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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. Was "The Ring" a complete rip off of "Ringu" or was it directed/produced by the same people? That was an excelent movie. Is this along the same lines, if so, gotta have it It was an "Americanized" remake. Ummm... world domination thru the suffering and death of millions of others, all in the name of evil??? Maybe??? the bad guys are allways the coolest looking and the good guys are, well, pretty short and wimpy
  2. Was "The Ring" a complete rip off of "Ringu" or was it directed/produced by the same people? That was an excelent movie. Is this along the same lines, if so, gotta have it
  3. Isnt that the bad guy from the Lord of the Ring's?
  4. pfunk


    Let me know what you guys think of thies brushes 1st one Badger model 200 deluxe single action (same type WMcheng usses) 2nd one Paashe? VL deluxe double action with fine, medium and heavy tips and a master cleaning kit I ussed to spray auto's and ussed a siphon feed style gun, they were double action. Are thier any tips that would help me out in practicing before I defile my rare Macross models. I am very efficent with a brush and spray bomb, but most are too thick for the detail I would like to do. Also, one more. Im ussing my 30 gallon compressor and plan on buying a dryer. Should I invest in a filter also, or no Thanks for the help, Pat
  5. So which one would win, the valk or skywalker and his x-wing, (roy would be piloting the VF of course)
  6. aw man, missed the pic, something had to run its mouth, ya ever notice how big people are over the internet, anyhoo, 3 months old, late congrats,,,,,,,,my ol lady wants like 6 kids im thinking more like 4 max
  7. Come on guys, this is his wife we're talking about. He chose to reveal a part of his life that many of us wouldn't dare. He didn't ask for our advice. He didn't even ask for our support (not that we wouldn't give it to him anyways), just our understanding that he may be away for a while. Let's not judge his wife, tell him what kind of person she is, or tell him what he should do considering none of us know her or their situation other than what he's been willing to tell us. Katana has enough to think about without us verbally bashing the woman he chose to marry. It's disrepectful. agreed folks, Katana67 has the right to call his wife a crackhead, you dont. Please be kind, how would you feel if they got back together. no one here knows who holds the cards I made a reference to my finacee's cousin being a crackhead, whch she is, I know her 1st hand, I don't know Katana's wife. All I can gather is he seems pretty smart and a good guy. Love gets the best of us all. Anyone who says otherwise is full of it
  8. Hey Man, No problemo, Toys are toys, And life is what matters, If ya ever need anything lemme know, you know how to get ahold of me. Best of luck to you and yours.\ Pat
  9. How about plus, is that a good one?
  10. Ok, heres what I got so far Macross plus parts 1-4 Macross II the movie Should I even get Macross II due to the lack in timeline? How are both of them? Thanks , Pat
  11. Thats crazy talk Im going to pass out candy this year, seems like no one is having a party
  12. pfunk


    I can see it know, 1/48 low vis in your future,,,,,,,,,,,,fastpack 1st set,,,,,,,wouldnt that look cool with 2 strick cannons, another fastpack set,,,,,,,,,,,damn, I need another 1/48 for the other set,,,,,,,,,cool for about a day,,,,,,,,,,,,then I might as well have them all........................byby $500,,thats my story anyway
  13. Cool, thanks all, I ordered the yellow sub ball joints (3 sets) and the poly ones and tees, Ill post what ones I like, Pat
  14. Yeah, dont forget me too
  15. got one for my brother, second run, Banthatrader on ebay for $54+$7shipped and insured I think he has a couple left for preorder
  16. bit disturbing you have a picture in your shower and even more disturbing why did i clicked on that link. they have a name for that certain "curiosity" <_<
  18. Thanks for the info, I was looking at another brand
  19. I want to order some poly parts and ball joints and other misc stuff, Question is, parts are small bags $1.87 each and shipping is $2.00 if I buy 10 bags, will shipping be $20.00, hope not, has anyone ordered parts through them before? Thanks, Pat
  20. no, its physics
  21. Glad your OK, been thier done that (i hate that sinking feeling) BTW- how bad is the car, ya know a ford 5.0ltr bolts right up ,via Monster Miata http://www.v8miata.com/Monster_Miata_Specs.asp If your interested in selling let me know, Ive been wanting to do one for years Good luck with all and hope everything works out for ya, Allways keep in mind that it could have been a lot worse, glad your OK
  22. No doubt, its really hard for me to say thank you in asian
  23. Big Trouble in Little China took all his Mojo,,,he has none left
  24. maybe, sounds like katana doesnt want em
  25. hmmm, none of mine have troubles
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