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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. wasnt that Hikaru who gave the sign of god (cristian) in the TV series? i didnt think it was Max. when Mr K,cannon fodder died
  2. come on guys, Im not feeling that well lately and this isnt helping getting the same effect as monitarviolis's revenge avatar If thats kieth, i lost all respect man and yer under suspision
  3. That was one of the best parts in the movie, Im sure a lot of the guys here had that type of situation and can relate.....I thought he was going to go after her and when he didnt, I was like sweet, but,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,well, you all know
  4. Im sure that adds a little, but the basis of the story id the same. I really did like it, but the parts it differs from the TV really keeps me from really enjoying it, it sticks in my head too much . I do like the scene where that guys head gets cut off in the last fight when the Macross gets penitrated by a hit......the way Roy died i liked better in the TV. he was more of a hero thier i thinks too
  5. WTF, is that someone here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,whips out the scope/night vision,,waits patiently
  6. Well, Ive seen parts of DYRL and never really paid attention to the story (personal modeling reasons) And I just finished watching it yesterday from front to back and damn, What a friggin twist nothing to do with the TV at all. I should have been called Do You Remember the TV show, and hope not. It was really good, dont get me wrong, but talk about continuity......someone posted back about Macross II and that was noware near the disconnect here. I knew Minmey was a lot more,,,,mature in DYRL, but Hikaru enters in a diferent point in her life,,,,,,like shes older. Yes I did watch the Dub and it was well dubed like John Wayne (i forget who said that) meets the dislexic Zentran,,,,,Pro---------To-------Cul----ture. but the music was original and was very nice i must say. Roy had like no friggin part in the movie and was percived to be a damn near mindless drunk Minmey at 1st your like damn anime porn and then she matures at an amazing rate,,or is it just me. Hikaru doesnt seem as emotional as TV as well and falls in love FAST with Misa I enjoyed the movie, i just wish I wouldve seen it before the TV series Oh, and I liked the designs of the mecha in the TV series better, they looked more realistic
  7. pfunk

    Yamato rumors

    this does kinda suck, but who knows,,,personally I want the most complete selection in the best craftsmanship, but it doesnt look like anything is going to happen with the 1/48 line except expensive remolds of the same ol $hit, guess we wait and see. I dont want any 1/60's, but may have to get a GBP if it isnt in 1/48
  8. pfunk

    Mmm Good...

