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Everything posted by pfunk

  2. aw man, your making it sound like a chick flick,,,ya at least have to say he NAILED her ya know
  3. I have to fully agree with agent on this one, come on guys! How many times have you "hung out" with that one chick cause the tail was good. In the end, experience and matureness pays off. Did for me anyway,,,,but I allways have that thought, shouldve nailed that chick a few more times <_<
  4. CRAP, I got mine in the mail last week,,,,but Im giving it to my brother for christmass,, got..... to ............ try ........to........not......open..........aghhhhhhhhhh!
  5. also, get rid of those MAC plus VHS's and get the latest DVD from Magna, the dubbing is lightyears better, I actually like it, made mac PLUS almost my fav, becides the 1st TV series
  6. Yes, given sufficient thrust, a brick will fly. However, without control surfaces, that brick cannot maneuver. Additionally, if you add too much thrust to that brick, it will start to disintegrate at its' weakest points. The only way a valk with packs could fly would be by using the verniers on the leg armors to keep the tail level, and maneuver left and right, and create roll etc. There is no way that it could carry sufficient fuel in the packs to fire them constantly. So, the pilot would have to vector the feet nozzles down, but that would create forward roll that would need to be countered by flaps, or the nose verniers. Either way, it would be a big fuel consuming bitch. But, the real killer for a valk with packs in atmosphere would be the structural integrity. The whole pack system connects to the backpack, and unless that hinge was immensely strong, it is likely that the whole backpack unit would shear off, and go shooting off in front of the Valk when the pilot kicked in the pack boosters. Sort of like that errant booster rocket that came off the Challenger all those years ago. in real world, do you really think planes could transform into robots? and about the fuel, they're using super fuel or some kind of it. remember in DYRL when they fly the destroyed earth for 15 000 mile before they find the Protoculture city? I think that kind of fuel can be used for ages. Maybe it can regenerate itself 1000 times. Hey, why not? And why no fast pack in atmosphere? My mind is not opposed to that idea. It even likes it and i decide it is possible! I won't change my mind!! its a question of lift and stabalization, not power
  7. simple, no tail no fly, its imposible, on that style of jet, cant remember the tech name (instead of horizontal tails, it usses the 2 rudder style tails (tilted out on the tips) in the place of the horizontal tail ) anywho, those are folded up and wont work. Also, a F-14 has tail fins in addition to rudders
  8. I thought I was the only one,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,we need to add to the poll Yes, and chasing the financee around the house is allways a blast,,,,she says ita better than shooting her with rubber bands
  9. evrytang,,,,,,,,,,,evrytang I just love the weird looks my ol' lady gives me when Im flying them through the house making jet noises she likes the VF-11b FP and wants to fight one of my VF-1's with it
  10. No doubt, I heard of this a long time ago. Hell, the web police shouldve taken care of it. Thanks though Kev.
  11. Which Rob
  12. how about a "good" english dub,,, with actors like sean connery as Global, Nick cage as Hikaru,,,,,,,,,,,or maybe Fokker, ah hell, as long as it doesnt sound like the dubs on MacII,,,maybe get the guys who did Mac+, I really liked that one,,,,,,and top it off with a Limited Edition Fokker TV type 1/48 Yammie (panel linned and such) Whacha thinks
  13. I have most of it boxxed away to protect it till I gat to them, but here is what I have all 1/72 valks from bandai all 1/100 pods and glaug 1/72 regult 1/144 male and female power armor all 1/100 destroids and 1/200 monster all Zentradi ships SDF-1 force mode all 1/48 legioss all 1/12 ride armor probably a few others i forgot oh, and about 100 1/24 scale cars and trucks, some finished and boxxed away till the dreamhouse arrives <_<
  14. Thats bad ass, where do I get a couple hundred
  15. Whow this thing looks good in fighter mode, seems a little fragile in the shoulders and the hands fallout a bit, but everything else works like a charm. Cant wait to get the VF-21 I recomend getting this one its sweet all the way around. I like the cockpit covers for the size ahh, just had to tell someone
  16. Actually, in my mind thier is!!!!!
  17. Uh-oh, you will be flamed for sure now . Just joking. I am in the minority around here that actually likes the Toynami valks. Were not a minority, just some are in the "closet" still I too like MPC's
  18. I agree, this thread is turning into one huge opinion, M7 VS everything. to have an arguement is imposible, a lot is speculatoin and opinion,,Opinions are like buttholes, eveyone has one, just some are stinkier than others <_<
  19. Enemy Mech it is, I do have a few things I have to do 1st, so it might be a little while (have to run air/reg/dryer, and drywall my basement) I'll start with the 1/144 Ger and Q-rau, then on to the pods cant wait, been cleaning and prepping the basement for 2 weeks now, got set back with a nasty fever Thanks all for the vote
  20. Awesome collection, nice to see ya buddy!
  21. Holy Crap! this is turning into a VS thread. I watched the ending the other day, and I definatly like Mac + way better than mac II in animation, story line, attention to detail. Pretty much all the way around.;
  22. I have a bad cold right now and i think i kept knodding off, so that probably helped, not to mention the ol' lady coming out of the bedroom every 15 minutes (watching lifetime which is not allowed on the big tv) at every comercial break probably helped out too
  23. The Macross II english-dubbing is still one of the most horrible english-dubbing ever done in all of anime. You will most likely will hate it when they made Ishtar sing the "Mou ichido - love you" song in English. Talk about tragedy and travesty. Better re-watch it in japanese-dub subtitled-form. The japanese-voices clearly are infinitely better and gave the series some needed decency. --treatment-- All of the songs were in japaniese with english sub, I dont know why this was, but none of the songs are in english. Also, when the Zentradi spoke, it was in japaniese with sub's. This must be a diferent version?
  24. Have about a 1/2 hour left of the movie. Dont care for it too much except for the "good guy" mecha, the zentradi mecha sucks. Im watching the English version and except for the main charictors voices, it sucks. I love the VF-2ss. Ishtar is pretty good to look at with those child bearing hips. Is it me, or did they have a completly diferent designer for the enemy mech', they look like large heads flying around going through a mid aged balding crisis. IMHO
  25. practice on something with a similar size and shape untill you get the results you desire. Use broad strokes and go completly past the parts keeping the can about 6-8" away
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