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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. You got that right. I third this motion,,,,no pilot
  2. Oh My, I am so sorry to hear that horrible news, Greg, Please be strong, you and your daughter are in My and My families prayers. God Bless Pat
  3. ack, i just got 2,,, I only ordered one, but i have to give Shawn some cash, EXO, i cant find his paypal, could you PM it to me. Thanks a bunch, Pat
  4. Man, that sucks. If you talk to him, I'll cover mine reshipped. Thanks, Pat
  5. EXO, you the best, i bumped the FP thread again
  6. SHAWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,,, NO REPLY!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP,,,,,,,,,,,,NEED FAST PACKS AGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! seriously though, please reply Thanks, Pat
  7. I'm still waiting, I think thier is a bucnh that maybe held up (lost for a bit or caught under something) in shipping. Ive gotten packages like that before, sorry to say they were in bad shape. I hope this doesnt hold true for the FP's.
  8. wow, those pics were cool, LOOK!, The cliffs of insanity
  9. good stuff, i second that
  10. congrats,cute kid
  11. good deal, glad this happened. Thanks EXO
  12. I never realized how "child bearing" her hips were
  13. pfunk

    My Q-rau exploded

    thiers allways one person at the top. Anyways, like CID said what is chronopost, subsitiery of UPS?
  14. looking good! cant wait to see the finished product
  15. no models right now, working on a home gym (cablecross station) 1st on the list though, is the 1/100 regults
  16. ONE MILLION DOLLORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. oh boy, here we go again,,,,,BTW Im recasting a full size Maclaren F1 if anyones interested
  18. Ah, you just like having guys around that haven't fallen for the "rub my pectoral muscles and I'll buy you a Yamato" scheme that you've been using for years. I just can't figure out why >EXO< keeps falling for it, though. Seriously - I'm with A1, the n00bs are, for the most part, good folks. And to be back on topic... this thread amounts to yet another request by those who care about this site to try and help keep it current. I know it's an old subject - but it really is something that would be cool to address eventually. Yesh! I ren00bed for the pecs! Actually, when A1 said pecs I thought he said Chex. I mean it's not just a mix... it's a Party Mix! been a while since ive been on here, i kinda like the changes. As for noobs, when i 1st saw this site, i ussed the 1st page quite a bit for info and collecting, now i know it buy heart and go directly to the forums
  19. 5 minutes of photoshop=priceless
  20. that looks beutifull so far, nice detail work. Good way to section it all out like that, looks like a real fusalage. keep up the good work and keep us posted
  21. pfunk

    Custom SV-51

    That looks spectacular, nice work with the camo The foot on the other hand
  22. I maybe 20 lbs too light for the role, but I AM stronger than Arnold ever was. I am currently 202 with 11% bodyfat. Just an estimate, Arnold was maybe 220 with 10% for the first Conan, and 225 with 8% in the second. Just for reference he was in his best movie shape for Predator... I am guessing 210 with maybe 5% I figured you for about 6-8% BF, that was my "fighting" %, but i only was 180lbs, 5'9" though,,,,now Im 200 and probably 20% (working on it though) 20lbs of muscle though,,,HGH needed
  23. pfunk


    Yeah, that wouldn't create any drag or anything... It would be so sleek, so eligant... good stuff
  24. You keep getting better, its WAY better then waiting for Yamato to come out with a new product, you work is never disapointing,, keep up the good work and in keeping us in awe
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