also, "DIE, CAST!!!" is proabably what you would say right before gunning down all the cast members of a play, show, or movie.
edit: still.....the lamest thread ever.
die cast ussually stands for rotary cast zinc as stated earlier. Thier are no plastics that lend themselves to this process. They do have epoxies that you can gravity cast (standard casting)
hey hey,,,fellas
Duke, I really dont think EXO was attacking ya, he was just pointing out that you were posting in a topic about toy guns and wanting to lock a thread about toy guns in the same day,,,kinda ironic,,,well,they are similar in that aspect and the fact remains that niether topic is SCI-Fi or other Anime,,,one topic was obviuoslly funnier then the other, but they both were wrong just the same. leave this descretion up too the moderators, and try to not have a double standard. Personnaly I liked both topics and widh they would stay
we all know where the report this post button is at,,,soooooooo no harm intended
I think the list is more appropriately...
Carrot Top, George Constanza, Duke Togo, and Joe Millionaire. it's not a list about complaining, just a list that suits it's company.
yup, lesson here
Duke,,,,you dirty rat,,keep it under cover
learn Karate yes,,OK,,,,learn Karate no,,,OK,,,Learn Karate maybe,,,SQUISH just like grape
Awesome, As soon a I finish the painting room (said many times now) I have a few spare 1/12 kits that I want to bash into some sort of Rook/Fluk type,,,,,,,,,,gotta get my bondo skills back up thier, any helpfull hints are very apreciated
that thing looks like you could get on and ride it
so thiers wieghts in the feet and wave balljoints for the hips so far,,,,i like the food coloring tint idea,, good thinking
Oh, I agree with you. It's just that, as a Macross Fanboy, it's my sworn duty to have unrealistic expectations of Yamato. In fact, just this morning I woke up, had a shower, and found that Yamato hadn't made my breakfast. "WTF?" I asked my 1/48, "Where's my toast and oj?" And of course, in true Yamato fashion all a got was a stony silence.
huh, I got the same responce, doesnt that just piss ya off
Well, first, you might want to start shopping elsewhere for your Valks. Second, you seem to be forgetting the fact that the 1/48 is considerably larger than the 1/60 and they have to pay for those molds somehow.
I'm talking about original prices... i know they can be found cheaper. If the 1/48 is larger but with no diecast shouldn't those things "cancel each other out" a little?? I think yamato is making us pay for the detail ... not for materials used.
true, a tool with detail costs up to 3x's as much with EDM'ing and chroming, not to mention slides and lifters which equate to longer run times/higher tonnage press and a higher scrap rate,,,just more complicated processes,,,,,,,,all in all I personally think they are still over priced
Hey, I never had ya pegged for a GWAR fan,,,I havent heard from those guys since 1992-3. They were pretty out thier, we ussed to play a couple of thier songs in our band,,I cant remember the words, but I remmeber the wrifs like it was yesterday,,,,hmm never thought I'd here from them again, I actually went to a concert a long time ago,,,,,in my "pre-testing" days
I m sure the wiffey will love the 1/2 naked resin kit on the desk though
I wouldn't talk when the Yamato VF-1's were ¥6,800 then dropped to like $26 shipped on eBay. That's about 35% of its original worth (assuming S/H was about 6 bucks) compared to the Toynami, which kept at least 62.5% of its value.
Yeah, whatever...
Damn T-64 good deal