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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. was TKDO for a while (15yrs ago) and then just exercised in diferent movements and spared once in a while with my buddies. Didnt care for most martial arts in the sence that everyones body is and reacts diferently to fighting, I guess I kinda take the Bruce Lee aproach to fighting and spiritualism(have a few books and pictorials,,,somewhare in a box now). Wish I wouldve stayed practicing everyday, I was in great shape in my early 20s. Now I plan on building some training equipment in the basement once its finished like those log dolls (what Ive allways called them) bags and such. I really got good with chucks (both hands) now my left is definatly a lot slower. I quit places after they wanted me to pay for a belt that I felt I deserved out of acomplishment
  2. ME 2, thats one of the things Im eliminating
  3. Yup, very good link. Its going to be a while before I build mine (remodeling basement, and doing zentadi pods 1st), but I plan on ussing ball joints and gundam hands and making the hips rotateable, thiers a lot of people who have done it allready. Best thing I can recommend is a lot of test fitting, cause it is a pretty loose kit when it comes to tthe moving parts. If you look, you can find the Red version labeled as Leader1 from the gobots. Try it, I bought 2 of those on ebay for pretty cheap (traded it allready)
  4. Thy will be done. OK, Ill tell ya anything you wanna know,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,oops thats supossed to be Graham,Uh, what else you wanna know?
  5. I think he did too
  6. Yup, its official, hes a boob man, holy jugs
  7. I got all three, They never made a "shadow" but they arfe demanding quite a high price tag now. I paid less then $20 for each about 4 months ago. I plan on doing some customizing like the one Jung did.
  8. Have you guys seen the people that do cosplay??? This mask would probably be a favor to some of them... TooOflate.courseIIalreadyamordered!!!it!!! Your one sick puppy, I guess this all kinda relates to my avatar,,,,,Guess Im the sick PUPPY
  9. OK, does any know of a strip club close to him,,,,,,we'll all chip in on a few dances and ,,,,,,,uhm, whatever else...Im up for $10
  10. Come on, Abombz. We've been through this before. This is the part where he says "I'm far to smart/mature/busy/blah blah blah to keep posting here" and then we say "Good, then get lost" and then he contradicts himself by posting 10 more replies to this thread. Some peoples kids <_<
  11. I varn you infidel, there iz only one god and it iz the "froating head" Do you have to torture the rest of us
  12. Thats why ya jump on the band wagon right away, I bought my 1st one on ebay for $90 plus shipping which was $30. So when Yamato lists something as limited, get one as soon as you can,,,,,or rob godzilla for one of his BAH! You can try to steal my stuff. I have rigged them all to explode if you dont have the access code. MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Aw crap. I forgot the access code. IF I CANT HAVE THEM NO ONE CAN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,AAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
  13. A big one is to avoid problems with licencing and being under the allmighty watchfull eye of money driven companies
  14. Thats causing a full erectile disfunction
  15. Can we lock the avatars? We need to avoid instances like the whole Linda Trip scandal, and I think EXO's and Ladics need to be changed back to what they were before. With the whole Linda thing I think it caused partial erectile disfunction , So to avoid future problems with the Member's members not functioning properly we should have that done.........Thank You
  16. Yup, I think its time we had the avatars locked,,,come on Ace, Max,,,anyone,,,,,Graham
  17. Awesome!!! Thanks Tom... Thanks Mary! DITTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cant wait, cant wait
  18. How many yens are thise things going to be?,,,,I may save up, who knows
  19. Cool,looks good for a 89, I wish I still had mine from way back,,,,,,,,,,,,ah, memories
  20. pfunk

    Age Check! :)

    Happy early Birthday ya old fart now get off Montar's lawn JK btw
  21. Thats why ya jump on the band wagon right away, I bought my 1st one on ebay for $90 plus shipping which was $30. So when Yamato lists something as limited, get one as soon as you can,,,,,or rob godzilla for one of his
  22. pfunk

    Age Check! :)

    29 going on 29, then I'll be 29 the year after that yammie, bandai, arii/imai, toynami, matchbox. tons of all Sorry to hear the bad news Montarvillois, I wouldve stayed 29 if I were you
  23. The rounds are chemically fired (aka gunpowder, or equivelent), but mixed into each shell is an oxidizer (aka Oxygen, or something to make the gunpowder ignite). That's pretty much how you'd do it... Which is probably the most likely theory. Now, where did you get the idea that the gunpods are rail guns??? well, a bullit is a sealed charge (allready has oxygen in it with the gun powder) so in theory you could even fire a hand gun in space since everything is internal to the bullit and case
  24. Thats kinda strange? Is that for lisencing issues and HG BS?
  25. HEHE, but if you have them both, your collection has a refined yet addictive taste hmmmm, red, white, blush, low-vis
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