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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. Prices to sell to who? They might be worth that price, but egads! I hate it when starting prices require a personal loan to make one. agh, you can get 3 larger/nicer versions for about that price
  2. and its freindly to the envirionment EPA Awards Lockheed Martin for F-35 Program PALMDALE, Calif. - Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co. in Palmdale has been recognized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for dramatically reducing the use of hazardous materials in the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program. Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co. is a business area of Lockheed Martin Corp. [NYSE: LMT] The plant received the EPA Region 9's 2003 Environmental Achievement Award for its F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Design for Environment (DfE) process. EPA officials presented the award on Earth Day, April 22, in San Francisco. The award recognizes "exceptional work and commitment to the environment." The company initiated DfE to identify, eliminate and minimize the use of hazardous materials in the F-35 design, production and subsequent operations throughout the aircraft's life cycle. The goal of DfE is to integrate materials into the design that reduce environmental impact, minimize effects on worker health and safety, and lower the life-cycle costs of hazardous materials handling.
  3. the A-10's is a 23??MM round that fires 4000 rounds a minute. it was built around that gun and thats its main armament. I really do think its taking over the role of the Tankbuster, heres a popular mechanics story on it. I really dont think it will do a bad job, i just think it lacks in the armor http://www.popularmechanics.com/science/mi...flexible_flyer/ I copied this from another site also * The F-35 has two weapons bays, each of which can accommodate a single "Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM)" GPS-guided bomb and an AIM-120 Advanced Medium-Range Air to Air Missile (AMRAAM). The F-35A and F-35C can carry two 900 kilogram (2,000 pound) JDAMS internally, while the STOVL F-35B is limited to internal carriage of two 450 kilogram (1,000 pound) JDAMs. The F-35A and F-35C variants have bulged weapons bays to accommodate the larger munitions. The two bays have two doors each, with the AMRAAM fitted on a launch rail on the inner door. Four stores pylons can be attached to all variants to provide a much larger warload, at the expense of stealth. The inner pylon on each wing is rated for up to 2,270 kilograms (5,000 pounds), while the outer pylon is rated for up to 1,135 kilograms (2,500 pounds). Only the USAF F-35A has a built-in gun, with an "Advanced 27 Millimeter Cannon", an improved version of the Mauser BK-27 revolver-type cannon, in the left wingroot. The other variants do not have a built-in gun, but can accommodate a cannon pack plugged into one of the weapons bays.
  4. pfunk

    Q-Rau Review Now Up

    damn i knew it reminded me of a fruit, thats funny stuff Neova
  5. sweet WM man i love that you have the patience for step by steps, cant wait to see the final product
  6. anyone see the history channels A-10 Tankbuster special,,,,,,,,,,SSSSSSWEEEEEEEETTT machine
  7. pfunk

    Q-Rau Review Now Up

    I have the money to get one yesterday, or 4 of them for that matter. But I still wont get one. For the cash I would say they needed to invest more into the pilot sculpt and articulation Im dissapointed that the visor doesnt move or isnt completly removable. I also agree to the fact of the interior. I truely like the TV version better like most stated in Grahams review. I will get a TV version for a cheaper price...Its the value of my cash to my collection that gets me, but Im the type of person that got 2 low vis early for $120-$130 shipped, call me silly, but ill be patient on this one, they have a very good start, i think that is the general consences. As far as diecast, thats a collectors fad, plastic is just as good if not better in some cases. Diecast is good if your a kid and you want to throw yer toys at other kids
  8. destroid whore thanks for the destroids BTW yeah, dont sell unless you cant make your mortgage, or your ussing it to get something diferent or better
  9. cripe, can you imagine if the GBP 1/48 came out
  10. awesome work man, your putting a foot in the rear of everyone here that has the kit to get to work
  11. Im hopeing they will realease them also,,,although, I would be satisfied with all the TV valks,,,good luck to you,,,thats allmost $3,000 in Valks
  12. all I gotta say,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,whow (in Keano Reeves voice)
  13. I thinks that 1st pic is of vader/anican, thats why he needs the suit, general concensis
  14. pfunk


    anyone want to make me a small loan? I'd love to get one... Id gladly pay you tuesday for a Q-rau today
  15. pfunk


    ack,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,said I wanted to wait for a greenie, but its wwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy to tempting,,,,damn it`
  16. I gotta start watching Zero, sounds really cool...... I think I would agree with most of the statements out thier as who knows whos right, I can see everyones point of view and they all make sence. i would recon to say, like said The writing of the story takes place in 2040 and its through a different perspective then the original cast. Most of the outcomes are the same and somethings may very well be urban legend, after all the earth and whats left of its inhabitence went through some trying times and Im sure folk lore came into play as this was probably writen buy a civilian,,,,,just an educated guess
  17. cool, I just noticed the customs page,,,,,,,,,,,,,THANKS this is sweet
  18. That's one of the pictures in the set of pictures for mslz22's 1/48 VF-1J Enigma custom More pictures can be seen here (third one down): http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/m...customs-148.htm cool gallery, thanks Graham
  19. they didn't cover the baby because overall they didn't cover micronization of the zentradi at all. had they fit that part in they probably would have shown the baby. though in the timeline of the movie, there wasn't any time gaps inwich the baby could have been actually born, but they could have had her pregnant or somethinng true, but they did show the micronization process and the DNA deal
  20. is that published anyware? Im really intreged to the answer from the source
  21. anyway why would they start ussing lesser known autobots instead of the "main" characters...................but then again, why wouldnt they make the decepticons planes??
  22. Atlantis reference?,, The making of the movie in later timeline does make a lot of sence as the outcomes were the same as far as the well known facts are concerned. Im surprised in that one aspect that they didnt cover, M&M's baby. since that seemed to be of very important historical significance and like you said with the city under the ocean
  23. Yeah, reading back i think I was a little heavy on the continuity dissconnect. I will definatly get the rereleased subtitled version (I hate reading, but o well, I do it on thiese forums) I think the lack of quality in the video itself made me not see all the scenes as were supposed to be viewed so the DVD should get my attention very well as I enjoyed the movie, but the dubs and video quality were pretty unsatisfactory. One thing i will say is I liked the mecha on DYRL, but i like the TV mecha (enemy) a bit better,,,,I really liked Minmeys attitude and how she was portrayed in DYRL I have a question that maybe some can answer, but i dont want to get into debates, only facts. Why did the writers change key aspects in the charactors and story line when they made the film,,,,was it a type of what if?,given the same circumstances those people would find a way to eachother anyway and the outcome would be the same????curiosity
  24. i dont' understand the confrontational nature of this topic... you've posted a ranting and opinionated "review(?)" of dyrl with out really creating a structure for discussion. what are you trying to tell us? i've had a hard day of class today, maybe i'm just loopy. Yeah, yer a little loopy 1st off, i dont think I was ranting, if I was, i apologize, that would be MW like I stated I really liked the movie, but it was hard to follow after seeing the TV series, thats basically it in a nut shell Every post is a personal opinion, unless its informational coming from Graham, Shawn, or someone with some information What would you insert in the post for discussion? just curious? should I make it a poll? I didnt want to create a VS thread, but inadvertantly I might have Anywho, Whats a good DVD to get thats "remastered"?
  25. sorry man, i had to get that out. I will get the DVD subbed version to see the quality of the film better. I think they were both great in thier own way, I just wish i wouldnt keep comparing the story lines of each. human nature thing going on here,,,,kinda like loving chevys because you were raised with them and then driving a 10 second mustang (speaking from experience)
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