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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. All I gotta say, is my kids are going to think Im the coolest dad, Fast cars, Fast Boats, Fast motorcycles sweet toys and models,, hope so, Fiancee wants to stay barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen till she pops out 6 we'll see
  2. gene, i bow down. i've spent about 3k on the car and it looks stock too, lol. Thanks Bro, But no need to bow down. I consider my Escalade as a big family car with style. Here a picture I took a few months ago! I can't believe she think's they're stock All the Escalades around here come standard with those rims(JK BTW)...whew $10G's for rims,,,,lemme know when you want another set for anything, I know quite a few individuals with connections Nice truck man! Im not going to include car stuf/business ventures for fear of embarasment. Put it this way, If i had all the money I lost in the past few years, I could take a few years off
  3. wow, someones a little green anywho, I have qiute a collection all packed away waiting for the move (maybe 3yrs) one thing i will suggest is call your insurance company and have those items covered under a replacement policy. I have done such. It costs me about an extra $500 a year, but that includes a few "other" things becides collections and hobbies Very nice collection BTW
  4. very nice, cant wait to see the "A" built
  5. Confirm me, I think we might be getting ahead of ourselves,,,without a recaster and all
  6. CONFIRMED, and thanks again for helping this come together,,,,now whare did my wallet run too
  7. Max is like one of them ninjas that Yamato has constantly on hand in case they think Graham has given us any unauthorized info... Max is a NINJA!!!! i might have had a hand in that one. the all knowwing Opus
  8. I would like to take this time to say Thank You
  9. I need to get on the Macross Zero kick, I figured I would wait until magna released a english dub, but oh well (JK BTW) and as far as the DVD's?? go. Where is the best place to get the volumes 1-3,,,,,,4?? I need region 1 I thinks. Are you guys just down loading, I just got the cable motem sucker is fast...anywho, looking for all alternatives Thanks In advance
  10. Action Star,,,,ALL the way Conan was the best movie for its time, Ive got allmost every movie he has made except for K Cop,,,,,,,,,VHS and DVD
  11. I got mine last week. The Spider-Man 2 trailer looks impressive. Im holding out for the movie,,,i want to know allmost nothing about it,,,,getting prepared to see a musical
  12. it is kinda like a bunch of women,,,,,,,,,sorry women Yeah, seems like on the toy side of things that thiers a excess of BS, but it seems to be bleeding into the models section,,,, and things would be a lot diferent if ya had to duke it out you bitch asses I see whiskey os outty BTW
  13. wow,,, i see whare all your values lie BTW my bitch ass asspipe is prety stinky and i dont think you want that
  14. like allmost everyone, seems like lately everyone is flying off the handle
  15. DAMN G-Man. Youa are OLD! I must be old to as I remember them as well. Heck... I remember a thing called a drive-in we still have one (drive in)
  16. I dont know about the others on here, but since Ive been a member here (long time 2 or more years), this is the worst I've ever seen it. Some of the mouths on here are getting rediculous and people are conducting themselves very unprofessional and attacking topics. I'm not sure what the cure is, but it seems the world is going crazy,,,the Macross World that is hate to see a good site go down in flames
  17. wow, it sold,,,,,,ill recast it if someone wants,,
  18. Macross, $165 on 1/48 VF-1J Super $500 on all takara reissue Transformers at once tens of thousands on Hot Rods
  19. wow, I havent been to the movies in a while. My view,,,,which is deranged sometimes is,,,OK, I will start down loading flicks cause your ussing my hard earned money to "preach" how I should conduct myself in the privacy of my own home,,, once I see it, thats what Im going to do. Also they have a new law in effect in my POS state that requires you too get plates for your vehical even if its not on the road, or else they charge you late fees every 6 months (great for those hot rodders working on restoring thier cars),, not to mention i ussed to register my trailers just for the summer time and now they want the full year price,,,ALSO the ticket for no registration is $250 non refundable, the counties going comunist,,,,sorry to change the subject, i couldnt help myself
  20. personally only saw G gundam and thought it was pretty good (from the semi few that I saw)
  21. yup and yup. pumping iron should be a prerec. before exercising Have you seen the Special Edition DVD? It has all the out takes. It shows how they tried to really make Bodybuilding a much bigger looking sport than it was when the movie was made... They kind of hid the fact that all the top competitors in the world all worked out in the same gym and they were all buddies. There were some great scenes they had to take out... They also have recent interviews with all the guys. I havent seen the SE DVD, but my "buddy" is supposed to lend it too me
  22. cool,,, nice shot man
  23. yup and yup. pumping iron should be a prerec. before exercising
  24. Such compassion. Vostok 7 well, it does get old after 3years I don't know about you man, but I don't do it for her entertainment... I do it for mine! your preaching to the choir,,,,,,,,,,,, yessssssaaaaaaa, can i get a aaaaaaaammmmeeennnnnaaaaa
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