My kids will be raised stricter then most, catholic school (90% go on to college, not for relegious beliefs (thats for them to decide)) and like me, nothing will be given for free, earning is the best policy, that breeds success. One thing I will to is teach them how to spell better then me and be young even when your old. as for TV and such, thats a luxury most time will be spent outside and with friends and dinner is for family. I will encourage, but not push to be in sports and the things that helped me out socially, we'll see how things turn out in our youths future, personally i think they will get tougher and only the strong will survive Darwinism will play a part with the weak youth of today, both fiancially and phisically (even though i really dont believe in darwinism) thier are trying times coming for all, in our goverment, schools, religion, and so on