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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. HEYHEY, its winter time, do ya need a snow blower on your truck, check this baby out http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAP...item=2448551029
  2. I have one and I really think its smaller than that, maybe like 1/350. I allso have the model (1/200) and its larger..Ill have to compare them at home. The model is unassembled
  3. Ted Nugent made a song about that,,,,so, yeah EDIT: Cat Scratch Fever (for those less than 26 yrs old,,,,not many here) is the name of the song
  4. Dude, Your spouse totaly has ya fooled,,,,,,lets make a little pool here, whatcha guys say A) Wife (and freinds in on it) B) Axe Murderer C) Ex-Girlfreind (or one good night from the bar) D) Some weird ass chick E) Sperm from a MW's Member (Names to be another pool) Im going with the wife and a couple freinds
  5. I second that,,,,quit the bitchin and mind your P's and Q's, its generally well behaved here, by to popo's and the citizens
  6. as long as its equiped with flippers, its a lot slower without,,,oh, and water wings
  7. PLAY!!! I play with my toys and models, cause thats what they are Its all play people, Pose, paint, detail, put on a shelf and admire, zoom around the room, blow up with firecrackers, whatever..... If Im childish, Im glad to be that way, I drive like crap (all things with wheels and some without) act silly and stupid. That brings out the kid in my freinds and acquantences. I show my car buddies all the time the models and other things Im working on. It sometimes sits on the kitchen table (much to the dismay of my financee). Its about being youthfull and having dreams and imagination, face it, none of us would be here talking about a "cartoon" that started in the 80's in Japan if we didnt do all those things or at least feel them,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,wipes tear from eye and steps off podium,,,,,,,,,,flips off croud(jkbtw)
  8. I really don't want to know what you were looking for when you stumbled across that one.... it was posted on another site yeah yeah, likely story <_<
  9. The joints didn't become loose because there was no paint removed from any articulation point. I only sanded where the paint was. That valk was my Hikaru VF-1A. I did find that the red was more difficult to remove than the black. That looks great, what about doing a wash and some slight weathering, That white looks pretty sweet.
  10. Are "they" planning on making the trailer, Thier is a place to hook it too,,,now that would be sweet
  11. Uh, no, I dont think so, but if you were to smash them into eachother the yammy would lose, Plus the bandais are very easy to transform and play with
  12. Cool, where are you at? pay for shipping and you can have some of them. Could you dimension out the leg a little as i might have a few options for ya PAt
  13. Im going with the wife senerio, ,,,unless its some long lost love you put the "special" on. I had one of those, she runs into my Dad and his wife every once in a while and asks about me. She finally gave up trying to get my phone number...Yeah, and that was 12 yrs ago BTW, phsyco biatch
  14. Shelob looks great, but seeing as how Tolkien probably didn't have an Australian funnel-web spider in mind, I'm not sure how accurate it will be. For those that don't know, Jackson wanted Shelob to look just like the funnel-web spider that he's always been terrified of. Do a google search, these things are wicked! Then again, I think daddy-long-legs look pretty wicked too since I have a mild case of arachniphobia. Shelob will probably make me shat myself. ::EDIT:: pics for your pleasure... http://faunanet.gov.au/wos/factfile.cfm?Fact_ID=84 Yeah, Australias got some crazy animals with lots of poison. When I was thier I got a bite from a Huntsman spider, It was huge, but not poisonous. Felt like a bee sting. As for the movie, havent seen it yet, will judge later for myself
  15. They also make polycaps that have a slot in them to mount a mating component like the gundam MG kits. Then you would only have to glue some type of nub on the lowwer half of the leg. If you need a couple, I can mail some too you. I have extra from a few of my kits
  16. Consider yourself lucky, I'm sure its been said before, but if most of us spent less time trying to get laid and actually working, I think thier would ba quite a few more millionaires
  17. Id like to second that EW to Graham,,,,sticky wet toys are a no no, picture the problems with transformation CONTRAVERSY (Who remembers that song?) I play, and am not ashamed whatsoever,,,girls, Ha, lets compare my ol' lady to yours,,,,,bandai's are tough as nails, and yamato takes the beutifull thing to another level. Its all imagination and the stuff dreams are made of BTW why do you collect, why are you on the forums, to cause trouble and insult? Just curious cause you may have offended some poeple here.
  18. pfunk

    Custom 1/48 CF

    all i gotta say,,,,DAMN, you make that look good
  19. UH, have you seen it, I think it speaks for itself. Just taking the best mecha and making it better thats all
  20. 90% of women dont like "huge" body builders, I would prefer to be tone instead of huge,,, but Id like to keep my arms and legs the way they are. Back on track, lets makem be the white stuffed animal, also, how about ussing it like a dunce cap, if ya screw up too many times, you have to be the "little guy" for a week. lemme know what you guys think
  21. Woah! I missed that! Link me! That is unheard of... Even for extreem levels of synthetic hormone use. Naw, the guy I was talking about would bulk up from 165 to 220 in about a month or so. His initail package he takes (allways bragging about it) is about $5,000 and labeled as animal steroids to avoid problems. Im seriously surprised he doesnt get lockjaw
  22. ASTROIDS,,,, Defender allways sucessfully pissed me off
  23. As I get older, I get more fraile For the steroids thing, Ive had quite a few guys i know take em, weird things happen to each of em like crying for no reason, being mad for no reason. One of the guys is like 5'8" and like 220 solid. Monster on his reg (about $20,000 a yr or more) and goes right back down to his 165lb self after a couple months of not taking them,,,,that cant be healthy As for the avatar,,,,Have them be the little white stuffed animal in my Av. being raped by kermit
  24. That is caused from not letting the mold cool properly and/or not packing the mold enough. That problem is not solvable. Sorry to hear, good luck with a replacement
  25. PLEASE
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