just stroll into Cabellas and pick up a pair up percussion sixguns for about $300, no paperwork required. But here...let me whet your appetite with this picture: at work, Im about 1/4 mile (.3333 clicks) away from the nearest gun shop/target range gotta love America
  11. I dont know, but thats gaddamed funny
  12. Whats the schedualed release of the Alphas
  13. I love this line Rather than attacking a planet when they first encounter it (ie, 1940s), aliens wait until the planet has developed just enough technology to possibly defend itself.
  14. awesome, in the 1st one, you can see the pushup bra trying to work its magic <_< I dont know, to me she isnt that hot
  15. I'm sorry this statement seems like it came from an HG glory hound. You seem to be making a lot of statements for someone who isn't showing much knowledge of RT's history and/or general business practices. A- Business such as you're describing is all done by licensing and other carefully thought out factors. Not by kickbacks because "we released it first." B- HG was all about money. Carl Macek was probably the only person who cared to some degree about the anime itself. HG, on the other hand, got a package deal from Tatsunoko with the three series they made into Robotech. "Robotech" itself was made up by Revell, who had purchased the distribution rights for many model kitsbased on mecha from anime. HG "went along" with Revell in order to secure an immediate tie-in with their products. Thats exactly what I was stating. No one releases something (maybe the original writer) without thinking thier going to use it to make cash,,IE HG, Im not a HG glory hound whatsoever (I want competitive prices and my own choice of product, not one one dictates to me, just like everyone here), I give credit to the original writers, not BW or HG. As for the toys, I give props to Yamato, Toynami, and Bandai (and a multitude of model manufacturers out thier) As far as HG goes, I cant blam them and I like what they did. I love Robotech, with the exception of Southern Cross, most of the points, art work, humor and storyline remains as per the writers intent (NOT SAYING HE WANTED IT EDITED) and HG brought that to me. In otherworks, its like the US post Office VS UPS to me, its trivial. For one product, If I want it, it costs a little more than the say the next best thing. For me its pointless why everyone wants to hang HG for things thier doing right now, I dont care if I have to spend an extra $10-$20 for shipping to get what I want,,,uhum,,need. The only thing I dont like is the fact that I cant easily get Macross sequils, Mospeada, Souther Cross, and so on in English cause I'm too lazy to learn Japaniese,,,,,,That would be my only bitch............everything revolves around cash and kickbacks BTW, maybe not for me or you (we have jobs, this is a hobby)
  16. Well... I'd take Elton John, Barney, and the Teletubies over Macross 7. So yeah. Now Im debating wiether or not I want to see it
  17. Sorry, I though you were talking FFL Im a bad speed reader, we wont get into my spelling
  18. You can try to show the ignorant, but you cant teach the stupid or bullheaded. If none of the Japaniese companies didnt want to show thier shows to create a fan base, Then why should they be allowed to sell thier product as a derivitive of that show. They would just be doing it for the money and who took the 1st step in business to release the show, HG in the case of Macross, so they should get a fairly large kickback from those companies that want to sell here. It is only fair. And that kick back was probably more than what those companies wanted to handle. Take the automotive market for example. Tha Japaniese goverment paid for all the taxes and tariffs because a free trade agreement didnt exist between the USA and Japan. Now that they are allowed to build factories in the US and sell thier vehical as US made and avoid all the Tariffs that were thier before, they are makeing money and dont need the thier goverments help (THANKS CLINTON BTW). Now the japaniese with the help of the goverment have the ability to purchase any of the "big 3". And pretty it isnt. When Benz supposedly "merged" with Chrystler, They took all the high paying jobs back to Germany and fired the rest (thats a whole other debate). Same goes with toys though. It is very expensive and political to start something over here and most businesses arnt ready to forfit what they have allready, or give a peice of the pie. Kinda like once your in, your in. In other words, distributorship lies within one company for each product and the only way we'll see those toys and goods over here is if they reach some type of agreement (BW and HG) or BW gives HG enough cash per item to satisfy the beast. Its been this long, I really dont think that anything is going to happen. So yes we will have to pay for shipping to recive the items we have come to enjoy. Think of how they feel about some of our cloths. Japan for example and Australia too, AND they are produced right next door. Sum it up, YES, Macross would do VERY WELL here as far as a fan base, Anime is very popular now, Will it happen,,,I say no, its all about the cash and thiers nothing we can do about it. petition all you want, unless everyone sends large amounts of cash and promisses for all thier business in the future, nothing will happen. OMO wasted breath
  19. I think the price is even higher now, one guy i ussed to work with stopped renewing his cause of cost
  20. HEY MODS, we should have a other aneme models section or maybe pin something, this bike is awesome
  21. Really? Where? Name one place where Robotech is taking off. And as far as the design goes, let's not forget that HG has NEVER had a single original idea come from the half a brain they all share. What did HG really do anyways? Exploit an animation error? Slapped a fugly head on a body that SK designed? You "Robotech Purists" (isn't that an oxymoron?)can have it, I'd rather have a YF-19. Robotech IS taking off!!!!!!!! It is being TAKEN OFF TV 'cause it is old 80 stuff. HAHA
  22. Holy Cow!, I knew thier was something thier,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hey, maybe he IS him disguised as Graham so he doesnt get all of us wanting his autograph, or brother maybe
  23. If you're gonna unite all over the place... try to form some sort of mighty robot like Voltron, would ya? Otherwise... it just sounds a bit frilly. EDITED because spelling things correctly is fun. And I'll form... the head! Go! Voltro... uh, Macross Snob force! It's not Voltron. It's Golion and Dairugger XV, you pathetic ignoramuses. B) Edit: And although most of us prefer Macross as Macross, not Robotech, some (many?) of us do like Superdimension Cavalry Southern Cross and Genesis Climber Mospeada--possibly moreso than some of the Macross sequels. Mospeada = sweet
  24. ZETA PLUS C1 thats the one I bought, I never saw it in the anime
  25. They are quite fast. There are some movies available in the japanese site liks. I've seen some of these robots in a discovery channel documentary sometime ago. The size of the things are rougly like the Yammie 1/48s (just imagine a self transforming and walking valk...) In that show the robots were very agile but they fall very easily. That would be my only hope if they revolt on us. Just hope they still are unstable and just tip them over so they can't kick us. neo...................................................................... wake up neo...................................................... the matrix has you............................................... knock knock.............................................................
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