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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. this sucks, disruption in continuity allways makes you look at a film diferently
  2. Wow... lucky thing you revealed that Roy. My question to the mods is... what's a good soap to get rid of virgin blood? Saliva. Shawn and Graham wouldn't waste good virgin blood now would they. While it is true that MW was created to find 14 through 30 year old male virgins who live in Mom's basement for their blood, it is also true that since Agent One came around there have been significantly less stock. Thats not quite what I meant. ow,,,,,wait ,,,oops, I allmost put a religous joke in here
  3. WOW, awesome collection
  4. AWESOME!!! Just to prove the great kids that Catholic schools produce: I went to Catholic school!!!! Your children will be destined for greatness. Hell yeah, I wish I would have went, they push you through public schools and just try to raise more money that some shithead superintendant is pocketing. anyway, i graduated highschool with a 1.2GPA and in college I got a 3.89 cum laude and took 90% of general ed 1st. Tell me thats not proof Back on topic, spare the rod, spoil the child sums it up(im not saying beat your children, but have a fair and just punishment for being bad,,,sometimes that can just be a look), My buddy Rick has never hit his kids, but he diciplens them right away after being bad(yelling sometimes) and people walk up to him and his wife in the grocery store and complement him on how well his kids behave
  5. Damn it I have the Takara Bug, 2 primes, all reissues, and all worlds smallest, this and yamato, not to mention evangelion now are putting my toy bill through the roof
  6. Speak for your self pal... I know many ladies that didn't want to go on living without the Agent ONE WANG. my ol' lady would dry up and shrivel away without the Funk
  7. pfunk

    How lucky were you?

    my mom sold all our toys or gave them to the needy I just have a sdf-1 and thats it
  8. All I gotta say is Go Pimp Monkey!
  9. good stuff CID, they released the mini robots in a set, and the tank is part of them also
  10. hmm, I tried for Hollowed be thy name
  11. My kids will be raised stricter then most, catholic school (90% go on to college, not for relegious beliefs (thats for them to decide)) and like me, nothing will be given for free, earning is the best policy, that breeds success. One thing I will to is teach them how to spell better then me and be young even when your old. as for TV and such, thats a luxury most time will be spent outside and with friends and dinner is for family. I will encourage, but not push to be in sports and the things that helped me out socially, we'll see how things turn out in our youths future, personally i think they will get tougher and only the strong will survive Darwinism will play a part with the weak youth of today, both fiancially and phisically (even though i really dont believe in darwinism) thier are trying times coming for all, in our goverment, schools, religion, and so on
  12. pfunk

    Hikaru Magic Cycle

    thats the best thing ever
  13. oh yeah, I followed a formula that my buddy built his motor too and his was 435HP. now that its out, im replacing the cam with a comp roller and some head work(magnum cam in it now) and juicing it with a 100hp shot of nitrous. it went great, but from a dead dig it spun the tires too much (5 speed/kevlar clutch) i want to be at about 600HP with nitrous. Im going to move everything to the bed (including fuel cell) to get more traction, Heres what went to the junk yard
  14. ah, no wonder i never understood where it came from, yeah, i dont make sence most of the time
  15. ya know, proofs in the pudding,,, yeah mostly heard from grandma's moneyshot works better Vostok 7
  16. ya know, proofs in the pudding,,, yeah mostly heard from grandma's
  17. heres the pudding
  18. heres a sleeper till it got smashed, now it rests in a junk yard, but the drivetrains in the garage next to an Extreme (95 sonoma)
  19. How about panty shots? A1 in panties,,,,,,,,,,,, I'd look good in anything.
  20. OMG!!!!!!!!!! i still dont believe it, dude thats some serious talent, i hope thats your 9-5 job
  21. Guy at work has bobafett on his leg,,,,,cool i guess, but not for me
  22. awesome,,,just awesome
  23. Damn you. You have a PM. ... just when I promised myself the buying spree was over! HeHe, i would, but i got one allready
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