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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. Heres another one that was done a while ago, Doesnt transfor, but its very cool\ http://www.starshipmodeler.com/mecha/aw_leg.htm
  2. I do have a flannel that looks like that I would like to get some tree info. I know my family landed in Canada 3 gens ago and most came to the states like my grandfather. Most are farmers and the others are store/restrant owners and engineers/designers (like myself) Oh, Ritchie is from the clan MacKintosh
  3. By the jail in Clinton Twp by me, they store thier tactical vehicals and they have 2 tank style battering rams and a couple hummers. They look like they havent moved in quite a while. Im sure every county/major city has one. But they probably keep them in a garage.
  4. Cool, Im part Scottish myself, Whats your clan/family name, Mine is Ritchie shortened from McRitchie. I was thinking of getting the family crest tatooed on my right arm. Anywho I really like the looks of a broad sword, but I thing something a like more weildable and quicker would "take the cake" in a fight. Like those Japaniese swords that were made by folding the blade in a forge quite a few times. Does anyone have info on those? I cant remember the name.
  5. Damn it, a guy from work just told me he got a HK G3, off his military buddy (sniper) friggin got an original ussed condition G3 for $300 yeah, cause thats the price he paid. This thing looks brand new and its original. Hes also selling a M1A and a sniper set up bolt action,,,,,,,,maybe I can get the M1A for $300 damn it, I want the G3 now. That gun is so sweet, just had to vent cause we were just talking about it and BAM
  6. wasnt that the space herpes ick
  7. Beast Master was fun 80's crap. Crappy but fun. Now Beast Master II and III were just pure crap. There was also a Lou Ferigno (spelling) Hercules movie which I remember as being pretty bad. I have seen it since 1986 but I remember it ending with a pretty cheesy looking cartoon stick figure fight. AGHH, another trilogy Im gonna crack Make a trilogy/sequiel to a crappy movie and look what happens, thanks guys, BeastMaster was completly out of my head untill now <_<
  8. Yeah, they have the same problem on the toys also, even with the tomahawk
  9. lookin good Dev, Ill chip in a couple extra dollas to help get ya back on yer feet for the decals I allready ordered
  10. That is totally sweet, KUDO's my friend
  11. In that case, I think I will stick with the good ol' springfield M1A .308 for about $1500. A seal buddy of mine at work swears by his. Unless I come up with a magical $2000 more for a H&K. I want to still get my Desert Eagle and a nice rifle,,,,,,,,not too mention my financee has the hots for my Kimber Eclipse .45. which I wont part with. Im trying to talk her into the std SS version. I do spell like crap, but thats not a misspelling on financee
  12. What about the US high quality remakes like here for example http://gunbroker.com/auction/ViewItem.asp?...p?Item=13686509 I might be leaning twards one of thiese, they have a target grade for a little more Im a pretty big guy, shooting my rem 870 with a 3" mag slug aint no thing
  13. I too like larger calibers. Right now I have a .45acp kimber and a remington 870 3.5". I think Im leaning twards a AK-47 (which is best to buy) or a M1A (308) or a HK G3 What are the pros and cons of both 7.62x39 and the NATO round, in both guns and ammo
  14. Eh? How did you leave out The Godfather (Part 2)? Evil Dead also had a good sequel or two. right, but some of those, most of those on that list were written as one story and the story line couldnt be broken down enough to fit into one movie. even Indiana Jones was a cash cow. If my memory serves me right, they even made a cartoon that bombed. Dont get me wrong, I like the sequels and they are intertaining, but its basically the same thing,,,gets the girl, saves the world,,or part of it. IMO its just the good acting work of Harrison Ford
  15. Looks WAY better than my second model With a little time in refinishing, that thing will look 100% youve got the skills man, keep up the good work
  16. so the general consecess is the AR15
  17. tell em like it is CROM! i cant spell anyway They totally did it for cash, it was an original idea that made a few bucks then someone decided, "HEY, lets expand on this" Im sure most were done on a bar napkin like a get rich quick pyrimid scheme At least they didnt come out with a sequel to Stargate,,,,,,,$hit, they made a series Unless the original writer had in mind the whole story when 1st writen, I think its destin to suck donkey privates. like Starwars for example (not the friggin prequels either,---- preparing to get slammed----) Lucas had the whole trilogy in mind for one story,,,it was just too long. Im just pissed movies are starting to be like mini-series to get more money from consumers, One other thing that pisses me off is the damn superduper extended with comentary DVDs when they allready released one, talk about a scam <_<
  18. Yeah, well that is the thing about CROM... It isn't always the best thing to attract his attention. Most people don't pray to him as they are affraid he will think they complain hence he will make their lives harder. I must have prayed a lot last year
  19. T3 comes to mind
  20. I am so tired of the trilogys, instead of being in "tune" with eachother, they suck Heres the formula A) Dump a shitload of cash into a movie and a hell of a story line and actor lineup B) insert a sequel at 1/2 the cost of the original and get a diferent director since the last one cost too much C) write last story on a napkin at a bar after you couldnt pick up a single chick so you have nothing better to do,,,anyways, the people that saw the 1st 2 movies needs to see how everything ends,,,oh, and make sure each movie in sequnce costs lesser then the one before it,,,,,thats bang for the buck D) last but not least, retire on the cash your grossing on the DVD's that you release as "extended" (bad shots and such cut from the original) I friggin hate hollywood
  21. cool, since this thread is back, I wanted to ask some "expert" opinions. Does anyone own a ruger mini-14 or mini-30 and whats thier opinion of it, Im kinda leaning twards the 14 as a plinker or the 30 for the NATO round and a bigger hit, that is the nato round isnt it, along with the .223 in the 14,,,,,this will be right after i buy the DE.50 (didnt realize how much cash I had without 2 house payments and loans)
  22. pfunk


    I dont want to try that, but thanks for the advise, I would look on ebay for the parts, and you could paint them. I know thier was a 1/48 that a member here had taken apart for the backpack hinges. Good luck, i wouldnt try sanding or painting, just R&R (remove and replace)
  23. Nope, it doesnt have tail fins (horizontal stabalizers) like the tomcat does, do a side by side comparison, youll see what I mean
  24. There is no need for that... Didn't you see Demolition Man!!!? And there goes the toilet paper vs. three shells argument too. Or the "Just how far is Schwarzenegger gonna go?" thread either. Speaking of which, we havent heard from CROM in a while
  25. Nice Job, with the blood on the seat, pop that canopy open, that would be awesome to see the work you did on the inside
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