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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. You keep using that word... I do not think it means what you think it means. ha, at least someone caught that, I hate acronims have to yse them everyday at work
  2. I love the TV mecha, but the DYRL SDF-1 is superior in looks IMMFHO
  3. 1763 sounds like a lot of aircraft to me. But it does say that the AIr FOrce will purchase that many aircraft. Is it a typo? sorry, I meant that the AF is only ussing as a complement for the F-22 and only taking the role of the 16 as far as the af is concerned. I should really reread my posts before hitting the submit button,,,,just a work thing
  4. ok, ill take the bait Fuke Me, i dont know
  5. gotta love running unix and explorer5,,,stupid computers did i mention i wanna be in tooo
  6. As far as stealth technologies, thier are constant upgrades being done to combat different types of radar and detection devises.As far as being up to date, my coisin has worked in the airforce in stealth technologies and the only thing that is unclassified is the fact when he 1st started he worked in the "nose of the plane" and when he retired, he told people to "work in the nose of the plane" his projects were the Stealth Bomber and part of the F-22 and F-117 stealth technologies. He allways told us, newwer/ better stuff is going on. basically they have a platform that will serve itself to new technologies. Thier comes a time when the cost of upgrading defeats the cost of new and we are at that time,
  7. ok, heres some added facts about the varients, as you can see, the planes can be quite different from eachother to accieve the role they are designed to replace wiether it be payload or range F-35 Variants US Air Force The Air Force expects that to purchase 1763 F-35s to complement the F-22 Raptor and replace the F-16 as an air-toground strike aircraft. The Air Force variant includes an internal gun, infrared sensors, and laser designator. This is the technologically simplest version of the JSF, in that it does not require hover or aircraft carrier capability. Therefore it does not require the vertical thrust or the handling qualities for catapult launches, augmented control authority at landing approach speeds and strengthened structure to handle arrested landings. At the same time, the Air Force F-35 will have to improve upon the high standards created by the F-16. Since replacement of the F-16 by the F-35 will entail a significant payload reduction, the F-35 faces a very demanding one shot one kill requirement. US Navy The requirement for carrier operations creates the largest differences between the Air Force and Navy version. The naval version has larger wing and tail control surfaces to enable low-speed approaches to aircraft carriers. Leadingedge flaps and foldable wing tip sections account for this increased wing area. The larger wing area also provides the Navy version with an increased payload capability. To support the stresses of carrier landings and catapult launches, the internal structure of this version is strengthened. In addition, the landing gear has longer stroke and higher load capacity, and of course an arresting hook is added. Compared to the F-18C, the F-35 has twice the range on internal fuel.. The design is also optimized for survivability, which is a key Navy requirement. Like the USAF version, the Navy version will incorporate an internal gun and sensors. This new fighter will be used by the Navy as a first-day-of-war attack fighter in conjunction with the F/A-18 Hornet. The Navy plans to purchase 480 JSF. US Marine Corps The distinguishing feature of the USMC version of the JSF is its short takeoff/vertical landing capability (STOVL). There will not be an internally mounted machine gun, but an external gun can be fitted. This version requires controllability on all axes while hovering. Another critical design feature is its impact on the ground surface beneath it during hover. The USMC expects their version of the JSF will replace the F/A-18 Hornet and the AV-8 Harrier. The Marine Corps expects to purchase 480 STOVL versions of the F-35. United Kingdom Royal Navy and Air Force This version will be very similar to the one procured by the United States Marine Corps I think the airforce wont see any gains with this plane, but they will have the F-22, you notice, numbers arnt thier for the AF to purchase
  8. damn, as long as they ship to Australasia its worth $800 Thanks for the info guys, Im just getting into collecting transformers again (as if I wasnt spending enough on Macross) I might be up for the wall mart set TANKS
  9. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...&category=49015 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...6&category=4696 Anyone have thiese??
  10. cant believe that thing is towing a trailer
  11. no doubt, so you can say whatever you want, like the Zentradi felt bad they destroyed the planet, so they built this nice spaceship to live on while rebuilding earth
  12. Yeah, I thought of that, too. But I know it would be almost impossible to keep it in the box. I did manage to keep my low vis in the box, thats just because I had another one, your right, i think it will be next too imposible. I really do hope thier are some good deals out thier,,,,hmmm, i need to get into contact with my "connection"
  13. it looks like a viper front and a C5R rear,,,, whats up with that
  14. crap, im Mars,,, thier isnt any guys in that series are thier
  15. FOX sucks, take it to cable stations, dont you have comcast wayy up thier in Canada. Hey if ya want, Ill take my lisence down and purchase a satalite and ship it to ya, I dont plan on getting one for about a year.
  16. And I'd like to extend a rather large Thank You(and you too Jessee!) for recasting the needed parts. I would have had to scratchbuild otherwise...not something I was really looking forward too Jarrod LOL..>Rob recasted them...I just played cheerleader and postman.....but thank you none the less...I have to start my soon! (but I need to finish my VF11 first ) And what a cheerleader you are thanks again guys for the parts
  17. ack, it would be nice to have positive confirmation on the TV style greeenie, so I may have to get one and custom it, or leave it in the box untill its confirmed,,,,,,now THATS a good idea, can ya tell i just thought of that As for the mods, everyone hates the police, but they are needed, just dont put yourself in front of the judge
  18. me 3, for all of them, but the Macross Universe i say is the most realistic and pheasable of all of them,
  19. REGULT It probably wont have diecast and the pilot will be stuck in the fetal position (great for display) and the backpack, uhm, cockpit hinge will break on a few members and well see countless threads on it ............WWWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA............... Just Kidding By The Way,, anything is cool, but like the captain said,,,please make the pilots posable, that would be the coolest
  20. He He, now thats priceless
  21. the F-35 has a 27MM Gun USAF version, and the other varients can get one plugged into one of the missle bays
  22. I bitched about the price myself a bit, but ya have to respect the guy, its his forum along with Grahams and it probably was getting a little petty with repeat coments
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