    wow, just for rarity sakes, i would built a recast and wouldnt touch the original. I think thats one of the most extensive collections ive seen, good work, also good luck on the job situation
  9. $35 for a DVD
  10. $5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i'll take it HLJ had those in stock for the longest time, i think they were $70 plus shipping, so that they are discontinued, I would say about $100+ depends on what someone is willing to pay
  11. nope, they were good, borderline great, now the dub for Mac 2 sucked Great how? The bad script changes? Myung being whiney? Isamu being more cocky than cool? How was the dub good? I guess your personal opinion is diferent then my personal opinion,,,crazy world
  12. and the bait.................................
  13. Awesome southcross, good luck on the build that things going to be huge
  14. ahhhh sweet, thiese guys do a great job
  15. (Regarding the rest of the post: what Anubis said.) You're correct that if HG had a legitimate exclusive right to DYRL in the US, it would be illegal to import and distribute DYRL stuff that wasn't licensed by HG. However, there would one major loophole: you could still import stuff for personal use. So if you ordered directly from overseas via Hobbylink Japan, Toy Wave, etc., you shouldn't have any problem. Places like Valkyrie Exchange, TMPAnime, etc., might have more difficulty, since they import stuff for resale. However, HG would have to furnish proof of its rights, something they've refused thus far to do. I'm not a lawyer, so please don't take the above as legal advice. It's just speculation based on my reading of the law. Relevant portions of US copyright law are US Code Title 17, Chapter 5, and Chapter 6. The loophole is Section 602 (a) (2). Explain me something... how is importing illegal? If its trully illegal... why haven't I seen Nintendo, Sony, MS and many other companies run after retailers who sell import games? WHy haven't I seen Habro run after retailers who sell japanese versions of TF toys that are also available in the US? In Hasbros case.... they lose a pretty big part of their sales to ppl who by the Takara TF toys simply because they might be better or somethhing. Sounds extremely fishy to me, but then again... it might be illegal... and they just don't care enough to go through the hassle of running after those retailers. they think its too little to invest the legal staff?????
  16. OK, this is pissing me off, What should I get to get the most content,,,,the trilogy in 2005????????when it comes out, I can rent whatever in the meantime i got the $hitty Twin towers 1st release and the original 1st one and damn it they better make the Hobbit, thats the only book i ever read except for Call of the Wild and various shop manuals,,,,,oh yeah, and playboy for the pictures
  17. OMG that thing would be 2 feet tall,,,,,,,how a bout a metroplex in 1/24,,it would be as tall as my little brother Im still perterbed about the no jet thing and probably no megatron gun
  18. I should run for govenor of Michigan edit - Hiiiii----yaaa!!! Pow! Whap! Slap! Slap! Slappity-slap! wapow! Woooo-aaaaahhhhhh!!!! (Stomp for good measure.) That's learn ya. Now you look like Daniel-san. DA ouch,,,,that hurt SQUISH just like grape
  19. Hang on a sec. I realize that there's a lot of legal, ethical, and moral doublespeak surrounding these issues, but I want to make clear that when there's a legitimate R1 release of a product, I wouldn't encourage anyone to seek a downloadable fansub or HK-type bootleg of it--except possibly to supplement the translation. I'd also prefer to keep talk of doing so out of MW. Well it isn't legal anywhere. I thought we were on the going by the same rules that fansubbers go by. If it's available domestically(U.S.) then it's a no-no. But if someone was to start a thread about fan-subbers then the occasional mention of bootlegs available domestically is somewhat tolerated or overlooked. That was the way I saw it,,,and I agree with it
  20. I should run for govenor of Michigan edit - Hiiiii----yaaa!!! Pow! Whap! Slap! Slap! Slappity-slap! wapow! Woooo-aaaaahhhhhh!!!! (Stomp for good measure.) That's learn ya. Now you look like Daniel-san. DA
  21. now THATS reality TV baby,,,,BAM! hell yes, a monster house VALK style working SDF-1 launch arm as an easychair
  22. yeah, thats the best way to drive a jeep,, so it is completly confirmed that thier will be no jets for decepticons and they will be cars?
  23. Huh? So if I rip and distribute for free the Mospeda DVD set, how am I screwing BW? In a way, yeah, cause your not buying it from them. I know they dont distribute over here, but if you get an original, they see that money No man... BW has NOTHING to do with Mospeda. Mospeda was produced by some other company. I didnt know that, I was refering to any company that is selling thier product, not necessarily BW or HG, Im talking about any licenced/copyrighted product. To the extreme, if you were selling your books and you only sold 20 and thier were 50 copies out thier, yo ulost money and hard work on 30 copies. Personally for me it would be a moral thing. Take a look at the site you like Steroids.com I agree on free speech, but, every person has a moral and ethical obligation to society. I like the professionalism of this site as far as profanity, its barely exhistant. Thiers humor and inuendo's, but it doesnt get as bad as 1/2 the sites out thier.long story short, if it isnt broke, dont fix it. If i were Shawn, i wouldnt allow it,,,but thats my opinion and yes opinions are like "A" holes, everyone has one.
  24. Huh? So if I rip and distribute for free the Mospeda DVD set, how am I screwing BW? In a way, yeah, cause your not buying it from them. I know they dont distribute over here, but if you get an original, they see that money
  25. Ill wait, i still havent got the 2 towers extended,,,,,i just got to figure out how to steel my buddies 70" LCD,,,,,,damn that things huge
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