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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. pfunk

    Q-Rau is 1/60

    cause the boys in the hood.........................wheirs my parachute pants
  2. pfunk

    Just got my Q-Rau

    congrats, get some good pics. we need some for posability I posted before its been locked,,,,,,,,,,,SSSTTTTTEEEEERRRRIIKKEEEEEE
  3. The last I heard, he was too busy fighting C.A.N.C.E.R. to battle the forces of S.P.E.C.T.R.E. I thought he beat it a couple years ago, anywho Vin Diesel, FN he should be making rap videos Farrow?? Maybe Law?? Good actor, but i dont think it suits him
  4. yup, lebheads site is pinned somewhare around here,,its very good and informative
  5. pfunk

    1:48 TV hands recast

    Yeah, with those mini valks there, Rohby needs to do a special edition "DR Evil" hand for the Valk. oh god, someone has to take a pic of that,,,thats funny
  6. I see you had the same camaro kit as I I seriuosly think you got a factory problem ridden one like I said before. as far as posability, it takes a while to get any good type of pose off him. Youll find the ratchets dont ratchet where thier supposed too (needs to be like in between). Personally I would take it back to the store, Im sure they will at least give you store credit
  7. That sounds very odd, sounds like they are trying to run the molds for too long. Im sure the Hasbro molds are a direct copy of the Takara versions. I really dont think they would be ussing the same molds. I havent had any problems with the takara version as far as loose hands and such, getting it out of the box is the only thing im going to complain about. down right rediculous, anywho, hope you didnt get a lemon. Take it back and get another one and see how that one works
  8. put me down please and thank you,, maybe 2 if I can avoid the finacee Also the VF-4 looks gorgous, so when we get a tally together lets go from thier. Hopefully i dont have to put off buying things for the house/finacee
  9. sorry to say this folks, but it looks like its bandwagon time. For the 2 maybe 3 that didnt get introduced to Robotech 1st, they have room to complain, but all the others, all it did was make Macross better Im not saying he didnt take part in disecting (very minimally) a good series, Im saying he brought us this great anime and if you loved it and reasearched it, it would bring you here to Macross and the other great films and shows that were never released to us,,,,thats all
  10. IMMFHO = In My Muther frakking Humble Opinion? replace Mother with most,,, i hate ussing the word mother As far as the molds go , They wouldnt be anymore complicated then the Q-Rau, parts wise, they just are looking at potential sales and dont see a big profit. For example if they could sell fake dog doo for a bigger profit then valks,,,,damn right they would. The word needs to get out about a fan base that would buy this item
  11. if thier is a god.................
  12. pfunk

    1:48 TV hands recast

    shiet, who do i pay
  13. were counting on yer good work man, thats comming out pretty sweet
  14. thats awesome man, now hand it over
  15. heres some toy links http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?BAN75684 http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?MAX107
  16. duuuuude.... That would be soooo cool. Like the size of the 1/48 at least. HLJ ussed to have a few detailed models of the Big Guy. I liked the show myself
  17. Seems like everything over thier is for sale, they need an economy boost, but not by selling weapons. is this a rumor, or did they delay production of the F-22 again?
  18. they should be shot. Trying to make a buck on a toy,,,remember tickle me Elmo, that makes me sick
  19. Ditto that and too those who a biatching whare would you be without it, oh literate ones
  20. Man, That thing is so sweet, I might need ya for a layaway again till I get some cash together
  21. Gorgious peice of resin
  22. Too big. Not enough playability and they take up too much space. right, and the whole cleaning up thing when yer done,,,,,,,opps did I say that out loud
  23. Like the general concensis says, I really dont think the JSF is, or was designed to be a Air-Air role, just support role for the F-22. That will be the plane for air combat. even the bays only lend themselves to air to ground roles and the lack of guns on most varients. for playing the role of the harrier, IMO it will do an awesome job and doesnt require auxilary cooling as the harrier does in vertical takeoff, much more efficient.
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