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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. The problem with the quiz is it leaves the opinions of many out... Like the voilence question, there was no option for me. The "I live by violence, and love it" option. Obviously there were no decendants of The Major in M7. exactly i had to use "when necissary"
  2. Such compassion. Vostok 7 well, it does get old after 3years
  3. I thought I was the only one who did that thats great,,,,in that order too
  4. You are a lucky man... Keep it that way. well, it was easy, I play guitar, but it isnt my burning passion in life (thats set aside for my ol' lady) I dont get over emotional, but I can get violent. I think most red blooded (insert home country here) guy is about the same,,,anything variing in the answers to the questions would leave me emotionally unstable and thats not a male trait, not trying to knock anyone BTW
  5. I have no idea who/what this guy is
  6. Wait, that doesn't make much sense... Did you agree that she wouldn't like it? Not really, but I hate going/watching movies with her. Some weird force makes her ask questions about the movie in the perfectly wrong time, shes got a hell of a gift for that. I will probably see it with her, and she probably will like it. And I will probably miss some good parts and have to watch it on DVD. It was kinda inside joke to myself
  7. Looks good, finally me and the ol' lady agree on something,,,,,,,,,looks like Im going to have to leave her at home
  8. OK, you guys are right, after ep 4,,,,again What kills me is that the 1st flashback, he sees isamu holding her through his eyes and both Isamu and Myung have scared looks in thier faces, and they reference it between Myung and Guld to each other,,,oh well
  9. twice, but im into the investigating fully the 1st 2, this is my 3rd time,,not counting the countless rewinds
  10. Yellow Viper, not special ordered,,but not popular http://www.pbase.com/image/651107 Blue Vette,,,,very popular, and not special ordered (std color) only new Z06 will be optional competition painted blue with silver stripes
  11. fiscal... Well I don't have much business sense, but I just hear it from a friend of a friend's cousin who's brother's wife's nephew... had a friend... That and I like to yank on M+ fans chains... thanks, and glad to see your to your old self Im a pretty good business person and get drawn into (inadvertantly most of the time) in the "politics" of the automotive side of things,,,,which sucks BTW I have to say Hats Off to all who can stomach and work in Sales/Marketing/Purchasing,,I know I would end up knocking someones head off with a 2x4
  12. sorry bro are already available here in HK. Sorry bro
  13. Hey, target marketing doesn't always work. I actually can't really imagine what the M+ demographic really was. Well, M+ came out in 1994, so according to you reasoning, people that want a 1/48 maybe finally able to get it in 2014, because that's when they'll have the money and jobs to be able to afford it. Maybe they'll give M+ fans a break and release the 1/72 redesign halfway thru that mark... in 2009! If it maintains popularity, it wouldn't suprise me. That would be Par for the course. As far as target marketing goes, everything thats said is true as far as Agents stand point and the others that have a grasp on it. one thing to also remember here is that even thought they have enough fan base and market for th etoy, doesnt neccisarily mean that it wil come out. most companies like to invest thier money close to the begining of the siscal?? year so that they will have a better idea of budget at the end of the 1/4. And just because they have a market "buy the balls" doesnt mean they need to keep releasing new product, common business sence is run it till it starts to fall off and have something in your back pocket, but dont release it(OR anounce it) untill stocks fall to a certain point. This is probably one of the many reasons why Yamato wont allow Graham to speak of certain product
  14. thats not exactly true.. Guld blacked out and "thought" that Isamu tryied to rape her (or did)... then at the end of ep 4 Guld has a massive flashback then "remembers" that HE was the one that almost raped Myung... he realized at that point that Isamu and Myung KNEW and never told him, to protect him from himself (is how I interpret it). All this time Guld hated Isamu for something Guld didn't remember doing himself. my interpretation: From the clips I have seen I'm guessing that Guld saw Isamu and Myung hugging and he just went apeshit. The story seems to show that Myung loved both Isamu and Guld (Isamu a little more)... Guld was majorly in love with (had a crush on)Myung from the sounds of it... and when he saw them together his "possessive" rage took over. So many possible interpretations to debate over... for one thing its a stated fact that he "forgot" or "blocked out the memory" of what he himself did. watched it last night,,sorry man, the flashback was in ep 2 on volume 1 still in the DVD player, thiers no sugestion that he thought anything of Isamu, just that he is very reckless and he was jelous of him and Myung. In the 1st meeting between Guld and Myung, he tells her not to think about thier "past" and on episode 2 is when he sees Isamu holding Myung half naked and clutching to Isamu, how would he think that Isamu was the one who "abused" her. he would remember it diferently, dont ya think? And whats PTSD,,,,STD?
  15. thats just the icing on the cake
  16. OK, Ive been thinking about this thread and I had to see for myself. I watched specific portions of the OVA and heres some key parts that are self explanitory. Guld fully remembers that he tried to rape her. they show here with her shirt half ripped off through Gulds eyes. He tells her to forget about "what happened" in another scene. As far as the insaneness go's. Ist you see when he gets excited/angry/emotional, he starts to sweat and has to take some pills to ease some pain, whither it be from a ulcer or what, i really dont think it was an anger issue and nothing I saw shows that theory, unless anger causes extreme pain for him, but that sounds highly unlikely. also, I beleave its something that happened while he was in the military, cause the Capt. asked a doctor on the phone for his records/background
  17. Hey, He feels he can screw people over,,,,because he can!,,,,sorry bro all of his models, I say,,,whats he going to do SUE you. That is just rediculous. if thier is a sorry bro doing this, I want to be on the list for some never mind,,Im not a huge fan, but ill take one of nothing, for the love thing
  18. It's trying to look like the Competition Coupe version, but it's way off proportion. I was kinda thinking that,,, I havent followed the viper since Lutz and his sence of style left. it does look pretty cool though,,must admit. thier still isnt any sign of decepticons yet is thier,,,,,,,,hopefully they read all and keep the cars autobots
  19. this thread has gone south
  20. If I had a million dollors, Id be rich
  21. Oh yeah, and add me too both the monster and the VF-4 THANKS
  22. I have to buy this. I dont know whier else to get it. I understand the point and I dont own anybootlegs and thise will be the 1st. So in other words, i will be in the same boat as you are (GundamHead). I allways try to buy an original, but the mona lisa is way too expensive and I dont plan on selling my "reprint",(just an analogy) so i think it is valad and unhurting (to anyone) to buy this one recast that cant be gotton by normal means. But I cant pass this up, so I apologize for my forthcomming in defending this project
  23. pfunk

    Joon's Valkyries

    I cuncure Ive never owned a joons, but from what I hear, i think I might want too stick to the reissues
  24. YEAHHHHH, what about crouch poses,,,,CAN SHE DO MORE
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