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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. They really need to fix the issue and retrofit the planes. since they probably weren't designed to NOT have the carbon filters in place
  2. Wow, some really professional shots Canon T2i 18-55 which I hate and 70-300 USM IS. These are raw so a bit washed out From my trip out west
  3. I think it looks way better then the current franchise
  4. 100 bucks isnt bad for that kinda detail
  5. Ill follow, not a huge fan of podcasts, but usually people that like Macross have similar tastes and it makes for interesting listening. I think Macross breeds a different kind of anime fan. Good job fellas Edit and dont forget the call names so we know who to give $hit too
  6. Heat, to save the processor., maybe its bad or a bad core, with the vid, thats ram, so check those maybe
  7. Probably walked to his death, being 200 miles in, thats an awesome find, I hope someone restores it
  8. Im pretty sure you cant tell the military no like these pilots are trying to say
  9. I liked the first way better and I guess my expectation was high. The second was over the top shoot em up, trains talking to each other about whos the boss, psychedelic light shows, etc....
  10. Watched Adeu Galaxy Express and it really doesn't follow the same lines as Galaxy Express,, I didn't care for it at all.
  11. I love it when they have the matching luggage, I remember all my old Italian models had em I thought it was a great concept like back in the 20's and 30's
  12. Whow, That is awesome electric! And CW your a braver taper then me. Heres the rough assembly,,, I thought masking this thing was going to be a hoot, but compared to that F16,,, should be cake. I do think I wore out a set of files matching the panels though
  13. I love the red accents, it sets off all the greys
  14. Ozzy, even though he bothers the crap outta me
  15. Im still amazed at the lift at low speed of those heavy birds
  16. Delorian, what an ignorant choice in materials,,, could you find something heavier and more prone to blemishes,,, and then put a <200hp motor in it,,, they took the Esprit and added weight (another example of Lotus engineering for other people)
  17. Sweet work on the ship,,, Love the Pooh lunch box
  18. Hell man, Id just show up
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