I had to put other, every kit you guys do is so worth getting, I would hate to just put in a vote for one. It is nice to see some of the enemy mech though
Heres me and my new wife on vacation in Maui. I would have loved to drop by in Cali and visit some MW'ers, but time and money wouldnt permit.....Not to mention it wasnt 1st on her priority
Wha about the Rock, some,,,,scratch that,,, MOST of his movies are pretty corny, but Im sure he could kick John Waynes arse,,,,,,,
.............Is This Me.................
Do you ever have any problems with the night sights going out? on my Kimber eclipse, 2 of them went out after about 1000 rnds (no hot loads either). I do like them, when they work. Which reminds me, i have to go have another one put in, and the other is a little dull