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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. Green guy, Cool, good deal and thanks. Roy, sorry, thats what I meant is to do that by PM Lets get a list together of all people and the amount and wait for the end of the week and I can PM each of ya and go from thier Pat
  2. pfunk

    Another newbie.

    Hey, whats wrong with lawn darts (Jarts baby),,,,,i think i still have a set And the pinto thing, knew a guy with a prostreet one,,,,,had a fuel cell though
  3. if we dont hear from him in the next week, Ill post the personal information, not phone number though and also give the link for internet fraud so that a complaint can be registered. he lives in Florida BTW. Paypal will give his information also. Is anyone in florida?, they can file a small claims and state that they were to recive all the items in question. We have to get together on this one. If he doesnt show up for court, he will get a bench warrent and the next time hes pulled over or such, he goes directly to jail and most likely will spent the night. I know he has a job and wages can be garnished. The form for internet fraud is federal and with all the complaints, they will definatly look into it and seeing that its across states, it will be a federal crime. If your watching this thread Alex, please reply, you have untill January 19th to do so, or else Feds, Paypal, Ebay, and your local goverment will be contacted. Hopefully everything is fine. You can also refund mine and others money if you feel you sold for too cheap. Thank You, Pat
  4. You can remove it, but its not supposed to and you can break it.
  5. anybody wanna peanut
  6. Im sure hes been busy getting ready for a trip, sometimes thier isnt the time to drop a package off, Ive been thier myself. It sucks and it makes ya feel bad and the only thing you can do is apologize and hope for the best in his situation.
  7. me too, i saw he was on the other day, probably just busy or something to ship out
  8. Dude!... Not in front of everyone else!
  9. Van Damme as TinTin?!?!?!?! Why to ass rape my childhood memories! How the heck would that work? TinTin was never buff. TinTin never did ballet moves and pretended they were martial moves in slow motion. It will never work!! Honestly.... Toby Maguire would make an awsome TinTin. Come on, you MUST think Van Damme is good lookin'. Yes... he is great for scarying little annoying kids. Looks wise.... hes a freak of nature. What!? No way... Every chick I ever watched a Van Damme movie with said he was super sexy. Do you think he looks like a freak becasue he has too much muscle? He actually isn't really THAT muscular. My ol' lady and her sister thinks hes ugly,,,,of course my Mom loves him
  10. Yours should be "A man, from Malaysia" Vostok 7 As much as stupidity looks good in a sig... I would never want crap like that for a member title. I thought it was religious
  11. I think you mean Monte Carlo, not Malibu. The Malibu's are 4-door only. Oh the things I've learned working at a Chevy dealership... Look at the tarus (no production 2 door) and the intrepid (same)
  12. Bobe's avatar
  13. Also "a-hole World", apparently. whow,,, I guess its justified considering the bullits Posse's review thread is taking in other words, keep it in the HG debate thread people
  14. Yours should be "A man, from Malaysia" Vostok 7 or even The Malaysian "A" Team and have a red van with a black strip for the avatar
  15. Ahctually, Van Damme ees not aging vary well. Hees stahrting to...how you say?...show some seerious deteerioration.* *read it out loud in your best Van Damme voice I dont think looks are at all what makes an actor, look at Joe Peschi,,Excelent actor,,,dare I say Kieno Reeves ,,he's destin for "B" movie status too
  16. that is the scale
  17. pfunk

    vf 11b fastback

    havent you heard of the Ford thunderbird fastback,,,jeeze Ive had mine for a while and the only complaint is the hands and leg armors falling off,,,and the arms are a little loose. other than that, a great toy
  18. Thats horrible, put some engineering into the damn thing, I'll be ashamed to hook it up,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,well, i guess its better than the cardboard trailer <_
  19. correct me if Im wrong, but, Im pretty sure that VanDam was into dance instead of martial arts. I saw him on an interview on Conan Obrian once and the things he talked about was probably about a 6th grade education and when Conan would joke at him, he would do some fake kick move at him. I ussed to like him, Ill admit, but everything with Van Dam and Seagull is basically a "B" rated film now, trying to get minority votes. And with the intellect I see (exspecialy in the court room when he was sued and tried to defend himself) We have actors like Arnold, Hanks, Ford, hell, even the Rock (very educated guy) I see no quality in those 2,,,,,,,,,sorry
  20. I do see every once in a while, transformer parts on ebay for pretty cheap
  21. That guy probably talks like tht in real life,,,,its not nice to tease
  22. Sweet, what kinda modeler is that. I work on Cad, can it be translated to IGES. I can make some stereo liths (not that pricey) with a company here
  23. WOW!!!!!!!! I really got too look around the fan works more often,, that is some seriuos talent man
  24. That is sweet, the trailer in the pic is diferent then the one on the site, is that a hand made custom and thats what was started with. It would be sweet to add some piano hinges, a gas pump, a little car, you know where im going with it
  25. pfunk


    I tried that and she made me finish the basement, I mean come on its only 15 degrees outside and the walls of the garage will guard ya from the wind. I know its been posted before, but post it again,, how tall is the 1/60 QRau, Im going to be shopping for shelving units and dont want to buy the wrong size shelves (since Im buying like 3-4 of them)
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