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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. Macross SDF-1 1/3000 Non Macross the ol' lady ESP KH-1 (Guitar Kirk Hammet USA) Jackson RR-2 USA(Randy Rhoads flying "V" with lightning airbrushed paint) Marshall JCM-800 Lead reverb 1/2 stack Kimber .45 ACP Eclipse II custom Yes, In that order , well maybe the not the ol' lady (JK)
  2. heres another place to get a compressor that will handle both double and single action and an impact gun its $69, they have a few more, but that one is really good for the money. I would go to dixieart for the airbrush though http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/Disp...temnumber=47407
  3. OK, weeks up. anyone needing personal info please send me a PM and I can forward it too you. Thanks, Pat heres the list so far snip312 pfunk VF Strike Valk cadman181 Skull Hunter excar98 GreenGuy42 Pat S
  4. The republican is right. No pervo-fanboy-pseudo-porn.(Ithink I just made up a new word) true dat, thinking about it, its like nominating lora croft for it...............Im still working on inventing reverse viagra for myself, wouldnt the world be soo much more advance without genitalia
  5. In the Whats Wrong with my Yamato, Bandai,,,,,ect pinned at the top of the toy section
  6. pfunk

    Yamato 1/48 Valkyries

    Hell no on the supers, im going fastpackless from now on Are these going to be offered in a "no FP" version? They better, the prices for those with the FP's are recockuless
  7. Im jumping off a bridge with all my 1/48's if they dont release GBP armor <_
  8. pfunk

    Yamato 1/48 Valkyries

    Hell no on the supers, im going fastpackless from now on
  9. Tracks better be a vette if it comes out, friggin foriegn cars, sorry, i want some american muscle,,,and no, Dodge isnt american anymore
  10. PMed ya to cross check addy
  11. Nice arse,,,,,,,maybe ill change my vote,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,sex sells not doubt about it
  12. Yup, think its gay, what if the thing malfunctioned, malfunctions are known to happen in launching.
  13. OK, so far we have Hory Froating Head Petite Cola Machine VF-11MAXL Tuna Fish Head from tv show Buddy Valk (does it exhist) Buddy Britai (same) Buddy Exedol (same) Little Valk Chunkey Minmey (or is it Misa) (Juniormint Half Pint Fanboy) Bobe-Patt (Thanks for the Mammories) Barry White (no Idea) Monkey-N (spank the Monkey) PineApple Salad (From Clauidia) Studio Nue Monster (Cant remember whos avatat that was) Cannon Valks (allways remember) Sydney Savage (nice cleavage for a cartoon) Macross_Fanboy flight suit Millia
  14. OK, my nominee, The little monster thing that changes its face on the studio nue building as hikaru is crashing Reason: Dont know why they put it in the show, but a lot of people know about it
  15. I just ordered a bunch of sprues from a MG kit and the price for each sprue was $10 and the kit was $25, kinda pricey but not the price of the whole kit. This was from HLJ, so expect to pay the greater part of a third for each sprue, but it could be less, they dont tell ya till its shipped.
  16. I agree, maybe thiers something personal going on, who knows?
  17. I think they are unbreakable,,,I commonly use mine for a wheel chuck whem Im changing the tire on my truck
  18. Maybe shawn can put it on the main page,,,,,we need a picture of you EXO
  19. well then, get off your ass and finish it dont piss on everyones parade cause you want the forum to look a certain way, or ya dont like my idea, personally thats not what I go here for, but some may, I like the conversation/reasearch/information/ yeah and even people on here JK about the piss and ass thing if ya dont have a vote for a mascot, then post about the skins here http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?act=SF&f=29
  20. we need a reason,,,,,,hopefully not an idle he looks like rod stewart <_<
  21. Hehe, Ill let it go a few more days before making the list. You can also elect members ,,,heres an example Member: Agent One Reason: Every doorknob gets a turn or Member: Monkey Nugget Reason: Spank the Monkey JK A-1 & M-N BTW Make it fun and well see wht happens Or a chunkey Minmey?? <_<
  22. JETFIRE!!! early 80's
  23. Heres the idea, Vote another person for the sites mascot (only one per person) with a reason and we'll have a poll to see who whens mascot for the year for 2004, Ill take and put all the votes in a poll to see who the mascot is. I'm debating a vote right now, but vote like this My Vote: Reason: lemme know what ya guys think
  24. Ive seen that site before, they put up performance specs that they get off a calender. those RX-7s arnt that fast, Ive seen them run and 13's are a little low. for example my LT-4 convertable (grandsport/collectors edition) was supposed to run 13.7 in the quarter, I have a time slip from my buddies (identical except for white) and unless color makes a diference, he ran 12.90 on crappy (GSC) street tires. they say the M3 is supposed to run 13 flat, I beat one 4 times in a row, 2 of those times on a roll,,,not beat, but smoked,, and he thought his car was faster on the magazines, so the proof is in the pudding, not in a magazine or web site. I like those wankels, but they are inherantly problem motors, even the non turbos, consider yourself very lucky to have that many miles on one. Just like if you have an old chrystler if ya piss on the tire it wont start (humidity thing),, or if you have a 99-02 GM with piston slap. everyone has thier problems at one time or another and the wankel is a engine thats for the person who likes the novelty of it and perhaps the wieght savings. as for being banned at the racetrack , thats a diferent style motor, even a diesel has pistons, but they dont allow those either. Im definatly not knoking that motor, I think its an engineering feat (id love to take a RX out for a test drive), but just since you own one, doesnt mean its the best, Im not knocking you either and thats definatly JAZZ
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