Are you kidding me? While Chevy and Ford seem to have the truck market cornered still, seems that for every Ford car on the road, there's three Hondas, and for every Chevy car on the road, there's three Toyotas. I personally drive a Mitsubishi, and my wife's looking to buy a Toyota Echo. My best friend drives a Toyota Matrix. While the senior citizen crown may still prefer their Buicks, Japanese I-4s are in.
Hmm, Moms 94 trans am V8 got 24MPG on the highway and 18 city (her driving)
My 96 vette got 28 highway and 16 city (Me driving )
My 2003 ford diesel crew cab gets 17 in the city (again, my size 12 is heavy), lets see a toyota tow and haul what I do.
Quality,,,another HMMMM, take a look at mitsubishies 4bangers (2.2 i think) 60,000 miles and BOOM no oil preasure due to belt failure
The truth isJD Powers, motor trend, consumers.... are bought and proven to be,. Ive worked in the auto industry for 15yrs for anyone from toyota to porshe, and they are all the same including GM, they have low price vehicals with lower quality and exspensive vehicals with a little better quality. OH, as for parts, thier is no true Japaniese, American, German, Swiss, car, they ALL share the same parts and the same people design and engineer them, the only difference is where the profit goes. 90% of cars are studioed in Cali or Detroit,,,the other 10% are Italian
I buy american, cause the profit stays here,,,,,and thats the ONLY reason (and the others dont make a good truck (niether does GM in my opinion (who I work for now))