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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. Geez, I never noticed that, wrong colors everywhare, what, did they have a kid color the cells
  2. JM, I don't think anyone was calling you a thief. My suggestion was to do a little more footwork to legitimize your project. You are asking us for our trust and I believe there are some people here that would support you now, but think how many more would back you if they felt 100% positive that their act of good will reach the people that need it. As I said before, good luck and hopefully your successful in your venture. I concure, items can be sent from peoples own residence instead of one person, also you can get ebay involved for a tax ID, if not, you can write it all of yourself.
  3. um yeah,er this topic is retarded
  4. yeah, but they dont try to sell a transforming plane as a Q-Rau
  5. yup, i have to use explorer5.0 were still on unix at work
  6. So where are you getting yours for $75? I'm seeing them for $60-65. ebay,,,they may be cheaper elseware, but most on eabay are like buy it now for $75 for me its worth having the takara as long as you dont over pay for the thing
  7. Price is all in what someone is willing to pay for an item. Personally I think some items of Noels are a little pricey, but can you really put a price on those rare items and what someone is willing to pay for them. Noel has come through for quite a few members here and ive had personal dealings with him. He is very straight forward and a good guy,,,,,,,,,,,,now have a french fry. Noel if your ever in my area, drop on by and Ill make fries and hamburgers on the grill no need to try other peoples ,,,, and not to like poetatoes EXO, you obviously havent tried my chedder garlic mashed before
  8. OK, pay $75 for a hasbro, put $15 stacks on it (shipping included) you have $90 allready, and you have to put them on. just go buy a takara for a few dollors more
  9. Ok.... gonna open my mouth again.. this of course is my opinion.... If I were a moderator of this board... I would Pin this thread (like all high volume threads of a singular topic and importance) so 1. the conversation will be kept (as much as posssible) to this one thread... visible for all to read and enjoy 2. once it has been murdered over and over and there hasn't been a post on it for maybe a week (usualy a new topic of interest will come up)... unpin it and let it drop off. 3. pin the new "topic of high volume interest" But I'm not a moderator... que sera If anything, they should merge it with the allready pinned topics
  10. Masterpeice Megatron,,,GOTTA be a p38, period Atenators Megatron = Desert Eagle .50 cal would be SSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOO sweet Anything else is uncivilized.....................
  11. That Konig kit is tight
  12. I cant see the pic at work, Ill have to look at home. jk BTW damn Im good lookin
  13. Honestly... I find it hard to believe that HG would simply be able to stop all import Macross toys from reaching the hands of the fans. Its too big, too many sources for them to just stop it. considering the ease of availability at the corner store instead of mail order, I dont think they would have too
  14. From what I've heard, that was more of a Spielberg thing than a Lucas thing. For some reason, SS has been very reluctant to embrace the whole "DVD extras" concept. I'd read once that it was because he feels that the film should speak for itself, or stand on its own, or something like that. All of his films on DVD have been a little lean on special features. I knew I liked Steven for some reason, I watch a movie, to watch a movie. If Im bored, watching the making of it isnt bad, but id prefer if they just stuck to originality in the content of the movie itself. They shouldve made people sit thier ass in the theater for an extra 45minutes on the twin towers,,,obviously that was part of the original content But maybe Lucas will CG up Indiana Jones with more flaming arrows and CG bats
  15. Glad I have the VHS oldies, Lucas is a Dick, period. and so is the guy who rereleased the 2 towers on the LOTR DVD, I bought the 1st friggin one
  16. yer damn right, I know I would and am willing to bet everyone else would too
  17. call it silly, but I think this will be a win, win situation as far as DVDs and toysand other products. If they are realeasing the DYRL movie in the states, maybe they will budget for a good dub. Once this catches on, look for a price drop in toys and products from all manufacturers. They are ussing the true names for that charicters, they cant release a product without the general populus knowwing where it came from,,,sit back and relax, I think the outcome will be good.
  18. Nope, I live where its cold thanks for your help, I wouldnt want ya to have to ship and wait for money, we could give you the money before hand. I will try to call the guy today,,,,,again
  19. Well, if you show up at the door, not being mean or persistant, you can ask for the items to be shipped and hopefully they will give them to ya. If they say not to come around anymore, and you do, that is harassment, but you can show up on anyones doorstep at least once. I really dont think they will give anyone a hard time, everyone has circumstances and if they (Alex and whoever) had bad intentions, maybe seeing a person in the flesh might soften them up a bit. I dont want anyone to be put into a bad situation.
  20. as for the JSF, not all of them will have vertical take off capabilities, only the navy and marines i believe. and its a low budget plane fo rwhat you get. I think the project is pretty nice myself and its very cost effective budget wise.
  21. Well, Its plenty past the 1st of the month and no reply, his password were mailed to his mom where he was at, I will PM each involved with his personal info and someone that lives close to gainsville florida will have to make the claim in thier own county. Please use the information wisely. thainks, Pat Detroit Area If I missed anyone in PM's let me know
  22. heres the pic of the JSF lockheed X-35 lots of directing and shaft operation going into a production aircraft
  23. Thanks pfunk. Can't wait to here what the news is. Left a message, will call again today a few more times.
  24. I will try to call him today and see what the statis is, I will follow up, i promise
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