Ive seen that site before, they put up performance specs that they get off a calender. those RX-7s arnt that fast, Ive seen them run and 13's are a little low. for example my LT-4 convertable (grandsport/collectors edition) was supposed to run 13.7 in the quarter, I have a time slip from my buddies (identical except for white) and unless color makes a diference, he ran 12.90 on crappy (GSC) street tires. they say the M3 is supposed to run 13 flat, I beat one 4 times in a row, 2 of those times on a roll,,,not beat, but smoked,, and he thought his car was faster on the magazines, so the proof is in the pudding, not in a magazine or web site. I like those wankels, but they are inherantly problem motors, even the non turbos, consider yourself very lucky to have that many miles on one. Just like if you have an old chrystler if ya piss on the tire it wont start (humidity thing),, or if you have a 99-02 GM with piston slap. everyone has thier problems at one time or another and the wankel is a engine thats for the person who likes the novelty of it and perhaps the wieght savings. as for being banned at the racetrack , thats a diferent style motor, even a diesel has pistons, but they dont allow those either. Im definatly not knoking that motor, I think its an engineering feat (id love to take a RX out for a test drive), but just since you own one, doesnt mean its the best, Im not knocking you either
and thats definatly JAZZ