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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. This is going to sound very stupid (no stupid questions, just stupid answers), But dont you have a setting on your computers browser to restrict children from going to questionable content sites,,,, and this site, I'm sure isnt labeled as such, So to me its kinda self explanitory (as long as Im correct in thinking thiers such a lockout)
  2. Well f*ck you and the white horse you thought you rode in on...... Ouch! While his phrasing may not be the most tactful, AgentONE does have a point. Southern Cross was arguably the least popular segment f Robotech, back in '85 and today. Im sorry, I have to third that,,,Sales of those items kinda proves so, So in saying that, I dont think they will use that part of the "franchise"
  3. Wow, ididnt care for the booster by itself, but when put together, WOW
  4. labradors will eat anything, My buddy kept the dog food in the garage and his golden chewed through the drywall and insulation to get to it, ate at least 15lbs of food,,, needless to say they had to get his stomach pumped. Seems like everyone I meet with a lab, has some story like that
  5. How did you "break" them in, your suppossed to do a series of slow stops (from like 30mph to 0) let them cool and do again for about 3-4 more times, also light pressure for at least the 1st 50 miles. Also, What materials are you running, I run ceramic and they run a lot cooler then metalic pads. another thing it could be is the rotor wasnt cut right and those are machining marks. If this is the case, dont worry, it will go away, but it does look a little glazed. Im guessing heavy braking. If they are glazed, you will need to have them re cut and sand the pads and break them in properly. Another thing is, the center of the rotor are vents that cool it and the caliper could be hanging up and causing the rotor to get hot and discoloring it. again, not seeing the car I do not know. are both sides doing it? whats the temp diff on each side? hope this helps, but you should have someone look at it, most places offer free inspections
  6. my favorite yet
  7. I like the Ruger Mini-14's (rancher) does anyone have any experience with the M-30's (that the .308 round right?)
  8. Are you kidding me? While Chevy and Ford seem to have the truck market cornered still, seems that for every Ford car on the road, there's three Hondas, and for every Chevy car on the road, there's three Toyotas. I personally drive a Mitsubishi, and my wife's looking to buy a Toyota Echo. My best friend drives a Toyota Matrix. While the senior citizen crown may still prefer their Buicks, Japanese I-4s are in. Hmm, Moms 94 trans am V8 got 24MPG on the highway and 18 city (her driving) My 96 vette got 28 highway and 16 city (Me driving ) My 2003 ford diesel crew cab gets 17 in the city (again, my size 12 is heavy), lets see a toyota tow and haul what I do. Quality,,,another HMMMM, take a look at mitsubishies 4bangers (2.2 i think) 60,000 miles and BOOM no oil preasure due to belt failure The truth isJD Powers, motor trend, consumers.... are bought and proven to be,. Ive worked in the auto industry for 15yrs for anyone from toyota to porshe, and they are all the same including GM, they have low price vehicals with lower quality and exspensive vehicals with a little better quality. OH, as for parts, thier is no true Japaniese, American, German, Swiss, car, they ALL share the same parts and the same people design and engineer them, the only difference is where the profit goes. 90% of cars are studioed in Cali or Detroit,,,the other 10% are Italian I buy american, cause the profit stays here,,,,,and thats the ONLY reason (and the others dont make a good truck (niether does GM in my opinion (who I work for now))
  9. With the ban lifted, is it possible to purchase H&K .308 (g3) (do they even make it anymore?)
  10. Soccer Moms are moms in 6+ passenger vehicles with that stupid soccer ball vinyl sticker in the back window (or my kid was honor student)
  11. I liked it, cept for the too much wacking off, everyone does it, but damn, dont animate it
  12. Have to say armor, Love that Mech
  13. those are very sweet, dont underestimate yourself, Great work
  14. bump1
  15. pfunk

    TV Max Custom 1/48

    nice job, could use a dull-cote (Just Kidding) good work man without the cote
  16. cute, knock em out the box LUKE
  17. I cant believe hes still doing bussiness, did anyone email him through ebay? well, the auction was pulled,,, i did email him
  18. pfunk

    Yamato Stand!

    um those are exhaust hangers thank you very much That looks great, kudos on the mounting trick
  19. Id rather see a SPACE BALLS TV Show Even though it was Korny, I liked the SG-1 series,,,,a little
  20. Guess more like a wish list, I think putting more Mac 0 on the main page would be a huge plus, in the toy and video section. I know thiers a lot of other things that prabably have priority, but I think that would bring Macross World up to date for all of us fans,, Just a suggestion
  21. I think that would be very helpfull, as long as only mods are able to post to it
  22. I cant believe hes still doing bussiness, did anyone email him through ebay?
  23. congrats!!!! , hopefully you guys are getting some sleep catch up
  24. Ice tea? Non-alcoholic beer? long island ice tea
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